In addition, a container-executer.cfg file must exist and contain settings for
the container executor. The file must be owned by root with permissions 0400.
The format of the file is the standard Java properties file format, for example
The following properties are required to enable Docker support:
|Configuration Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `` | The Unix group of the NodeManager. It should match the in the yarn-site.xml file. |
The container-executor.cfg must contain a section to determine the capabilities that containers
are allowed. It contains the following properties:
|Configuration Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `module.enabled` | Must be "true" or "false" to enable or disable launching Docker containers respectively. Default value is 0. |
| `docker.binary` | The binary used to launch Docker containers. /usr/bin/docker by default. |
| `docker.allowed.capabilities` | Comma separated capabilities that containers are allowed to add. By default no capabilities are allowed to be added. |
| `docker.allowed.devices` | Comma separated devices that containers are allowed to mount. By default no devices are allowed to be added. |
| `docker.allowed.networks` | Comma separated networks that containers are allowed to use. If no network is specified when launching the container, the default Docker network will be used. |
| `` | Comma separated directories that containers are allowed to mount in read-only mode. By default, no directories are allowed to mounted. |
| `` | Comma separated directories that containers are allowed to mount in read-write mode. By default, no directories are allowed to mounted. |
| `docker.privileged-containers.enabled` | Set to 1 or 0 to enable or disable launching privileged containers. Default value is 0. |
Please note that if you wish to run Docker containers that require access to the YARN local directories, you must add them to the list.
In addition, containers are not permitted to mount any parent of the container-executor.cfg directory in read-write mode.
| `` | The minimum UID that is allowed to launch applications. The default is no minimum |
| `banned.users` | A comma-separated list of usernames who should not be allowed to launch applications. The default setting is: yarn, mapred, hdfs, and bin. |
| `allowed.system.users` | A comma-separated list of usernames who should be allowed to launch applications even if their UIDs are below the configured minimum. If a user appears in allowed.system.users and banned.users, the user will be considered banned. |
| `` | Must be 0 or 1. 0 means traffic control commands are disabled. 1 means traffic control commands are allowed. |
set, the entry point will be honored, but the default command may be
overridden, as just mentioned above. Unless the entry point is
something similar to `sh -c` or
result will likely be undesirable. Because the YARN container launch script
is required to correctly launch the YARN task, use of entry points is
If an application requests a Docker image that has not already been loaded by
the Docker daemon on the host where it is to execute, the Docker daemon will
implicitly perform a Docker pull command. Both MapReduce and Spark assume that
tasks which take more that 10 minutes to report progress have stalled, so
specifying a large Docker image may cause the application to fail.
Application Submission
Before attempting to launch a Docker container, make sure that the LCE
configuration is working for applications requesting regular YARN containers.
If after enabling the LCE one or more NodeManagers fail to start, the cause is
most likely that the ownership and/or permissions on the container-executer
binary are incorrect. Check the logs to confirm.
In order to run an application in a Docker container, set the following
environment variables in the application's environment:
| Environment Variable Name | Description |
| :------------------------ | :---------- |
| `YARN_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_TYPE` | Determines whether an application will be launched in a Docker container. If the value is "docker", the application will be launched in a Docker container. Otherwise a regular process tree container will be used. |
| `YARN_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_DOCKER_IMAGE` | Names which image will be used to launch the Docker container. Any image name that could be passed to the Docker client's run command may be used. The image name may include a repo prefix. |
| `YARN_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_DOCKER_RUN_OVERRIDE_DISABLE` | Controls whether the Docker container's default command is overridden. When set to true, the Docker container's command will be "bash _path\_to\_launch\_script_". When unset or set to false, the Docker container's default command is used. |
| `YARN_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_DOCKER_CONTAINER_NETWORK` | Sets the network type to be used by the Docker container. It must be a valid value as determined by the yarn.nodemanager.runtime.linux.docker.allowed-container-networks property. |
| `YARN_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_DOCKER_RUN_PRIVILEGED_CONTAINER` | Controls whether the Docker container is a privileged container. In order to use privileged containers, the yarn.nodemanager.runtime.linux.docker.privileged-containers.allowed property must be set to true, and the application owner must appear in the value of the yarn.nodemanager.runtime.linux.docker.privileged-containers.acl property. If this environment variable is set to true, a privileged Docker container will be used if allowed. No other value is allowed, so the environment variable should be left unset rather than setting it to false. |
| `YARN_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_DOCKER_LOCAL_RESOURCE_MOUNTS` | Adds additional volume mounts to the Docker container. The value of the environment variable should be a comma-separated list of mounts. All such mounts must be given as "source:dest", where the source is an absolute path that is not a symlink and that points to a localized resource. Note that as of YARN-5298, localized directories are automatically mounted into the container as volumes. |
The first two are required. The remainder can be set as needed. While
controlling the container type through environment variables is somewhat less
than ideal, it allows applications with no awareness of YARN's Docker support
(such as MapReduce and Spark) to nonetheless take advantage of it through their
support for configuring the application environment.
Once an application has been submitted to be launched in a Docker container,
the application will behave exactly as any other YARN application. Logs will be
aggregated and stored in the relevant history server. The application life cycle
will be the same as for a non-Docker application.
Connecting to a Secure Docker Repository
Until YARN-5428 is complete, the Docker client command will draw its
configuration from the default location, which is $HOME/.docker/config.json on
the NodeManager host. The Docker configuration is where secure repository
credentials are stored, so use of the LCE with secure Docker repos is
discouraged until YARN-5428 is complete.
As a work-around, you may manually log the Docker daemon on every NodeManager
host into the secure repo using the Docker login command:
docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER]
Register or log in to a Docker registry server, if no server is specified
"" is the default.
-e, --email="" Email
-p, --password="" Password
-u, --username="" Username
Note that this approach means that all users will have access to the secure
Example: MapReduce
To submit the pi job to run in Docker containers, run the following commands: