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The NodeManager is responsible for launching and managing containers on a node. Containers execute tasks as specified by the AppMaster.
Health Checker Service
The NodeManager runs services to determine the health of the node it is executing on. The services perform checks on the disk as well as any user specified tests. If any health check fails, the NodeManager marks the node as unhealthy and communicates this to the ResourceManager, which then stops assigning containers to the node. Communication of the node status is done as part of the heartbeat between the NodeManager and the ResourceManager. The intervals at which the disk checker and health monitor(described below) run don't affect the heartbeat intervals. When the heartbeat takes place, the status of both checks is used to determine the health of the node.
###Disk Checker
The disk checker checks the state of the disks that the NodeManager is configured to use(local-dirs and log-dirs, configured using yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs and yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs respectively). The checks include permissions and free disk space. It also checks that the filesystem isn't in a read-only state. The checks are run at 2 minute intervals by default but can be configured to run as often as the user desires. If a disk fails the check, the NodeManager stops using that particular disk but still reports the node status as healthy. However if a number of disks fail the check(the number can be configured, as explained below), then the node is reported as unhealthy to the ResourceManager and new containers will not be assigned to the node.
The following configuration parameters can be used to modify the disk checks:
| Configuration Name | Allowed Values | Description |
|:---- |:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.enable` | true, false | Enable or disable the disk health checker service |
| `yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.interval-ms` | Positive integer | The interval, in milliseconds, at which the disk checker should run; the default value is 2 minutes |
| `yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.min-healthy-disks` | Float between 0-1 | The minimum fraction of disks that must pass the check for the NodeManager to mark the node as healthy; the default is 0.25 |
| `yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.max-disk-utilization-per-disk-percentage` | Float between 0-100 | The maximum percentage of disk space that may be utilized before a disk is marked as unhealthy by the disk checker service. This check is run for every disk used by the NodeManager. The default value is 90 i.e. 90% of the disk can be used. |
| `yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.min-free-space-per-disk-mb` | Integer | The minimum amount of free space that must be available on the disk for the disk checker service to mark the disk as healthy. This check is run for every disk used by the NodeManager. The default value is 0 i.e. the entire disk can be used. |
###External Health Script
Users may specify their own health checker script that will be invoked by the health checker service. Users may specify a timeout as well as options to be passed to the script. If the script exits with a non-zero exit code, times out or results in an exception being thrown, the node is marked as unhealthy. Please note that if the script cannot be executed due to permissions or an incorrect path, etc, then it counts as a failure and the node will be reported as unhealthy. Please note that speifying a health check script is not mandatory. If no script is specified, only the disk checker status will be used to determine the health of the node.
The following configuration parameters can be used to set the health script:
| Configuration Name | Allowed Values | Description |
|:---- |:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.nodemanager.health-checker.interval-ms` | Postive integer | The interval, in milliseconds, at which health checker service runs; the default value is 10 minutes. |
| `yarn.nodemanager.health-checker.script.timeout-ms` | Postive integer | The timeout for the health script that's executed; the default value is 20 minutes. |
| `yarn.nodemanager.health-checker.script.path` | String | Absolute path to the health check script to be run. |
| `yarn.nodemanager.health-checker.script.opts` | String | Arguments to be passed to the script when the script is executed. |
NodeManager Restart
### Introduction
This document gives an overview of NodeManager (NM) restart, a feature that enables the NodeManager to be restarted without losing the active containers running on the node. At a high level, the NM stores any necessary state to a local state-store as it processes container-management requests. When the NM restarts, it recovers by first loading state for various subsystems and then letting those subsystems perform recovery using the loaded state.
### Enabling NM Restart
Step 1. To enable NM Restart functionality, set the following property in **conf/yarn-site.xml** to *true*.
| Property | Value |
|:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.nodemanager.recovery.enabled` | `true`, (default value is set to false) |
Step 2. Configure a path to the local file-system directory where the NodeManager can save its run state.
| Property | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.nodemanager.recovery.dir` | The local filesystem directory in which the node manager will store state when recovery is enabled. The default value is set to `$hadoop.tmp.dir/yarn-nm-recovery`. |
Step 3. Configure a valid RPC address for the NodeManager.
| Property | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.nodemanager.address` | Ephemeral ports (port 0, which is default) cannot be used for the NodeManager's RPC server specified via yarn.nodemanager.address as it can make NM use different ports before and after a restart. This will break any previously running clients that were communicating with the NM before restart. Explicitly setting yarn.nodemanager.address to an address with specific port number (for e.g is a precondition for enabling NM restart. |
Step 4. Auxiliary services.
* NodeManagers in a YARN cluster can be configured to run auxiliary services. For a completely functional NM restart, YARN relies on any auxiliary service configured to also support recovery. This usually includes (1) avoiding usage of ephemeral ports so that previously running clients (in this case, usually containers) are not disrupted after restart and (2) having the auxiliary service itself support recoverability by reloading any previous state when NodeManager restarts and reinitializes the auxiliary service.
* A simple example for the above is the auxiliary service 'ShuffleHandler' for MapReduce (MR). ShuffleHandler respects the above two requirements already, so users/admins don't have to do anything for it to support NM restart: (1) The configuration property **mapreduce.shuffle.port** controls which port the ShuffleHandler on a NodeManager host binds to, and it defaults to a non-ephemeral port. (2) The ShuffleHandler service also already supports recovery of previous state after NM restarts.
Auxiliary Service Classpath Isolation
### Introduction
To launch auxiliary services on a NodeManager, users have to add their jar to NodeManager's classpath directly, thus put them on the system classloader. But if multiple versions of the plugin are present on the classpath, there is no control over which version actually gets loaded. Or if there are any conflicts between the dependencies introduced by the auxiliary services and the NodeManager itself, they can break the NodeManager, the auxiliary services, or both. To solve this issue, we can instantiate auxiliary services using a classloader that is different from the system classloader.
### Configuration
This section describes the configuration variables for aux-service classpath isolation.
The following settings need to be set in *yarn-site.xml*.
|Configuration Name | Description |
|:---- |:---- |
| `yarn.nodemanager.aux-services.%s.classpath` | Provide local directory which includes the related jar file as well as all the dependencies jar file. We could specify the single jar file or use ${local_dir_to_jar}/* to load all jars under the dep directory. |
| `yarn.nodemanager.aux-services.%s.remote-classpath` | Provide remote absolute or relative path to jar file(We also support zip, tar.gz, tgz, tar and gz files as well). For the same aux-service class, we can only specify one of the configurations: yarn.nodemanager.aux-services.%s.classpath or yarn.nodemanager.aux-services.%s.remote-classpath. The YarnRuntimeException will be thrown. Please also make sure that the owner of the jar file must be the same as the NodeManager user and the permbits should satisfy (permbits & 0022)==0 (such as 600, it's not writable by group or other).|
| `yarn.nodemanager.aux-services.%s.system-classes` | Normally, we do not need to set this configuration. The class would be loaded from customized classpath if it does not belongs to system-classes. For example, by default, the package org.apache.hadoop is in the system-classes, if your class CustomAuxService is in the package org.apache.hadoop, it would not be loaded from customized classpath. To solve this, either we could change the package for CustomAuxService, or configure our own system-classes which exclude org.apache.hadoop. |
### Configuration Examples