YARN-4491. yarn list command to support filtering by tags. Contributed by Varun Saxena
This commit is contained in:
@ -348,6 +348,16 @@ public List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(
return client.getApplications(applicationTypes, applicationStates);
public List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(
Set<String> applicationTypes,
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates,
Set<String> applicationTags)
throws YarnException, IOException {
return client.getApplications(
applicationTypes, applicationStates, applicationTags);
public List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(Set<String> queues,
Set<String> users, Set<String> applicationTypes,
@ -312,6 +312,31 @@ public abstract List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates) throws YarnException,
* <p>
* Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications matching the given
* application types, application states and application tags in the cluster.
* </p>
* <p>
* If the user does not have <code>VIEW_APP</code> access for an application
* then the corresponding report will be filtered as described in
* {@link #getApplicationReport(ApplicationId)}.
* </p>
* @param applicationTypes set of application types you are interested in
* @param applicationStates set of application states you are interested in
* @param applicationTags set of application tags you are interested in
* @return a list of reports of applications
* @throws YarnException
* @throws IOException
public abstract List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(
Set<String> applicationTypes,
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates,
Set<String> applicationTags) throws YarnException,
* <p>
* Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications matching the given users,
@ -504,6 +504,17 @@ public List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(Set<String> applicationTypes,
return response.getApplicationList();
public List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(Set<String> applicationTypes,
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates,
Set<String> applicationTags) throws YarnException, IOException {
GetApplicationsRequest request =
GetApplicationsRequest.newInstance(applicationTypes, applicationStates);
GetApplicationsResponse response = rmClient.getApplications(request);
return response.getApplicationList();
public List<ApplicationReport> getApplications(Set<String> queues,
Set<String> users, Set<String> applicationTypes,
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ public class ApplicationCLI extends YarnCLI {
private static final String APP_TYPE_CMD = "appTypes";
private static final String APP_STATE_CMD = "appStates";
private static final String APP_TAG_CMD = "appTags";
private static final String ALLSTATES_OPTION = "ALL";
private static final String QUEUE_CMD = "queue";
public static final String APPLICATION = "application";
@ -102,8 +103,9 @@ public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
"Prints the status of the application.");
opts.addOption(LIST_CMD, false, "List applications. "
+ "Supports optional use of -appTypes to filter applications "
+ "based on application type, "
+ "and -appStates to filter applications based on application state.");
+ "based on application type, -appStates to filter applications "
+ "based on application state and -appTags to filter applications "
+ "based on application tag.");
opts.addOption(MOVE_TO_QUEUE_CMD, true, "Moves the application to a "
+ "different queue.");
opts.addOption(QUEUE_CMD, true, "Works with the movetoqueue command to"
@ -123,6 +125,13 @@ public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
Option appTagOpt = new Option(APP_TAG_CMD, true, "Works with -list to "
+ "filter applications based on input comma-separated list of "
+ "application tags.");
opts.addOption(APP_ID, true, "Specify Application Id to be operated");
opts.addOption(UPDATE_PRIORITY, true,
"update priority of an application. ApplicationId can be"
@ -229,7 +238,19 @@ public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
listApplications(appTypes, appStates);
Set<String> appTags = new HashSet<String>();
if (cliParser.hasOption(APP_TAG_CMD)) {
String[] tags = cliParser.getOptionValues(APP_TAG_CMD);
if (tags != null) {
for (String tag : tags) {
if (!tag.trim().isEmpty()) {
listApplications(appTypes, appStates, appTags);
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(APPLICATION_ATTEMPT)) {
if (args.length != 3) {
printUsage(title, opts);
@ -434,17 +455,18 @@ private int printContainerReport(String containerId) throws YarnException,
* Lists the applications matching the given application Types And application
* States present in the Resource Manager
* Lists the applications matching the given application Types, application
* States and application Tags present in the Resource Manager.
* @param appTypes
* @param appStates
* @param appTags
* @throws YarnException
* @throws IOException
private void listApplications(Set<String> appTypes,
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> appStates) throws YarnException,
IOException {
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> appStates, Set<String> appTags)
throws YarnException, IOException {
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(sysout, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
if (allAppStates) {
@ -460,11 +482,11 @@ private void listApplications(Set<String> appTypes,
List<ApplicationReport> appsReport = client.getApplications(appTypes,
appStates, appTags);
writer.println("Total number of applications (application-types: "
+ appTypes + " and states: " + appStates + ")" + ":"
+ appsReport.size());
+ appTypes + ", states: " + appStates + " and tags: " + appTags + ")"
+ ":" + appsReport.size());
writer.printf(APPLICATIONS_PATTERN, "Application-Id", "Application-Name",
"Application-Type", "User", "Queue", "State", "Final-State",
"Progress", "Tracking-URL");
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
import org.mortbay.log.Log;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
public class TestYarnCLI {
@ -373,8 +374,10 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
applicationId, ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(applicationId, 1),
"user", "queue", "appname", "host", 124, null,
YarnApplicationState.RUNNING, "diagnostics", "url", 0, 0,
FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED, null, "N/A", 0.53789f, "YARN", null);
List<ApplicationReport> applicationReports = new ArrayList<ApplicationReport>();
FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED, null, "N/A", 0.53789f, "YARN", null,
Sets.newHashSet("tag1", "tag3"), false, Priority.UNDEFINED, "", "");
List<ApplicationReport> applicationReports =
new ArrayList<ApplicationReport>();
ApplicationId applicationId2 = ApplicationId.newInstance(1234, 6);
@ -383,7 +386,8 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
"user2", "queue2", "appname2", "host2", 125, null,
YarnApplicationState.FINISHED, "diagnostics2", "url2", 2, 2,
FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED, null, "N/A", 0.63789f, "NON-YARN",
null, Sets.newHashSet("tag2", "tag3"), false, Priority.UNDEFINED,
"", "");
ApplicationId applicationId3 = ApplicationId.newInstance(1234, 7);
@ -392,7 +396,8 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
"user3", "queue3", "appname3", "host3", 126, null,
YarnApplicationState.RUNNING, "diagnostics3", "url3", 3, 3,
FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED, null, "N/A", 0.73789f, "MAPREDUCE",
null, Sets.newHashSet("tag1", "tag4"), false, Priority.UNDEFINED,
"", "");
ApplicationId applicationId4 = ApplicationId.newInstance(1234, 8);
@ -400,8 +405,9 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
applicationId4, ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(applicationId4, 4),
"user4", "queue4", "appname4", "host4", 127, null,
YarnApplicationState.FAILED, "diagnostics4", "url4", 4, 4,
FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED, null, "N/A", 0.83789f, "NON-MAPREDUCE",
FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED, null, "N/A", 0.83789f,
"NON-MAPREDUCE", null, Sets.newHashSet("tag1"), false,
Priority.UNDEFINED, "", "");
ApplicationId applicationId5 = ApplicationId.newInstance(1234, 9);
@ -409,8 +415,8 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
applicationId5, ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(applicationId5, 5),
"user5", "queue5", "appname5", "host5", 128, null,
YarnApplicationState.ACCEPTED, "diagnostics5", "url5", 5, 5,
FinalApplicationStatus.KILLED, null, "N/A", 0.93789f, "HIVE",
FinalApplicationStatus.KILLED, null, "N/A", 0.93789f, "HIVE", null,
Sets.newHashSet("tag2", "tag4"), false, Priority.UNDEFINED, "", "");
ApplicationId applicationId6 = ApplicationId.newInstance(1234, 10);
@ -419,7 +425,7 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
"user6", "queue6", "appname6", "host6", 129, null,
YarnApplicationState.SUBMITTED, "diagnostics6", "url6", 6, 6,
FinalApplicationStatus.KILLED, null, "N/A", 0.99789f, "PIG",
null, new HashSet<String>(), false, Priority.UNDEFINED, "", "");
// Test command yarn application -list
@ -433,16 +439,18 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
when(client.getApplications(appType1, appState1)).thenReturn(
getApplicationReports(applicationReports, appType1, appState1, false));
Set<String> appTag = new HashSet<String>();
when(client.getApplications(appType1, appState1, appTag)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType1, appState1, appTag, false));
int result = cli.run(new String[] { "application", "-list" });
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType1, appState1);
verify(client).getApplications(appType1, appState1, appTag);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType1
+ " and states: " + appState1 + ")" + ":" + 4);
+ ", states: " + appState1 + " and tags: " + appTag + ")" + ":" + 4);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
@ -487,17 +495,18 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
when(client.getApplications(appType2, appState2)).thenReturn(
getApplicationReports(applicationReports, appType2, appState2, false));
when(client.getApplications(appType2, appState2, appTag)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType2, appState2, appTag, false));
result =
cli.run(new String[] { "application", "-list", "-appTypes",
"YARN, ,, NON-YARN", " ,, ,," });
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType2, appState2);
verify(client).getApplications(appType2, appState2, appTag);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType2
+ " and states: " + appState2 + ")" + ":" + 1);
+ ", states: " + appState2 + " and tags: " + appTag + ")" + ":" + 1);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
@ -522,17 +531,18 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
when(client.getApplications(appType3, appState3)).thenReturn(
getApplicationReports(applicationReports, appType3, appState3, false));
when(client.getApplications(appType3, appState3, appTag)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType3, appState3, appTag, false));
result =
cli.run(new String[] { "application", "-list", "--appStates",
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType3, appState3);
verify(client).getApplications(appType3, appState3, appTag);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType3
+ " and states: " + appState3 + ")" + ":" + 2);
+ ", states: " + appState3 + " and tags: " + appTag + ")" + ":" + 2);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
@ -565,17 +575,18 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
when(client.getApplications(appType4, appState4)).thenReturn(
getApplicationReports(applicationReports, appType4, appState4, false));
when(client.getApplications(appType4, appState4, appTag)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType4, appState4, appTag, false));
result =
cli.run(new String[] { "application", "-list", "--appTypes",
"YARN,NON-YARN", "--appStates", "FINISHED ,, , FAILED" });
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType2, appState2);
verify(client).getApplications(appType2, appState2, appTag);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType4
+ " and states: " + appState4 + ")" + ":" + 1);
+ ", states: " + appState4 + " and tags: " + appTag + ")" + ":" + 1);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
@ -620,17 +631,18 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> appState5 =
when(client.getApplications(appType5, appState5)).thenReturn(
getApplicationReports(applicationReports, appType5, appState5, true));
when(client.getApplications(appType5, appState5, appTag)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType5, appState5, appTag, true));
result =
cli.run(new String[] { "application", "-list", "--appStates",
"FINISHED ,, , ALL" });
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType5, appState5);
verify(client).getApplications(appType5, appState5, appTag);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType5
+ " and states: " + appState5 + ")" + ":" + 6);
+ ", states: " + appState5 + " and tags: " + appTag + ")" + ":" + 6);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
@ -680,17 +692,18 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> appState6 =
when(client.getApplications(appType6, appState6)).thenReturn(
getApplicationReports(applicationReports, appType6, appState6, false));
when(client.getApplications(appType6, appState6, appTag)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType6, appState6, appTag, false));
result =
cli.run(new String[] { "application", "-list", "-appTypes",
"YARN, ,, NON-YARN", "--appStates", "finished" });
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType6, appState6);
verify(client).getApplications(appType6, appState6, appTag);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType6
+ " and states: " + appState6 + ")" + ":" + 1);
+ ", states: " + appState6 + " and tags: " + appTag + ")" + ":" + 1);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
@ -705,12 +718,146 @@ public void testGetApplications() throws Exception {
appsReportStr = baos.toString("UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(appsReportStr, sysOutStream.toString());
verify(sysOut, times(6)).write(any(byte[].class), anyInt(), anyInt());
// Test command yarn application with tags.
Set<String> appTag1 = Sets.newHashSet("tag1");
when(client.getApplications(appType1, appState1, appTag1)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType1, appState1, appTag1, false));
result =
cli.run(new String[] { "application", "-list", "-appTags", "tag1" });
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType1, appState1, appTag1);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType1
+ ", states: " + appState1 + " and tags: " + appTag1 + ")" + ":" + 2);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
pw.print("Final-State\t Progress");
pw.println("\t Tracking-URL");
pw.print(" application_1234_0005\t ");
pw.print("appname\t YARN\t user\t ");
pw.print("queue\t RUNNING\t ");
pw.print("SUCCEEDED\t 53.79%");
pw.println("\t N/A");
pw.print(" application_1234_0007\t ");
pw.print("appname3\t MAPREDUCE\t user3\t ");
pw.print("queue3\t RUNNING\t ");
pw.print("SUCCEEDED\t 73.79%");
pw.println("\t N/A");
appsReportStr = baos.toString("UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(appsReportStr, sysOutStream.toString());
verify(sysOut, times(7)).write(any(byte[].class), anyInt(), anyInt());
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> appState7 =
EnumSet.of(YarnApplicationState.RUNNING, YarnApplicationState.FAILED);
when(client.getApplications(appType1, appState7, appTag1)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType1, appState7, appTag1, false));
result = cli.run(
new String[] { "application", "-list", "-appStates", "RUNNING,FAILED",
"-appTags", "tag1" });
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType1, appState7, appTag1);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType1
+ ", states: " + appState7 + " and tags: " + appTag1 + ")" + ":" + 3);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
pw.print("Final-State\t Progress");
pw.println("\t Tracking-URL");
pw.print(" application_1234_0005\t ");
pw.print("appname\t YARN\t user\t ");
pw.print("queue\t RUNNING\t ");
pw.print("SUCCEEDED\t 53.79%");
pw.println("\t N/A");
pw.print(" application_1234_0007\t ");
pw.print("appname3\t MAPREDUCE\t user3\t ");
pw.print("queue3\t RUNNING\t ");
pw.print("SUCCEEDED\t 73.79%");
pw.println("\t N/A");
pw.print(" application_1234_0008\t ");
pw.print("appname4\t NON-MAPREDUCE\t user4\t ");
pw.print("queue4\t FAILED\t ");
pw.print("SUCCEEDED\t 83.79%");
pw.println("\t N/A");
appsReportStr = baos.toString("UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(appsReportStr, sysOutStream.toString());
verify(sysOut, times(8)).write(any(byte[].class), anyInt(), anyInt());
Set<String> appType9 = Sets.newHashSet("YARN");
Set<String> appTag2 = Sets.newHashSet("tag3");
when(client.getApplications(appType9, appState1, appTag2)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType9, appState1, appTag2, false));
result = cli.run(new String[] { "application", "-list", "-appTypes", "YARN",
"-appTags", "tag3" });
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType9, appState1, appTag2);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType9
+ ", states: " + appState1 + " and tags: " + appTag2 + ")" + ":" + 1);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
pw.print("Final-State\t Progress");
pw.println("\t Tracking-URL");
pw.print(" application_1234_0005\t ");
pw.print("appname\t YARN\t user\t ");
pw.print("queue\t RUNNING\t ");
pw.print("SUCCEEDED\t 53.79%");
pw.println("\t N/A");
appsReportStr = baos.toString("UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(appsReportStr, sysOutStream.toString());
verify(sysOut, times(9)).write(any(byte[].class), anyInt(), anyInt());
Set<String> appType10 = Sets.newHashSet("HIVE");
Set<String> appTag3 = Sets.newHashSet("tag4");
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> appState10 =
when(client.getApplications(appType10, appState10, appTag3)).thenReturn(
applicationReports, appType10, appState10, appTag3, false));
result = cli.run(new String[] { "application", "-list", "-appTypes", "HIVE",
"-appStates", "ACCEPTED", "-appTags", "tag4" });
assertEquals(0, result);
verify(client).getApplications(appType10, appState10, appTag3);
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
pw = new PrintWriter(baos);
pw.println("Total number of applications (application-types: " + appType10
+ ", states: " + appState10 + " and tags: " + appTag3 + ")" + ":" + 1);
pw.print(" Application-Id\t Application-Name");
pw.print("\t Application-Type");
pw.print("\t User\t Queue\t State\t ");
pw.print("Final-State\t Progress");
pw.println("\t Tracking-URL");
pw.print(" application_1234_0009\t ");
pw.print("appname5\t HIVE\t user5\t ");
pw.print("queue5\t ACCEPTED\t ");
pw.print("KILLED\t 93.79%");
pw.println("\t N/A");
appsReportStr = baos.toString("UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(appsReportStr, sysOutStream.toString());
verify(sysOut, times(10)).write(any(byte[].class), anyInt(), anyInt());
private List<ApplicationReport> getApplicationReports(
List<ApplicationReport> applicationReports,
Set<String> appTypes, EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> appStates,
boolean allStates) {
Set<String> appTags, boolean allStates) {
List<ApplicationReport> appReports = new ArrayList<ApplicationReport>();
@ -732,6 +879,22 @@ private List<ApplicationReport> getApplicationReports(
if (appTags != null && !appTags.isEmpty()) {
Set<String> tags = appReport.getApplicationTags();
if (tags == null || tags.isEmpty()) {
boolean match = false;
for (String appTag : appTags) {
if (tags.contains(appTag)) {
match = true;
if (!match) {
return appReports;
@ -1816,6 +1979,9 @@ private String createApplicationCLIHelpMessage() throws IOException {
pw.println(" state can be one of the following:");
pw.println(" -appTags <Tags> Works with -list to filter applications");
pw.println(" based on input comma-separated list of");
pw.println(" application tags.");
pw.println(" -appTypes <Types> Works with -list to filter applications");
pw.println(" based on input comma-separated list of");
pw.println(" application types.");
@ -1825,9 +1991,10 @@ private String createApplicationCLIHelpMessage() throws IOException {
pw.println(" with space");
pw.println(" -list List applications. Supports optional use");
pw.println(" of -appTypes to filter applications based");
pw.println(" on application type, and -appStates to");
pw.println(" filter applications based on application");
pw.println(" state.");
pw.println(" on application type, -appStates to filter");
pw.println(" applications based on application state");
pw.println(" and -appTags to filter applications based");
pw.println(" on application tag.");
pw.println(" -movetoqueue <Application ID> Moves the application to a different");
pw.println(" queue.");
pw.println(" -queue <Queue Name> Works with the movetoqueue command to");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user