Metrics are statistical information exposed by Hadoop daemons, used for monitoring, performance tuning and debug. There are many metrics available by default and they are very useful for troubleshooting. This page shows the details of the available metrics.
Each section describes each context into which metrics are grouped.
The documentation of Metrics 2.0 framework is [here](../../api/org/apache/hadoop/metrics2/package-summary.html).
jvm context
Each metrics record contains tags such as ProcessName, SessionID and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `MemNonHeapUsedM` | Current non-heap memory used in MB |
| `MemNonHeapCommittedM` | Current non-heap memory committed in MB |
| `MemNonHeapMaxM` | Max non-heap memory size in MB |
| `MemHeapUsedM` | Current heap memory used in MB |
| `MemHeapCommittedM` | Current heap memory committed in MB |
| `MemHeapMaxM` | Max heap memory size in MB |
| `MemMaxM` | Max memory size in MB |
| `ThreadsNew` | Current number of NEW threads |
| `ThreadsRunnable` | Current number of RUNNABLE threads |
| `ThreadsBlocked` | Current number of BLOCKED threads |
| `ThreadsWaiting` | Current number of WAITING threads |
| `ThreadsTimedWaiting` | Current number of TIMED\_WAITING threads |
| `ThreadsTerminated` | Current number of TERMINATED threads |
| `GcInfo` | Total GC count and GC time in msec, grouped by the kind of GC. ex.) GcCountPS Scavenge=6, GCTimeMillisPS Scavenge=40, GCCountPS MarkSweep=0, GCTimeMillisPS MarkSweep=0 |
| `GcCount` | Total GC count |
| `GcTimeMillis` | Total GC time in msec |
| `LogFatal` | Total number of FATAL logs |
| `LogError` | Total number of ERROR logs |
| `LogWarn` | Total number of WARN logs |
| `LogInfo` | Total number of INFO logs |
| `GcNumWarnThresholdExceeded` | Number of times that the GC warn threshold is exceeded |
| `GcNumInfoThresholdExceeded` | Number of times that the GC info threshold is exceeded |
| `GcTotalExtraSleepTime` | Total GC extra sleep time in msec |
rpc context
Each metrics record contains tags such as Hostname and port (number to which server is bound) as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `ReceivedBytes` | Total number of received bytes |
| `SentBytes` | Total number of sent bytes |
| `RpcQueueTimeNumOps` | Total number of RPC calls |
| `RpcQueueTimeAvgTime` | Average queue time in milliseconds |
| `RpcProcessingTimeNumOps` | Total number of RPC calls (same to RpcQueueTimeNumOps) |
| `RpcProcessingAvgTime` | Average Processing time in milliseconds |
| `RpcAuthenticationFailures` | Total number of authentication failures |
| `RpcAuthenticationSuccesses` | Total number of authentication successes |
| `RpcAuthorizationFailures` | Total number of authorization failures |
| `RpcAuthorizationSuccesses` | Total number of authorization successes |
| `NumOpenConnections` | Current number of open connections |
| `CallQueueLength` | Current length of the call queue |
| `rpcQueueTime`*num*`sNumOps` | Shows total number of RPC calls (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcQueueTime`*num*`s50thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 50th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcQueueTime`*num*`s75thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 75th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcQueueTime`*num*`s90thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 90th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcQueueTime`*num*`s95thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 95th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcQueueTime`*num*`s99thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 99th percentile of RPC queue time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcProcessingTime`*num*`sNumOps` | Shows total number of RPC calls (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcProcessingTime`*num*`s50thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 50th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcProcessingTime`*num*`s75thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 75th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcProcessingTime`*num*`s90thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 90th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcProcessingTime`*num*`s95thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 95th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `rpcProcessingTime`*num*`s99thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 99th percentile of RPC processing time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity) if `rpc.metrics.quantile.enable` is set to true. *num* is specified by `rpc.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
RetryCache metrics is useful to monitor NameNode fail-over. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `CacheHit` | Total number of RetryCache hit |
| `CacheCleared` | Total number of RetryCache cleared |
| `CacheUpdated` | Total number of RetryCache updated |
rpcdetailed context
Metrics of rpcdetailed context are exposed in unified manner by RPC layer. Two metrics are exposed for each RPC based on its name. Metrics named "(RPC method name)NumOps" indicates total number of method calls, and metrics named "(RPC method name)AvgTime" shows average turn around time for method calls in milliseconds.
Each metrics record contains tags such as Hostname and port (number to which server is bound) as additional information along with metrics.
The Metrics about RPCs which is not called are not included in metrics record.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| *methodname*`NumOps` | Total number of the times the method is called |
| *methodname*`AvgTime` | Average turn around time of the method in milliseconds |
dfs context
Each metrics record contains tags such as ProcessName, SessionId, and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `CreateFileOps` | Total number of files created |
| `FilesCreated` | Total number of files and directories created by create or mkdir operations |
| `FilesAppended` | Total number of files appended |
| `GetBlockLocations` | Total number of getBlockLocations operations |
| `FilesRenamed` | Total number of rename **operations** (NOT number of files/dirs renamed) |
| `GetListingOps` | Total number of directory listing operations |
| `DeleteFileOps` | Total number of delete operations |
| `FilesDeleted` | Total number of files and directories deleted by delete or rename operations |
| `FileInfoOps` | Total number of getFileInfo and getLinkFileInfo operations |
| `AddBlockOps` | Total number of addBlock operations succeeded |
| `GetAdditionalDatanodeOps` | Total number of getAdditionalDatanode operations |
| `CreateSymlinkOps` | Total number of createSymlink operations |
| `GetLinkTargetOps` | Total number of getLinkTarget operations |
| `FilesInGetListingOps` | Total number of files and directories listed by directory listing operations |
| `AllowSnapshotOps` | Total number of allowSnapshot operations |
| `DisallowSnapshotOps` | Total number of disallowSnapshot operations |
| `CreateSnapshotOps` | Total number of createSnapshot operations |
| `DeleteSnapshotOps` | Total number of deleteSnapshot operations |
| `RenameSnapshotOps` | Total number of renameSnapshot operations |
| `ListSnapshottableDirOps` | Total number of snapshottableDirectoryStatus operations |
| `SnapshotDiffReportOps` | Total number of getSnapshotDiffReport operations |
| `TransactionsNumOps` | Total number of Journal transactions |
| `TransactionsAvgTime` | Average time of Journal transactions in milliseconds |
| `SyncsNumOps` | Total number of Journal syncs |
| `SyncsAvgTime` | Average time of Journal syncs in milliseconds |
| `TransactionsBatchedInSync` | Total number of Journal transactions batched in sync |
| `BlockReportNumOps` | Total number of processing block reports from DataNode |
| `BlockReportAvgTime` | Average time of processing block reports in milliseconds |
| `CacheReportNumOps` | Total number of processing cache reports from DataNode |
| `CacheReportAvgTime` | Average time of processing cache reports in milliseconds |
| `SafeModeTime` | The interval between FSNameSystem starts and the last time safemode leaves in milliseconds. (sometimes not equal to the time in SafeMode, see [HDFS-5156]( |
| `FsImageLoadTime` | Time loading FS Image at startup in milliseconds |
| `FsImageLoadTime` | Time loading FS Image at startup in milliseconds |
| `GetEditNumOps` | Total number of edits downloads from SecondaryNameNode |
| `GetEditAvgTime` | Average edits download time in milliseconds |
| `GetImageNumOps` | Total number of fsimage downloads from SecondaryNameNode |
| `GetImageAvgTime` | Average fsimage download time in milliseconds |
| `PutImageNumOps` | Total number of fsimage uploads to SecondaryNameNode |
| `PutImageAvgTime` | Average fsimage upload time in milliseconds |
The server-side metrics for a journal from the JournalNode's perspective. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `Syncs60sNumOps` | Number of sync operations (1 minute granularity) |
| `Syncs60s50thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 50th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity) |
| `Syncs60s75thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 75th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity) |
| `Syncs60s90thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 90th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity) |
| `Syncs60s95thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 95th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity) |
| `Syncs60s99thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 99th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 minute granularity) |
| `Syncs300sNumOps` | Number of sync operations (5 minutes granularity) |
| `Syncs300s50thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 50th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity) |
| `Syncs300s75thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 75th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity) |
| `Syncs300s90thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 90th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity) |
| `Syncs300s95thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 95th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity) |
| `Syncs300s99thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 99th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (5 minutes granularity) |
| `Syncs3600sNumOps` | Number of sync operations (1 hour granularity) |
| `Syncs3600s50thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 50th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity) |
| `Syncs3600s75thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 75th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity) |
| `Syncs3600s90thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 90th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity) |
| `Syncs3600s95thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 95th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity) |
| `Syncs3600s99thPercentileLatencyMicros` | The 99th percentile of sync latency in microseconds (1 hour granularity) |
| `BatchesWritten` | Total number of batches written since startup |
| `TxnsWritten` | Total number of transactions written since startup |
| `BytesWritten` | Total number of bytes written since startup |
| `BatchesWrittenWhileLagging` | Total number of batches written where this node was lagging |
| `LastWriterEpoch` | Current writer's epoch number |
| `CurrentLagTxns` | The number of transactions that this JournalNode is lagging |
| `LastWrittenTxId` | The highest transaction id stored on this JournalNode |
| `LastPromisedEpoch` | The last epoch number which this node has promised not to accept any lower epoch, or 0 if no promises have been made |
Per-volume metrics contain Datanode Volume IO related statistics. Per-volume metrics are off by default. They can be enbabled by setting `dfs.datanode.enable.fileio.profiling` to **true**, but enabling per-volume metrics may have a performance impact. Each metrics record contains tags such as Hostname as additional information along with metrics.
| `TotalMetadataOperations` | Total number (monotonically increasing) of metadata operations. Metadata operations include stat, list, mkdir, delete, move, open and posix_fadvise. |
| `MetadataOperationRateNumOps` | The number of metadata operations within an interval time of metric |
| `MetadataOperationRateAvgTime` | Mean time of metadata operations in milliseconds |
| `MetadataOperationLatency`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of metadata operations latency in milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `TotalDataFileIos` | Total number (monotonically increasing) of data file io operations |
| `DataFileIoRateNumOps` | The number of data file io operations within an interval time of metric |
| `DataFileIoRateAvgTime` | Mean time of data file io operations in milliseconds |
| `DataFileIoLatency`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of data file io operations latency in milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `FlushIoRateNumOps` | The number of file flush io operations within an interval time of metric |
| `FlushIoRateAvgTime` | Mean time of file flush io operations in milliseconds |
| `FlushIoLatency`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file flush io operations latency in milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `SyncIoRateNumOps` | The number of file sync io operations within an interval time of metric |
| `SyncIoRateAvgTime` | Mean time of file sync io operations in milliseconds |
| `SyncIoLatency`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file sync io operations latency in milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `ReadIoRateNumOps` | The number of file read io operations within an interval time of metric |
| `ReadIoRateAvgTime` | Mean time of file read io operations in milliseconds |
| `ReadIoLatency`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file read io operations latency in milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `WriteIoRateNumOps` | The number of file write io operations within an interval time of metric |
| `WriteIoRateAvgTime` | Mean time of file write io operations in milliseconds |
| `WriteIoLatency`*num*`s(50|75|90|95|99)thPercentileLatency` | The 50/75/90/95/99th percentile of file write io operations latency in milliseconds. Percentile measurement is off by default, by watching no intervals. The intervals are specified by `dfs.metrics.percentiles.intervals`. |
| `TotalFileIoErrors` | Total number (monotonically increasing) of file io error operations |
| `FileIoErrorRateNumOps` | The number of file io error operations within an interval time of metric |
| `FileIoErrorRateAvgTime` | It measures the mean time in milliseconds from the start of an operation to hitting a failure |
ClusterMetrics shows the metrics of the YARN cluster from the ResourceManager's perspective. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `NumActiveNMs` | Current number of active NodeManagers |
QueueMetrics shows an application queue from the ResourceManager's perspective. Each metrics record shows the statistics of each queue, and contains tags such as queue name and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.
In `running_`*num* metrics such as `running_0`, you can set the property `yarn.resourcemanager.metrics.runtime.buckets` in yarn-site.xml to change the buckets. The default values is `60,300,1440`.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `running_0` | Current number of running applications whose elapsed time are less than 60 minutes |
| `running_60` | Current number of running applications whose elapsed time are between 60 and 300 minutes |
| `running_300` | Current number of running applications whose elapsed time are between 300 and 1440 minutes |
| `running_1440` | Current number of running applications elapsed time are more than 1440 minutes |
| `AppsSubmitted` | Total number of submitted applications |
| `AppsRunning` | Current number of running applications |
| `AppsPending` | Current number of applications that have not yet been assigned by any containers |
| `AppsCompleted` | Total number of completed applications |
| `AppsKilled` | Total number of killed applications |
| `AppsFailed` | Total number of failed applications |
| `AllocatedMB` | Current allocated memory in MB |
| `AllocatedVCores` | Current allocated CPU in virtual cores |
| `AllocatedContainers` | Current number of allocated containers |
| `AggregateContainersAllocated` | Total number of allocated containers |
| `AppAttemptFirstContainerAllocationDelayNumOps` | Total number of first container allocated for all attempts |
| `AppAttemptFirstContainerAllocationDelayAvgTime` | Average time RM spends to allocate the first container for all attempts. For managed AM, the first container is AM container. So, this indicates the time duration to allocate AM container. For unmanaged AM, this is the time duration to allocate the first container asked by unmanaged AM. |
| `FairShareMB` | (FairScheduler only) Current fair share of memory in MB |
| `FairShareVCores` | (FairScheduler only) Current fair share of CPU in virtual cores |
| `MinShareMB` | (FairScheduler only) Minimum share of memory in MB |
| `MinShareVCores` | (FairScheduler only) Minimum share of CPU in virtual cores |
| `MaxShareMB` | (FairScheduler only) Maximum share of memory in MB |
| `MaxShareVCores` | (FairScheduler only) Maximum share of CPU in virtual cores |
NodeManagerMetrics shows the statistics of the containers in the node. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `containersLaunched` | Total number of launched containers |
| `containersCompleted` | Total number of successfully completed containers |
| `containersFailed` | Total number of failed containers |
| `containersKilled` | Total number of killed containers |
| `containersIniting` | Current number of initializing containers |
| `containersRunning` | Current number of running containers |
| `allocatedContainers` | Current number of allocated containers |
| `allocatedGB` | Current allocated memory in GB |
| `availableGB` | Current available memory in GB |
| `containerLaunchDuration` | Average time duration in milliseconds NM takes to launch a container|
| `badLocalDirs` | Current number of bad local directories. Currently, a disk that cannot be read/written/executed by NM process or A disk being full is considered as bad.|
| `badLogDirs` | Current number of bad log directories. Currently, a disk that cannot be read/written/executed by NM process or A disk being full is considered as bad. |
| `goodLocalDirsDiskUtilizationPerc` | Current disk utilization percentage across all good local directories |
| `goodLogDirsDiskUtilizationPerc` | Current disk utilization percentage across all good log directories |
ContainerMetrics shows the resource utilization statistics of a container. Each metrics record contains tags such as ContainerPid and Hostname as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `pMemLimitMBs` | Physical memory limit of the container in MB |
| `vMemLimitMBs` | Virtual memory limit of the container in MB |
| `vCoreLimit` | CPU limit of the container in number of vcores |
| `launchDurationMs` | Container launch duration in msec |
| `localizationDurationMs` | Container localization duration in msec |
| `StartTime` | Time in msec when container starts |
| `FinishTime` | Time in msec when container finishes |
| `ExitCode` | Container's exit code |
| `PMemUsageMBsNumUsage` | Total number of physical memory used metrics |
| `PMemUsageMBsAvgMBs` | Average physical memory used in MB |
| `PMemUsageMBsStdevMBs` | Standard deviation of the physical memory used in MB |
| `PMemUsageMBsMinMBs` | Minimum physical memory used in MB |
| `PMemUsageMBsMaxMBs` | Maximum physical memory used in MB |
| `PMemUsageMBsIMinMBs` | Minimum physical memory used in MB of current _interval_ (the time of _interval_ is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms) |
| `PMemUsageMBsIMaxMBs` | Maximum physical memory used in MB of current _interval_ (the time of _interval_ is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms) |
| `PMemUsageMBsINumUsage` | Total number of physical memory used metrics in current _interval_ (the time of _interval_ is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms) |
| `PCpuUsagePercentNumUsage` | Total number of physical CPU cores percent used metrics |
| `PCpuUsagePercentAvgPercents` | Average physical CPU cores percent used |
| `PCpuUsagePercentStdevPercents` | Standard deviation of physical CPU cores percent used |
| `PCpuUsagePercentMinPercents` | Minimum physical CPU cores percent used|
| `PCpuUsagePercentMaxPercents` | Maximum physical CPU cores percent used |
| `PCpuUsagePercentIMinPercents` | Minimum physical CPU cores percent used in current _interval_ (the time of _interval_ is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms) |
| `PCpuUsagePercentIMaxPercents` | Maximum physical CPU cores percent used in current _interval_ (the time of _interval_ is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms) |
| `PCpuUsagePercentINumUsage` | Total number of physical CPU cores used metrics in current _interval_ (the time of _interval_ is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms) |
| `MilliVcoreUsageNumUsage` | Total number of vcores used metrics |
| `MilliVcoreUsageAvgMilliVcores` | 1000 times the average vcores used |
| `MilliVcoreUsageStdevMilliVcores` | 1000 times the standard deviation of vcores used |
| `MilliVcoreUsageMinMilliVcores` | 1000 times the minimum vcores used |
| `MilliVcoreUsageMaxMilliVcores` | 1000 times the maximum vcores used |
| `MilliVcoreUsageIMinMilliVcores` | 1000 times the average vcores used in current _interval_ (the time of _interval_ is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms) |
| `MilliVcoreUsageIMaxMilliVcores` | 1000 times the maximum vcores used in current _interval_ (the time of _interval_ is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms) |
| `MilliVcoreUsageINumUsage` | Total number of vcores used metrics in current _interval_ (the time of _interval_ is specified by yarn.nodemanager.container-metrics.period-ms) |
| `PMemUsageMBHistogramNumUsage` | Total number of physical memory used metrics (1 second granularity) |
| `PMemUsageMBHistogram50thPercentileMBs` | The 50th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity) |
| `PMemUsageMBHistogram75thPercentileMBs` | The 75th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity) |
| `PMemUsageMBHistogram90thPercentileMBs` | The 90th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity) |
| `PMemUsageMBHistogram95thPercentileMBs` | The 95th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity) |
| `PMemUsageMBHistogram99thPercentileMBs` | The 99th percentile of physical memory used in MB (1 second granularity) |
| `PCpuUsagePercentHistogramNumUsage` | Total number of physical CPU cores used metrics (1 second granularity) |
| `PCpuUsagePercentHistogram50thPercentilePercents` | The 50th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity) |
| `PCpuUsagePercentHistogram75thPercentilePercents` | The 75th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity) |
| `PCpuUsagePercentHistogram90thPercentilePercents` | The 90th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity) |
| `PCpuUsagePercentHistogram95thPercentilePercents` | The 95th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity) |
| `PCpuUsagePercentHistogram99thPercentilePercents` | The 99th percentile of physical CPU cores percent used (1 second granularity) |
UgiMetrics is related to user and group information. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `LoginSuccessNumOps` | Total number of successful kerberos logins |
| `LoginSuccessAvgTime` | Average time for successful kerberos logins in milliseconds |
| `LoginFailureNumOps` | Total number of failed kerberos logins |
| `LoginFailureAvgTime` | Average time for failed kerberos logins in milliseconds |
| `getGroupsNumOps` | Total number of group resolutions |
| `getGroupsAvgTime` | Average time for group resolution in milliseconds |
| `getGroups`*num*`sNumOps` | Total number of group resolutions (*num* seconds granularity). *num* is specified by ``. |
| `getGroups`*num*`s50thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 50th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity). *num* is specified by ``. |
| `getGroups`*num*`s75thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 75th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity). *num* is specified by ``. |
| `getGroups`*num*`s90thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 90th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity). *num* is specified by ``. |
| `getGroups`*num*`s95thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 95th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity). *num* is specified by ``. |
| `getGroups`*num*`s99thPercentileLatency` | Shows the 99th percentile of group resolution time in milliseconds (*num* seconds granularity). *num* is specified by ``. |
metricssystem context
MetricsSystem shows the statistics for metrics snapshots and publishes. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `NumActiveSources` | Current number of active metrics sources |
| `NumAllSources` | Total number of metrics sources |
| `NumActiveSinks` | Current number of active sinks |
| `NumAllSinks` | Total number of sinks (BUT usually less than `NumActiveSinks`, see [HADOOP-9946]( |
| `SnapshotNumOps` | Total number of operations to snapshot statistics from a metrics source |
| `SnapshotAvgTime` | Average time in milliseconds to snapshot statistics from a metrics source |
| `PublishNumOps` | Total number of operations to publish statistics to a sink |
| `PublishAvgTime` | Average time in milliseconds to publish statistics to a sink |
| `DroppedPubAll` | Total number of dropped publishes |
| `Sink_`*instance*`NumOps` | Total number of sink operations for the *instance* |
| `Sink_`*instance*`AvgTime` | Average time in milliseconds of sink operations for the *instance* |
| `Sink_`*instance*`Dropped` | Total number of dropped sink operations for the *instance* |
StartupProgress metrics shows the statistics of NameNode startup. Four metrics are exposed for each startup phase based on its name. The startup *phase*s are `LoadingFsImage`, `LoadingEdits`, `SavingCheckpoint`, and `SafeMode`. Each metrics record contains Hostname tag as additional information along with metrics.
| Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `ElapsedTime` | Total elapsed time in milliseconds |
| `PercentComplete` | Current rate completed in NameNode startup progress (The max value is not 100 but 1.0) |
| *phase*`Count` | Total number of steps completed in the phase |
| *phase*`ElapsedTime` | Total elapsed time in the phase in milliseconds |
| *phase*`Total` | Total number of steps in the phase |
| *phase*`PercentComplete` | Current rate completed in the phase (The max value is not 100 but 1.0) |