YARN-2616 [YARN-913] Add CLI client to the registry to list, view and manipulate entries. (Akshay Radia via stevel)
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ Release 2.7.0 - UNRELEASED
YARN-2217. [YARN-1492] Shared cache client side changes.
(Chris Trezzo via kasha)
YARN-2616 [YARN-913] Add CLI client to the registry to list, view
and manipulate entries. (Akshay Radia via stevel)
YARN-3005. [JDK7] Use switch statement for String instead of if-else
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package org.apache.hadoop.registry.cli;
import static org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.binding.RegistryTypeUtils.*;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.URI;
@ -34,12 +35,14 @@ import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathNotFoundException;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException;
import org.apache.hadoop.service.ServiceOperations;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ExitUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.api.BindFlags;
import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.api.RegistryOperations;
import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.api.RegistryOperationsFactory;
@ -54,41 +57,76 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.types.ServiceRecord;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class RegistryCli extends Configured implements Tool {
* Command line for registry operations.
public class RegistryCli extends Configured implements Tool, Closeable {
private static final Logger LOG =
protected final PrintStream sysout;
protected final PrintStream syserr;
protected final PrintStream sysout;
protected final PrintStream syserr;
private RegistryOperations registry;
private RegistryOperations registry;
static final String LS_USAGE = "ls pathName";
static final String RESOLVE_USAGE = "resolve pathName";
static final String BIND_USAGE =
private static final String LS_USAGE = "ls pathName";
private static final String RESOLVE_USAGE = "resolve pathName";
private static final String BIND_USAGE =
"bind -inet -api apiName -p portNumber -h hostName pathName" + "\n"
+ "bind -webui uriString -api apiName pathName" + "\n"
+ "bind -rest uriString -api apiName pathName";
static final String MKNODE_USAGE = "mknode directoryName";
static final String RM_USAGE = "rm pathName";
static final String USAGE =
private static final String MKNODE_USAGE = "mknode directoryName";
private static final String RM_USAGE = "rm pathName";
private static final String USAGE =
"\n" + LS_USAGE + "\n" + RESOLVE_USAGE + "\n" + BIND_USAGE + "\n" +
public RegistryCli(PrintStream sysout, PrintStream syserr) {
super(new YarnConfiguration());
public RegistryCli(PrintStream sysout, PrintStream syserr) {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
registry = RegistryOperationsFactory.createInstance(conf);
this.sysout = sysout;
this.syserr = syserr;
public RegistryCli(RegistryOperations reg,
Configuration conf,
PrintStream sysout,
PrintStream syserr) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(reg != null, "Null registry");
registry = reg;
this.sysout = sysout;
this.syserr = syserr;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
RegistryCli cli = new RegistryCli(System.out, System.err);
int res = ToolRunner.run(cli, args);
int res = -1;
try (RegistryCli cli = new RegistryCli(System.out, System.err)) {
res = ToolRunner.run(cli, args);
} catch (Exception e) {
ExitUtil.terminate(res, e);
* Close the object by stopping the registry.
* <p>
* <i>Important:</i>
* <p>
* After this call is made, no operations may be made of this
* object, <i>or of a YARN registry instance used when constructing
* this object. </i>
* @throws IOException
public void close() throws IOException {
registry = null;
private int usageError(String err, String usage) {
@ -104,146 +142,151 @@ public class RegistryCli extends Configured implements Tool {
return true;
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
Preconditions.checkArgument(getConf() != null, "null configuration");
registry = RegistryOperationsFactory.createInstance(
new YarnConfiguration(getConf()));
if (args.length > 0) {
if (args[0].equals("ls")) {
return ls(args);
} else if (args[0].equals("resolve")) {
return resolve(args);
} else if (args[0].equals("bind")) {
return bind(args);
} else if (args[0].equals("mknode")) {
return mknode(args);
} else if (args[0].equals("rm")) {
return rm(args);
switch (args[0]) {
case "ls":
return ls(args);
case "resolve":
return resolve(args);
case "bind":
return bind(args);
case "mknode":
return mknode(args);
case "rm":
return rm(args);
return usageError("Invalid command: " + args[0], USAGE);
return usageError("Invalid command: " + args[0], USAGE);
return usageError("No command arg passed.", USAGE);
public int ls(String [] args) {
public int ls(String[] args) {
Options lsOption = new Options();
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
try {
CommandLine line = parser.parse(lsOption, args);
Options lsOption = new Options();
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
try {
CommandLine line = parser.parse(lsOption, args);
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("ls requires exactly one path argument", LS_USAGE);
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1)))
return -1;
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("ls requires exactly one path argument", LS_USAGE);
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1))) {
return -1;
try {
List<String> children = registry.list(argsList.get(1));
try {
List<String> children = registry.list(argsList.get(1));
for (String child : children) {
return 0;
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
syserr.println(analyzeException("ls", e, argsList));
return -1;
} catch (ParseException exp) {
return usageError("Invalid syntax " + exp, LS_USAGE);
return -1;
} catch (ParseException exp) {
return usageError("Invalid syntax " + exp, LS_USAGE);
public int resolve(String [] args) {
Options resolveOption = new Options();
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
try {
CommandLine line = parser.parse(resolveOption, args);
public int resolve(String[] args) {
Options resolveOption = new Options();
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
try {
CommandLine line = parser.parse(resolveOption, args);
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("resolve requires exactly one path argument", RESOLVE_USAGE);
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1)))
return -1;
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("resolve requires exactly one path argument",
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1))) {
return -1;
try {
ServiceRecord record = registry.resolve(argsList.get(1));
try {
ServiceRecord record = registry.resolve(argsList.get(1));
for (Endpoint endpoint : record.external) {
sysout.println(" Endpoint(ProtocolType="
+ endpoint.protocolType + ", Api="
+ endpoint.api + ");"
+ " Addresses(AddressType="
+ endpoint.addressType + ") are: ");
for (Endpoint endpoint : record.external) {
sysout.println(" Endpoint(ProtocolType="
+ endpoint.protocolType + ", Api="
+ endpoint.api + ");"
+ " Addresses(AddressType="
+ endpoint.addressType + ") are: ");
for (Map<String, String> address : endpoint.addresses) {
sysout.println(" [ ");
sysout.println("[ ");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : address.entrySet()) {
sysout.println(" " + entry.getKey()
+ ": \"" + entry.getValue() + "\"");
sysout.print("\t" + entry.getKey()
+ ":" + entry.getValue());
sysout.println(" ]");
return 0;
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
syserr.println(analyzeException("resolve", e, argsList));
return -1;
} catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException exp) {
return usageError("Invalid syntax " + exp, RESOLVE_USAGE);
return -1;
} catch (ParseException exp) {
return usageError("Invalid syntax " + exp, RESOLVE_USAGE);
public int bind(String [] args) {
Option rest = OptionBuilder.withArgName("rest")
.withDescription("rest Option")
Option webui = OptionBuilder.withArgName("webui")
.withDescription("webui Option")
Option inet = OptionBuilder.withArgName("inet")
.withDescription("inet Option")
Option port = OptionBuilder.withArgName("port")
.withDescription("port to listen on [9999]")
Option host = OptionBuilder.withArgName("host")
.withDescription("host name")
Option apiOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("api")
Options inetOption = new Options();
public int bind(String[] args) {
Option rest = OptionBuilder.withArgName("rest")
.withDescription("rest Option")
Option webui = OptionBuilder.withArgName("webui")
.withDescription("webui Option")
Option inet = OptionBuilder.withArgName("inet")
.withDescription("inet Option")
Option port = OptionBuilder.withArgName("port")
.withDescription("port to listen on [9999]")
Option host = OptionBuilder.withArgName("host")
.withDescription("host name")
Option apiOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("api")
Options inetOption = new Options();
Options webuiOpt = new Options();
Options webuiOpt = new Options();
Options restOpt = new Options();
Options restOpt = new Options();
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
ServiceRecord sr = new ServiceRecord();
CommandLine line = null;
CommandLine line;
if (args.length <= 1) {
return usageError("Invalid syntax ", BIND_USAGE);
@ -259,7 +302,12 @@ public class RegistryCli extends Configured implements Tool {
if (line.hasOption("inet") && line.hasOption("p") &&
line.hasOption("h") && line.hasOption("api")) {
portNum = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("p"));
try {
portNum = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("p"));
} catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
return usageError("Invalid Port - int required" + exp.getMessage(),
hostName = line.getOptionValue("h");
api = line.getOptionValue("api");
@ -278,7 +326,7 @@ public class RegistryCli extends Configured implements Tool {
return usageError("Invalid syntax " + exp.getMessage(), BIND_USAGE);
if (line.hasOption("webui") && line.hasOption("api")) {
URI theUri = null;
URI theUri;
try {
theUri = new URI(line.getOptionValue("webui"));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
@ -315,86 +363,91 @@ public class RegistryCli extends Configured implements Tool {
return usageError("Invalid syntax", BIND_USAGE);
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("bind requires exactly one path argument", BIND_USAGE);
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1)))
return -1;
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("bind requires exactly one path argument", BIND_USAGE);
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1))) {
return -1;
try {
registry.bind(argsList.get(1), sr, BindFlags.OVERWRITE);
return 0;
try {
registry.bind(argsList.get(1), sr, BindFlags.OVERWRITE);
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
syserr.println(analyzeException("bind", e, argsList));
return -1;
public int mknode(String [] args) {
Options mknodeOption = new Options();
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
try {
CommandLine line = parser.parse(mknodeOption, args);
public int mknode(String[] args) {
Options mknodeOption = new Options();
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
try {
CommandLine line = parser.parse(mknodeOption, args);
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("mknode requires exactly one path argument", MKNODE_USAGE);
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1)))
return -1;
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("mknode requires exactly one path argument",
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1))) {
return -1;
try {
registry.mknode(args[1], false);
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
registry.mknode(args[1], false);
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
syserr.println(analyzeException("mknode", e, argsList));
return -1;
} catch (ParseException exp) {
return usageError("Invalid syntax " + exp.toString(), MKNODE_USAGE);
return -1;
} catch (ParseException exp) {
return usageError("Invalid syntax " + exp.toString(), MKNODE_USAGE);
public int rm(String[] args) {
Option recursive = OptionBuilder.withArgName("recursive")
.withDescription("delete recursively").create("r");
Option recursive = OptionBuilder.withArgName("recursive")
.withDescription("delete recursively")
Options rmOption = new Options();
Options rmOption = new Options();
boolean recursiveOpt = false;
boolean recursiveOpt = false;
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
try {
CommandLine line = parser.parse(rmOption, args);
CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser();
try {
CommandLine line = parser.parse(rmOption, args);
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("RM requires exactly one path argument", RM_USAGE);
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1)))
return -1;
List<String> argsList = line.getArgList();
if (argsList.size() != 2) {
return usageError("RM requires exactly one path argument", RM_USAGE);
if (!validatePath(argsList.get(1))) {
return -1;
try {
if (line.hasOption("r")) {
recursiveOpt = true;
try {
if (line.hasOption("r")) {
recursiveOpt = true;
registry.delete(argsList.get(1), recursiveOpt);
return 0;
registry.delete(argsList.get(1), recursiveOpt);
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
syserr.println(analyzeException("rm", e, argsList));
return -1;
} catch (ParseException exp) {
return usageError("Invalid syntax " + exp.toString(), RM_USAGE);
} catch (ParseException exp) {
return usageError("Invalid syntax " + exp.toString(), RM_USAGE);
* Given an exception and a possibly empty argument list, generate
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.registry.cli;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.registry.AbstractRegistryTest;
import org.apache.hadoop.registry.operations.TestRegistryOperations;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class TestRegistryCli extends AbstractRegistryTest {
protected static final Logger LOG =
private ByteArrayOutputStream sysOutStream;
private PrintStream sysOut;
private ByteArrayOutputStream sysErrStream;
private PrintStream sysErr;
private RegistryCli cli;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
sysOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
sysOut = new PrintStream(sysOutStream);
sysErrStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
sysErr = new PrintStream(sysErrStream);
cli = new RegistryCli(operations, createRegistryConfiguration(), sysOut, sysErr);
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
private void assertResult(RegistryCli cli, int code, String...args) throws Exception {
int result = cli.run(args);
assertEquals(code, result);
public void testBadCommands() throws Exception {
assertResult(cli, -1, new String[] { });
assertResult(cli, -1, "foo");
public void testInvalidNumArgs() throws Exception {
assertResult(cli, -1, "ls");
assertResult(cli, -1, "ls", "/path", "/extraPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/path", "/extraPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "mknode");
assertResult(cli, -1, "mknode", "/path", "/extraPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "rm");
assertResult(cli, -1, "rm", "/path", "/extraPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-inet", "foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "-p", "378", "-h", "host", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "-h", "host", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "378", "-h", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "378", "-h", "host");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-api", "Api", "-p", "378", "-h", "host", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-webui", "foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-webui", "-api", "Api", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-webui", "uriString", "-api", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-webui", "uriString", "-api", "Api");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-rest", "foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-rest", "uriString", "-api", "Api");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-rest", "-api", "Api", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-rest", "uriString", "-api", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "/foo");
public void testBadArgType() throws Exception {
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "fooPort", "-h",
"host", "/dir");
public void testBadPath() throws Exception {
assertResult(cli, -1, "ls", "NonSlashPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "ls", "//");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "NonSlashPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "//");
assertResult(cli, -1, "mknode", "NonSlashPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "mknode", "//");
assertResult(cli, -1, "rm", "NonSlashPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "rm", "//");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "378", "-h", "host", "NonSlashPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "378", "-h", "host", "//");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-webui", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "NonSlashPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-webui", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "//");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-rest", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "NonSlashPath");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-rest", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "//");
public void testNotExistingPaths() throws Exception {
assertResult(cli, -1, "ls", "/nonexisting_path");
assertResult(cli, -1, "ls", "/NonExistingDir/nonexisting_path");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/nonexisting_path");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/NonExistingDir/nonexisting_path");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "378", "-h", "host", "/NonExistingDir/nonexisting_path");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-webui", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "/NonExistingDir/nonexisting_path");
assertResult(cli, -1, "bind", "-rest", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "/NonExistingDir/nonexisting_path");
public void testValidCommands() throws Exception {
assertResult(cli, 0, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "378", "-h", "host", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "resolve", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "bind", "-webui", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "resolve", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "bind", "-rest", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "resolve", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/foo");
//Test Sub Directories Binds
assertResult(cli, 0, "mknode", "/subdir");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/subdir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "378", "-h", "host", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "resolve", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "bind", "-webui", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "resolve", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "bind", "-rest", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "resolve", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/subdir/foo");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/subdir");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/subdir");
//Test Bind that the dir itself
assertResult(cli, 0, "mknode", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "bind", "-inet", "-api", "Api", "-p", "378", "-h", "host", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "resolve", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "mknode", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "bind", "-webui", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "resolve", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "mknode", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "bind", "-rest", "uriString", "-api", "Api", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "resolve", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, -1, "resolve", "/dir");
assertResult(cli, 0, "rm", "/Nonexitent");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user