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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* the License.
#include "winutils.h"
// Function: GetMaskString
// Description:
// Get the mask string that are used for output to the console.
// Returns:
// TRUE: on success
// Notes:
// The function only sets the existed permission in the mask string. If the
// permission does not exist, the corresponding character in mask string is not
// altered. The caller need to initilize the mask string to be all '-' to get
// the correct mask string.
static BOOL GetMaskString(__in INT accessMask, __in_ecount(10) LPWSTR maskString)
if(wcslen(maskString) != 10)
return FALSE;
if ((accessMask & UX_DIRECTORY) == UX_DIRECTORY)
maskString[0] = L'd';
else if ((accessMask & UX_SYMLINK) == UX_SYMLINK)
maskString[0] = L'l';
if ((accessMask & UX_U_READ) == UX_U_READ)
maskString[1] = L'r';
if ((accessMask & UX_U_WRITE) == UX_U_WRITE)
maskString[2] = L'w';
if ((accessMask & UX_U_EXECUTE) == UX_U_EXECUTE)
maskString[3] = L'x';
if ((accessMask & UX_G_READ) == UX_G_READ)
maskString[4] = L'r';
if ((accessMask & UX_G_WRITE) == UX_G_WRITE)
maskString[5] = L'w';
if ((accessMask & UX_G_EXECUTE) == UX_G_EXECUTE)
maskString[6] = L'x';
if ((accessMask & UX_O_READ) == UX_O_READ)
maskString[7] = L'r';
if ((accessMask & UX_O_WRITE) == UX_O_WRITE)
maskString[8] = L'w';
if ((accessMask & UX_O_EXECUTE) == UX_O_EXECUTE)
maskString[9] = L'x';
return TRUE;
// Function: LsPrintLine
// Description:
// Print one line of 'ls' command given all the information needed
// Returns:
// None
// Notes:
// if useSeparator is false, separates the output tokens with a space
// character, otherwise, with a pipe character
static BOOL LsPrintLine(
const INT mask,
const DWORD hardlinkCount,
LPCWSTR ownerName,
LPCWSTR groupName,
const FILETIME *lpFileWritetime,
const LARGE_INTEGER fileSize,
BOOL useSeparator)
// 'd' + 'rwx' for user, group, other
static const size_t ck_ullMaskLen = 1 + 3 * 3;
LPWSTR maskString = NULL;
SYSTEMTIME stFileWriteTime;
maskString = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (ck_ullMaskLen+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
if (maskString == NULL)
ReportErrorCode(L"LocalAlloc", GetLastError());
return FALSE;
// Build mask string from mask mode
if (FAILED(StringCchCopyW(maskString, (ck_ullMaskLen+1), L"----------")))
goto LsPrintLineEnd;
if (!GetMaskString(mask, maskString))
goto LsPrintLineEnd;
// Convert file time to system time
if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(lpFileWritetime, &stFileWriteTime))
goto LsPrintLineEnd;
if (useSeparator)
fwprintf(stdout, L"%10s|%d|%s|%s|%lld|%3s|%2d|%4d|%s\n",
maskString, hardlinkCount, ownerName, groupName, fileSize.QuadPart,
MONTHS[stFileWriteTime.wMonth-1], stFileWriteTime.wDay,
stFileWriteTime.wYear, path);
fwprintf(stdout, L"%10s %d %s %s %lld %3s %2d %4d %s\n",
maskString, hardlinkCount, ownerName, groupName, fileSize.QuadPart,
MONTHS[stFileWriteTime.wMonth-1], stFileWriteTime.wDay,
stFileWriteTime.wYear, path);
ret = TRUE;
return ret;
// List of command line options supported by "winutils ls"
enum CmdLineOption
CmdLineOptionFollowSymlink = 0x1, // "-L"
CmdLineOptionSeparator = 0x2 // "-F"
// options should be powers of 2 (aka next is 0x4)
static wchar_t* CurrentDir = L".";
// Function: ParseCommandLine
// Description:
// Parses the command line
// Returns:
// TRUE on the valid command line, FALSE otherwise
BOOL ParseCommandLine(
__in int argc,
__in_ecount(argc) wchar_t *argv[],
__deref_out PWSTR *path,
__out int *optionsMask)
int MaxOptions = 2; // Should be equal to the number of elems in CmdLineOption
int i = 0;
assert(optionsMask != NULL);
assert(argv != NULL);
assert(path != NULL);
*optionsMask = 0;
if (argc == 1)
// no path specified, assume "."
*path = CurrentDir;
return TRUE;
if (argc == 2)
// only path specified, no other options
*path = argv[1];
return TRUE;
if (argc > 2 + MaxOptions)
// too many parameters
return FALSE;
for (i = 1; i < argc - 1; ++i)
if (wcscmp(argv[i], L"-L") == 0)
// Check if this option was already specified
BOOL alreadySet = *optionsMask & CmdLineOptionFollowSymlink;
if (alreadySet)
return FALSE;
*optionsMask |= CmdLineOptionFollowSymlink;
else if (wcscmp(argv[i], L"-F") == 0)
// Check if this option was already specified
BOOL alreadySet = *optionsMask & CmdLineOptionSeparator;
if (alreadySet)
return FALSE;
*optionsMask |= CmdLineOptionSeparator;
return FALSE;
*path = argv[argc - 1];
return TRUE;
// Function: Ls
// Description:
// The main method for ls command
// Returns:
// 0: on success
// Notes:
int Ls(__in int argc, __in_ecount(argc) wchar_t *argv[])
LPWSTR pathName = NULL;
LPWSTR longPathName = NULL;
LPWSTR ownerName = NULL;
LPWSTR groupName = NULL;
INT unixAccessMode = 0;
int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
int optionsMask = 0;
if (!ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, &pathName, &optionsMask))
fwprintf(stderr, L"Incorrect command line arguments.\n\n");
assert(pathName != NULL);
if (wcsspn(pathName, L"/?|><:*\"") != 0)
fwprintf(stderr, L"Incorrect file name format: %s\n", pathName);
// Convert the path the the long path
dwErrorCode = ConvertToLongPath(pathName, &longPathName);
if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
ReportErrorCode(L"ConvertToLongPath", dwErrorCode);
goto LsEnd;
dwErrorCode = GetFileInformationByName(
longPathName, optionsMask & CmdLineOptionFollowSymlink, &fileInformation);
if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
ReportErrorCode(L"GetFileInformationByName", dwErrorCode);
goto LsEnd;
dwErrorCode = FindFileOwnerAndPermission(longPathName,
optionsMask & CmdLineOptionFollowSymlink,
&ownerName, &groupName, &unixAccessMode);
if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS)
ReportErrorCode(L"FindFileOwnerAndPermission", dwErrorCode);
goto LsEnd;
fileSize.HighPart = fileInformation.nFileSizeHigh;
fileSize.LowPart = fileInformation.nFileSizeLow;
// Print output using the input path name (not the long one)
if (!LsPrintLine(unixAccessMode,
ownerName, groupName,
optionsMask & CmdLineOptionSeparator))
goto LsEnd;
return ret;
void LsUsage(LPCWSTR program)
fwprintf(stdout, L"\
Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [FILE]\n\
List information about the FILE (the current directory by default).\n\
Using long listing format and list directory entries instead of contents,\n\
and do not dereference symbolic links.\n\
Provides equivalent or similar function as 'ls -ld' on GNU/Linux.\n\
OPTIONS: -L dereference symbolic links\n\
-F format the output by separating tokens with a pipe\n",