This document describes the `CapacityScheduler`, a pluggable scheduler for Hadoop which allows for multiple-tenants to securely share a large cluster such that their applications are allocated resources in a timely manner under constraints of allocated capacities.
The `CapacityScheduler` is designed to run Hadoop applications as a shared, multi-tenant cluster in an operator-friendly manner while maximizing the throughput and the utilization of the cluster.
Traditionally each organization has it own private set of compute resources that have sufficient capacity to meet the organization's SLA under peak or near peak conditions. This generally leads to poor average utilization and overhead of managing multiple independent clusters, one per each organization. Sharing clusters between organizations is a cost-effective manner of running large Hadoop installations since this allows them to reap benefits of economies of scale without creating private clusters. However, organizations are concerned about sharing a cluster because they are worried about others using the resources that are critical for their SLAs.
The `CapacityScheduler` is designed to allow sharing a large cluster while giving each organization capacity guarantees. The central idea is that the available resources in the Hadoop cluster are shared among multiple organizations who collectively fund the cluster based on their computing needs. There is an added benefit that an organization can access any excess capacity not being used by others. This provides elasticity for the organizations in a cost-effective manner.
Sharing clusters across organizations necessitates strong support for multi-tenancy since each organization must be guaranteed capacity and safe-guards to ensure the shared cluster is impervious to single rouge application or user or sets thereof. The `CapacityScheduler` provides a stringent set of limits to ensure that a single application or user or queue cannot consume disproportionate amount of resources in the cluster. Also, the `CapacityScheduler` provides limits on initialized/pending applications from a single user and queue to ensure fairness and stability of the cluster.
The primary abstraction provided by the `CapacityScheduler` is the concept of *queues*. These queues are typically setup by administrators to reflect the economics of the shared cluster.
To provide further control and predictability on sharing of resources, the `CapacityScheduler` supports *hierarchical queues* to ensure resources are shared among the sub-queues of an organization before other queues are allowed to use free resources, there-by providing *affinity* for sharing free resources among applications of a given organization.
The `CapacityScheduler` supports the following features:
* **Hierarchical Queues** - Hierarchy of queues is supported to ensure resources are shared among the sub-queues of an organization before other queues are allowed to use free resources, there-by providing more control and predictability.
* **Capacity Guarantees** - Queues are allocated a fraction of the capacity of the grid in the sense that a certain capacity of resources will be at their disposal. All applications submitted to a queue will have access to the capacity allocated to the queue. Administrators can configure soft limits and optional hard limits on the capacity allocated to each queue.
* **Security** - Each queue has strict ACLs which controls which users can submit applications to individual queues. Also, there are safe-guards to ensure that users cannot view and/or modify applications from other users. Also, per-queue and system administrator roles are supported.
* **Elasticity** - Free resources can be allocated to any queue beyond its capacity. When there is demand for these resources from queues running below capacity at a future point in time, as tasks scheduled on these resources complete, they will be assigned to applications on queues running below the capacity (pre-emption is also supported). This ensures that resources are available in a predictable and elastic manner to queues, thus preventing artificial silos of resources in the cluster which helps utilization.
* **Multi-tenancy** - Comprehensive set of limits are provided to prevent a single application, user and queue from monopolizing resources of the queue or the cluster as a whole to ensure that the cluster isn't overwhelmed.
* **Operability**
* Runtime Configuration - The queue definitions and properties such as capacity, ACLs can be changed, at runtime, by administrators in a secure manner to minimize disruption to users. Also, a console is provided for users and administrators to view current allocation of resources to various queues in the system. Administrators can *add additional queues* at runtime, but queues cannot be *deleted* at runtime.
* Drain applications - Administrators can *stop* queues at runtime to ensure that while existing applications run to completion, no new applications can be submitted. If a queue is in `STOPPED` state, new applications cannot be submitted to *itself* or *any of its child queues*. Existing applications continue to completion, thus the queue can be *drained* gracefully. Administrators can also *start* the stopped queues.
* **Resource-based Scheduling** - Support for resource-intensive applications, where-in a application can optionally specify higher resource-requirements than the default, there-by accommodating applications with differing resource requirements. Currently, *memory* is the resource requirement supported.
* **Priority Scheduling** - This feature allows applications to be submitted and scheduled with different priorities. Higher integer value indicates higher priority for an application. Currently Application priority is supported only for FIFO ordering policy.
Further queues can be setup by configuring `yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.queues` with a list of comma-separated child queues.
The configuration for `CapacityScheduler` uses a concept called *queue path* to configure the hierarchy of queues. The *queue path* is the full path of the queue's hierarchy, starting at *root*, with . (dot) as the delimiter.
A given queue's children can be defined with the configuration knob: `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.queues`. Children do not inherit properties directly from the parent unless otherwise noted.
Here is an example with three top-level child-queues `a`, `b` and `c` and some sub-queues for `a` and `b`:
<description>The queues at the this level (root is the root queue).
<description>The queues at the this level (root is the root queue).
###Queue Properties
* Resource Allocation
| Property | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.capacity` | Queue *capacity* in percentage (%) as a float (e.g. 12.5). The sum of capacities for all queues, at each level, must be equal to 100. Applications in the queue may consume more resources than the queue's capacity if there are free resources, providing elasticity. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.maximum-capacity` | Maximum queue capacity in percentage (%) as a float. This limits the *elasticity* for applications in the queue. Defaults to -1 which disables it. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.minimum-user-limit-percent` | Each queue enforces a limit on the percentage of resources allocated to a user at any given time, if there is demand for resources. The user limit can vary between a minimum and maximum value. The former (the minimum value) is set to this property value and the latter (the maximum value) depends on the number of users who have submitted applications. For e.g., suppose the value of this property is 25. If two users have submitted applications to a queue, no single user can use more than 50% of the queue resources. If a third user submits an application, no single user can use more than 33% of the queue resources. With 4 or more users, no user can use more than 25% of the queues resources. A value of 100 implies no user limits are imposed. The default is 100. Value is specified as a integer. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.user-limit-factor` | The multiple of the queue capacity which can be configured to allow a single user to acquire more resources. By default this is set to 1 which ensures that a single user can never take more than the queue's configured capacity irrespective of how idle th cluster is. Value is specified as a float. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.maximum-allocation-mb` | The per queue maximum limit of memory to allocate to each container request at the Resource Manager. This setting overrides the cluster configuration `yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb`. This value must be smaller than or equal to the cluster maximum. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.maximum-allocation-vcores` | The per queue maximum limit of virtual cores to allocate to each container request at the Resource Manager. This setting overrides the cluster configuration `yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-vcores`. This value must be smaller than or equal to the cluster maximum. |
* Running and Pending Application Limits
The `CapacityScheduler` supports the following parameters to control the running and pending applications:
| Property | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-applications` / `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.maximum-applications` | Maximum number of applications in the system which can be concurrently active both running and pending. Limits on each queue are directly proportional to their queue capacities and user limits. This is a hard limit and any applications submitted when this limit is reached will be rejected. Default is 10000. This can be set for all queues with `yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-applications` and can also be overridden on a per queue basis by setting `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.maximum-applications`. Integer value expected. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent` / `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.maximum-am-resource-percent` | Maximum percent of resources in the cluster which can be used to run application masters - controls number of concurrent active applications. Limits on each queue are directly proportional to their queue capacities and user limits. Specified as a float - ie 0.5 = 50%. Default is 10%. This can be set for all queues with `yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent` and can also be overridden on a per queue basis by setting `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.maximum-am-resource-percent` |
* Queue Administration & Permissions
The `CapacityScheduler` supports the following parameters to the administer the queues:
| Property | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.state` | The *state* of the queue. Can be one of `RUNNING` or `STOPPED`. If a queue is in `STOPPED` state, new applications cannot be submitted to *itself* or *any of its child queues*. Thus, if the *root* queue is `STOPPED` no applications can be submitted to the entire cluster. Existing applications continue to completion, thus the queue can be *drained* gracefully. Value is specified as Enumeration. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.<queue-path>.acl_submit_applications` | The *ACL* which controls who can *submit* applications to the given queue. If the given user/group has necessary ACLs on the given queue or *one of the parent queues in the hierarchy* they can submit applications. *ACLs* for this property *are* inherited from the parent queue if not specified. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.<queue-path>.acl_administer_queue` | The *ACL* which controls who can *administer* applications on the given queue. If the given user/group has necessary ACLs on the given queue or *one of the parent queues in the hierarchy* they can administer applications. *ACLs* for this property *are* inherited from the parent queue if not specified. |
**Note:** An *ACL* is of the form *user1*, *user2spacegroup1*, *group2*. The special value of * implies *anyone*. The special value of *space* implies *no one*. The default is * for the root queue if not specified.
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.queue-mappings` | This configuration specifies the mapping of user or group to a specific queue. You can map a single user or a list of users to queues. Syntax: `[u or g]:[name]:[queue_name][,next_mapping]*`. Here, *u or g* indicates whether the mapping is for a user or group. The value is *u* for user and *g* for group. *name* indicates the user name or group name. To specify the user who has submitted the application, %user can be used. *queue_name* indicates the queue name for which the application has to be mapped. To specify queue name same as user name, *%user* can be used. To specify queue name same as the name of the primary group for which the user belongs to, *%primary_group* can be used.|
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.queue-mappings-override.enable` | This function is used to specify whether the user specified queues can be overridden. This is a Boolean value and the default value is *false*. |
Application priority works only along with FIFO ordering policy. Default ordering policy is FIFO.
Default priority for an application can be at cluster level and queue level.
* Cluster-level priority : Any application submitted with a priority greater than the cluster-max priority will have its priority reset to the cluster-max priority.
$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml is the configuration file for cluster-max priority.
* Leaf Queue-level priority : Each leaf queue provides default priority by the administrator. The queue's default priority will be used for any application submitted without a specified priority.
$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/capacity-scheduler.xml is the configuration file for queue-level priority.
The `CapacityScheduler` supports preemption of container from the queues whose resource usage is more than their guaranteed capacity. The following configuration parameters need to be enabled in yarn-site.xml for supporting preemption of application containers.
| `yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.monitor.enable` | Enable a set of periodic monitors (specified in yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.monitor.policies) that affect the scheduler. Default value is false. |
| `yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.monitor.policies` | The list of SchedulingEditPolicy classes that interact with the scheduler. Configured policies need to be compatible with the scheduler. Default value is `org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.monitor.capacity.ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy` which is compatible with `CapacityScheduler` |
The following configuration parameters can be configured in yarn-site.xml to control the preemption of containers when `ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy` class is configured for `yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.monitor.policies`
| `yarn.resourcemanager.monitor.capacity.preemption.observe_only` | If true, run the policy but do not affect the cluster with preemption and kill events. Default value is false |
| `yarn.resourcemanager.monitor.capacity.preemption.monitoring_interval` | Time in milliseconds between invocations of this ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy policy. Default value is 3000 |
| `yarn.resourcemanager.monitor.capacity.preemption.max_wait_before_kill` | Time in milliseconds between requesting a preemption from an application and killing the container. Default value is 15000 |
| `yarn.resourcemanager.monitor.capacity.preemption.total_preemption_per_round` | Maximum percentage of resources preempted in a single round. By controlling this value one can throttle the pace at which containers are reclaimed from the cluster. After computing the total desired preemption, the policy scales it back within this limit. Default value is `0.1` |
| `yarn.resourcemanager.monitor.capacity.preemption.max_ignored_over_capacity` | Maximum amount of resources above the target capacity ignored for preemption. This defines a deadzone around the target capacity that helps prevent thrashing and oscillations around the computed target balance. High values would slow the time to capacity and (absent natural.completions) it might prevent convergence to guaranteed capacity. Default value is `0.1` |
| `yarn.resourcemanager.monitor.capacity.preemption.natural_termination_factor` | Given a computed preemption target, account for containers naturally expiring and preempt only this percentage of the delta. This determines the rate of geometric convergence into the deadzone (`MAX_IGNORED_OVER_CAPACITY`). For example, a termination factor of 0.5 will reclaim almost 95% of resources within 5 * #`WAIT_TIME_BEFORE_KILL`, even absent natural termination. Default value is `0.2` |
The `CapacityScheduler` supports the following configurations in capacity-scheduler.xml to control the preemption of application containers submitted to a queue.
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.disable_preemption` | This configuration can be set to `true` to selectively disable preemption of application containers submitted to a given queue. This property applies only when system wide preemption is enabled by configuring `yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.monitor.enable` to *true* and `yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.monitor.policies` to *ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy*. If this property is not set for a queue, then the property value is inherited from the queue's parent. Default value is false.
The `CapacityScheduler` supports the following parameters to control the creation, deletion, update, and listing of reservations. Note that any user can update, delete, or list their own reservations. If reservation ACLs are enabled but not defined, everyone will have access. In the examples below, \<queue\> is the queue name. For example, to set the reservation ACL to administer reservations on the default queue, use the property `yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.acl_administer_reservations`
| Property | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.<queue>.acl_administer_reservations` | The ACL which controls who can *administer* reservations to the given queue. If the given user/group has necessary ACLs on the given queue or they can submit, delete, update and list all reservations. ACLs for this property *are not* inherited from the parent queue if not specified. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.<queue>.acl_list_reservations` | The ACL which controls who can *list* reservations to the given queue. If the given user/group has necessary ACLs on the given queue they can list all applications. ACLs for this property *are not* inherited from the parent queue if not specified. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.<queue>.acl_submit_reservations` | The ACL which controls who can *submit* reservations to the given queue. If the given user/group has necessary ACLs on the given queue they can submit reservations. ACLs for this property *are not* inherited from the parent queue if not specified. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.resource-calculator` | The ResourceCalculator implementation to be used to compare Resources in the scheduler. The default i.e. org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DefaultResourseCalculator only uses Memory while DominantResourceCalculator uses Dominant-resource to compare multi-dimensional resources such as Memory, CPU etc. A Java ResourceCalculator class name is expected. |
| `yarn.scheduler.capacity.node-locality-delay` | Number of missed scheduling opportunities after which the CapacityScheduler attempts to schedule rack-local containers. Typically, this should be set to number of nodes in the cluster. By default is setting approximately number of nodes in one rack which is 40. Positive integer value is expected. |
Changing queue properties and adding new queues is very simple. You need to edit **conf/capacity-scheduler.xml** and run *yarn rmadmin -refreshQueues*.
**Note:** Queues cannot be *deleted*, only addition of new queues is supported - the updated queue configuration should be a valid one i.e. queue-capacity at each *level* should be equal to 100%.