Preparing for release 0.21.0
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,396 +1,5 @@
Hadoop Change Log
Trunk (unreleased changes)
HADOOP-6299. Reimplement the UserGroupInformation to use the OS
specific and Kerberos JAAS login. (omalley)
HADOOP-6686. Remove redundant exception class name from the exception
message for the exceptions thrown at RPC client. (suresh)
HADOOP-6701. Fix incorrect exit codes returned from chmod, chown and chgrp
commands from FsShell. (Ravi Phulari via suresh)
HADOOP-6284. Add a new parameter, HADOOP_JAVA_PLATFORM_OPTS, to
|||| so that it allows setting java command options for
JAVA_PLATFORM. (Koji Noguchi via szetszwo)
HADOOP-6337. Updates FilterInitializer class to be more visible,
and the init of the class is made to take a Configuration argument.
(Jakob Homan via ddas)
HADOOP-6108. Add support for EBS storage on EC2. (tomwhite)
Hadoop-6223. Add new file system interface AbstractFileSystem with
implementation of some file systems that delegate to old FileSystem.
(Sanjay Radia via suresh)
HADOOP-6392. Run namenode and jobtracker on separate EC2 instances.
HADOOP-6433. Introduce asychronous deletion of files via a pool of
threads. This can be used to delete files in the Distributed
Cache. (Zheng Shao via dhruba)
HADOOP-6415. Adds a common token interface for both job token and
delegation token. (Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6466. Add a ZooKeeper service to the cloud scripts. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6408. Add a /conf servlet to dump running configuration.
(Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6464. Write a Rackspace cloud provider. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6520. Adds APIs to read/write Token and secret keys. Also
adds the automatic loading of tokens into UserGroupInformation
upon login. The tokens are read from a file specified in the
environment variable. (ddas)
HADOOP-6419. Adds SASL based authentication to RPC.
(Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6510. Adds a way for superusers to impersonate other users
in a secure environment. (Jitendra Nath Pandey via ddas)
HADOOP-6421. Adds Symbolic links to FileContext, AbstractFileSystem.
It also adds a limited implementation for the local file system
(RawLocalFs) that allows local symlinks. (Eli Collins via Sanjay Radia)
HADOOP-6577. Add hidden configuration option "ipc.server.max.response.size"
to change the default 1 MB, the maximum size when large IPC handler
response buffer is reset. (suresh)
HADOOP-6568. Adds authorization for the default servlets.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via ddas)
HADOOP-6586. Log authentication and authorization failures and successes
for RPC (boryas)
HADOOP-6580. UGI should contain authentication method. (jnp via boryas)
HADOOP-6657. Add a capitalization method to StringUtils for MAPREDUCE-1545.
(Luke Lu via Steve Loughran)
HADOOP-6692. Add FileContext#listStatus that returns an iterator.
HADOOP-6283. Improve the exception messages thrown by
FileUtil$HardLink.getLinkCount(..). (szetszwo)
HADOOP-6279. Add Runtime::maxMemory to JVM metrics. (Todd Lipcon via
HADOOP-6305. Unify build property names to facilitate cross-projects
modifications (cos)
HADOOP-6312. Remove unnecessary debug logging in Configuration constructor.
(Aaron Kimball via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6366. Reduce ivy console output to ovservable level (cos)
HADOOP-6400. Log errors getting Unix UGI. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6346. Add support for specifying unpack pattern regex to
RunJar.unJar. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6422. Make RPC backend plugable, protocol-by-protocol, to
ease evolution towards Avro. (cutting)
HADOOP-5958. Use JDK 1.6 File APIs in wherever possible.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6222. Core doesn't have TestCommonCLI facility. (cos)
HADOOP-6394. Add a helper class to simplify FileContext related tests and
improve code reusability. (Jitendra Nath Pandey via suresh)
HADOOP-6426. Create ant build for running EC2 unit tests. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-4656. Add a user to groups mapping service. (boryas, acmurthy)
HADOOP-6444. Support additional security group option in hadoop-ec2 script.
(Paul Egan via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6454. Create for EC2 cloud scripts. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6435. Make RPC.waitForProxy with timeout public. (Steve Loughran
via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6472. add tokenCache option to GenericOptionsParser for passing
file with secret keys to a map reduce job. (boryas)
HADOOP-3205. Read multiple chunks directly from FSInputChecker subclass
into user buffers. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6479. TestUTF8 assertions could fail with better text.
(Steve Loughran via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6155. Deprecate RecordIO anticipating Avro. (Tom White via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6492. Make some Avro serialization APIs public.
(Aaron Kimball via cutting)
HADOOP-6497. Add an adapter for Avro's SeekableInput interface, so
that Avro can read FileSystem data.
(Aaron Kimball via cutting)
HADOOP-6495. Identifier should be serialized after the password is
created In Token constructor (jnp via boryas)
HADOOP-6518. Makes the UGI honor the env var KRB5CCNAME.
(Owen O'Malley via ddas)
HADOOP-6531. Enhance FileUtil with an API to delete all contents of a
directory. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
HADOOP-6547. Move DelegationToken into Common, so that it can be used by
MapReduce also. (devaraj via omalley)
HADOOP-6552. Puts renewTGT=true and useTicketCache=true for the keytab
kerberos options. (ddas)
HADOOP-6534. Trim whitespace from directory lists initializing
LocalDirAllocator. (Todd Lipcon via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6559. Makes the RPC client automatically re-login when the SASL
connection setup fails. This is applicable only to keytab based logins.
(Devaraj Das)
HADOOP-6551. Delegation token renewing and cancelling should provide
meaningful exceptions when there are failures instead of returning
false. (omalley)
HADOOP-6583. Captures authentication and authorization metrics. (ddas)
HADOOP-6543. Allows secure clients to talk to unsecure clusters.
(Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6579. Provide a mechanism for encoding/decoding Tokens from
a url-safe string and change the commons-code library to 1.4. (omalley)
HADOOP-6596. Add a version field to the AbstractDelegationTokenIdentifier's
serialized value. (omalley)
HADOOP-6573. Support for persistent delegation tokens.
(Jitendra Pandey via shv)
HADOOP-6594. Provide a fetchdt tool via bin/hdfs. (jhoman via acmurthy)
HADOOP-6589. Provide better error messages when RPC authentication fails.
(Kan Zhang via omalley)
HADOOP-6599 Split existing RpcMetrics into RpcMetrics & RpcDetailedMetrics.
(Suresh Srinivas via Sanjay Radia)
HADOOP-6537 Declare more detailed exceptions in FileContext and
AbstractFileSystem (Suresh Srinivas via Sanjay Radia)
HADOOP-6486. fix common classes to work with Avro 1.3 reflection.
(cutting via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6591. HarFileSystem can handle paths with the whitespace characters.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
HADOOP-6407. Have a way to automatically update Eclipse .classpath file
when new libs are added to the classpath through Ivy. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-3659. Patch to allow hadoop native to compile on Mac OS X.
(Colin Evans and Allen Wittenauer via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6471. StringBuffer -> StringBuilder - conversion of references
as necessary. (Kay Kay via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6646. Move HarfileSystem out of Hadoop Common. (mahadev)
HADOOP-6566. Add methods supporting, enforcing narrower permissions on
local daemon directories. (Arun Murthy and Luke Lu via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6705. Fix to work with 1.5 version of jiracli
(Giridharan Kesavan)
HADOOP-6658. Exclude Private elements from generated Javadoc. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6635. Install/deploy source jars to Maven repo.
(Patrick Angeles via jghoman)
HADOOP-6717. Log levels in too high
(Todd Lipcon via jghoman)
HADOOP-6667. RPC.waitForProxy should retry through NoRouteToHostException.
(Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6677. InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate should take a string not an
enum. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-678. Remove FileContext#isFile, isDirectory, and exists.
(Eli Collins via hairong)
HADOOP-6515. Make maximum number of http threads configurable.
(Scott Chen via zshao)
HADOOP-6563. Add more symlink tests to cover intermediate symlinks
in paths. (Eli Collins via suresh)
HADOOP-6467. Improve the performance on HarFileSystem.listStatus(..).
(mahadev via szetszwo)
HADOOP-6569. FsShell#cat should avoid calling unecessary getFileStatus
before opening a file to read. (hairong)
HADOOP-6689. Add directory renaming test to existing FileContext tests.
(Eli Collins via suresh)
HADOOP-6713. The RPC server Listener thread is a scalability bottleneck.
(Dmytro Molkov via hairong)
HADOOP-6293. Fix FsShell -text to work on filesystems other than the
default. (cdouglas)
HADOOP-6341. Fix for checkTests function. (gkesavan)
HADOOP-6314. Fix "fs -help" for the "-count" commond. (Ravi Phulari via
HADOOP-6405. Update Eclipse configuration to match changes to Ivy
configuration (Edwin Chan via cos)
HADOOP-6411. Remove deprecated file src/test/hadoop-site.xml. (cos)
HADOOP-6386. NameNode's HttpServer can't instantiate InetSocketAddress:
IllegalArgumentException is thrown (cos)
HADOOP-6254. Slow reads cause s3n to fail with SocketTimeoutException.
(Andrew Hitchcock via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6428. HttpServer sleeps with negative values. (cos)
HADOOP-6414. Add command line help for -expunge command.
(Ravi Phulari via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6391. Classpath should not be part of command line arguments.
(Cristian Ivascu via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6462. Target "compile" does not exist in contrib/cloud. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6402. testConf.xsl is not well-formed XML. (Steve Loughran
via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6489. Fix 3 findbugs warnings. (Erik Steffl via suresh)
HADOOP-6517. Fix UserGroupInformation so that tokens are saved/retrieved
to/from the embedded Subject (Owen O'Malley & Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6538. Sets to simple by default.
HADOOP-6540. Contrib unit tests have invalid XML for core-site, etc.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6521. User specified umask using deprecated dfs.umask must override
server configured using new dfs.umaskmode for backward compatibility.
HADOOP-6522. Fix decoding of codepoint zero in UTF8. (cutting)
HADOOP-6505. Use tr rather than sed to effect literal substitution in the
build script. (Allen Wittenauer via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6548. Replace mortbay imports with commons logging. (cdouglas)
HADOOP-6560. Handle invalid har:// uri in HarFileSystem. (szetszwo)
HADOOP-6549. TestDoAsEffectiveUser should use ip address of the host
for superuser ip check(jnp via boryas)
HADOOP-6570. RPC#stopProxy throws NPE if getProxyEngine(proxy) returns
null. (hairong)
HADOOP-6558. Return null in HarFileSystem.getFileChecksum(..) since no
checksum algorithm is implemented. (szetszwo)
HADOOP-6572. Makes sure that SASL encryption and push to responder
queue for the RPC response happens atomically. (Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6545. Changes the Key for the FileSystem cache to be UGI (ddas)
HADOOP-6609. Fixed deadlock in RPC by replacing shared static
DataOutputBuffer in the UTF8 class with a thread local variable. (omalley)
HADOOP-6504. Invalid example in the documentation of
org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool. (Benoit Sigoure via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6546. BloomMapFile can return false negatives. (Clark Jefcoat
via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6593. TextRecordInputStream doesn't close SequenceFile.Reader.
(Chase Bradford via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6175. Incorrect version compilation with es_ES.ISO8859-15 locale
on Solaris 10. (Urko Benito via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6645. Bugs on listStatus for HarFileSystem (rodrigo via mahadev)
HADOOP-6645. Re: Bugs on listStatus for HarFileSystem (rodrigo via
HADOOP-6654. Fix code example in WritableComparable javadoc. (Tom White
via szetszwo)
HADOOP-6640. FileSystem.get() does RPC retries within a static
synchronized block. (hairong)
HADOOP-6680. hadoop-cloud push command invokes proxy creation.
(Andrew Klochkov via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6691. TestFileSystemCaching sometimes hangs. (hairong)
HADOOP-6507. Hadoop Common Docs - delete 3 doc files that do not belong
under Common. (Corinne Chandel via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6439. Fixes handling of deprecated keys to follow order in which
keys are defined. (V.V.Chaitanya Krishna via yhemanth)
HADOOP-6690. FilterFileSystem correctly handles setTimes call.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
HADOOP-6703. Prevent renaming a file, directory or symbolic link to
itself. (Eli Collins via suresh)
HADOOP-6710. Symbolic umask for file creation is not conformant with posix.
HADOOP-6719. Insert all missing methods in FilterFs.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
HADOOP-6724. IPC doesn't properly handle IOEs thrown by socket factory.
(Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6722. NetUtils.connect should check that it hasn't connected a socket
to itself. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6634. Fix AccessControlList to use short names to verify access
control. (Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via sharad)
HADOOP-6709. Re-instate deprecated FileSystem methods that were removed
after 0.20. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6630. fails to get executed if hadoop wrapper
scripts are in path. (Allen Wittenauer via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6742. Add methods HADOOP-6709 from to TestFilterFileSystem.
(Eli Collins via tomwhite)
Release 0.21.0 - Unreleased
@ -482,6 +91,15 @@ Release 0.21.0 - Unreleased
HADOOP-6396. Fix uninformative exception message when unable to parse
umask. (jghoman)
HADOOP-6299. Reimplement the UserGroupInformation to use the OS
specific and Kerberos JAAS login. (omalley)
HADOOP-6686. Remove redundant exception class name from the exception
message for the exceptions thrown at RPC client. (suresh)
HADOOP-6701. Fix incorrect exit codes returned from chmod, chown and chgrp
commands from FsShell. (Ravi Phulari via suresh)
HADOOP-4268. Change fsck to use ClientProtocol methods so that the
@ -607,6 +225,70 @@ Release 0.21.0 - Unreleased
HADOOP-6313. Implement Syncable interface in FSDataOutputStream to expose
flush APIs to application users. (Hairong Kuang via suresh)
HADOOP-6284. Add a new parameter, HADOOP_JAVA_PLATFORM_OPTS, to
|||| so that it allows setting java command options for
JAVA_PLATFORM. (Koji Noguchi via szetszwo)
HADOOP-6337. Updates FilterInitializer class to be more visible,
and the init of the class is made to take a Configuration argument.
(Jakob Homan via ddas)
HADOOP-6108. Add support for EBS storage on EC2. (tomwhite)
Hadoop-6223. Add new file system interface AbstractFileSystem with
implementation of some file systems that delegate to old FileSystem.
(Sanjay Radia via suresh)
HADOOP-6392. Run namenode and jobtracker on separate EC2 instances.
HADOOP-6433. Introduce asychronous deletion of files via a pool of
threads. This can be used to delete files in the Distributed
Cache. (Zheng Shao via dhruba)
HADOOP-6415. Adds a common token interface for both job token and
delegation token. (Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6466. Add a ZooKeeper service to the cloud scripts. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6408. Add a /conf servlet to dump running configuration.
(Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6464. Write a Rackspace cloud provider. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6520. Adds APIs to read/write Token and secret keys. Also
adds the automatic loading of tokens into UserGroupInformation
upon login. The tokens are read from a file specified in the
environment variable. (ddas)
HADOOP-6419. Adds SASL based authentication to RPC.
(Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6510. Adds a way for superusers to impersonate other users
in a secure environment. (Jitendra Nath Pandey via ddas)
HADOOP-6421. Adds Symbolic links to FileContext, AbstractFileSystem.
It also adds a limited implementation for the local file system
(RawLocalFs) that allows local symlinks. (Eli Collins via Sanjay Radia)
HADOOP-6577. Add hidden configuration option "ipc.server.max.response.size"
to change the default 1 MB, the maximum size when large IPC handler
response buffer is reset. (suresh)
HADOOP-6568. Adds authorization for the default servlets.
(Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via ddas)
HADOOP-6586. Log authentication and authorization failures and successes
for RPC (boryas)
HADOOP-6580. UGI should contain authentication method. (jnp via boryas)
HADOOP-6657. Add a capitalization method to StringUtils for MAPREDUCE-1545.
(Luke Lu via Steve Loughran)
HADOOP-6692. Add FileContext#listStatus that returns an iterator.
HADOOP-4565. Added CombineFileInputFormat to use data locality information
@ -1009,6 +691,163 @@ Release 0.21.0 - Unreleased
HADOOP-6413. Move TestReflectionUtils to Common. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6283. Improve the exception messages thrown by
FileUtil$HardLink.getLinkCount(..). (szetszwo)
HADOOP-6279. Add Runtime::maxMemory to JVM metrics. (Todd Lipcon via
HADOOP-6305. Unify build property names to facilitate cross-projects
modifications (cos)
HADOOP-6312. Remove unnecessary debug logging in Configuration constructor.
(Aaron Kimball via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6366. Reduce ivy console output to ovservable level (cos)
HADOOP-6400. Log errors getting Unix UGI. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6346. Add support for specifying unpack pattern regex to
RunJar.unJar. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6422. Make RPC backend plugable, protocol-by-protocol, to
ease evolution towards Avro. (cutting)
HADOOP-5958. Use JDK 1.6 File APIs in wherever possible.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6222. Core doesn't have TestCommonCLI facility. (cos)
HADOOP-6394. Add a helper class to simplify FileContext related tests and
improve code reusability. (Jitendra Nath Pandey via suresh)
HADOOP-6426. Create ant build for running EC2 unit tests. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-4656. Add a user to groups mapping service. (boryas, acmurthy)
HADOOP-6444. Support additional security group option in hadoop-ec2 script.
(Paul Egan via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6454. Create for EC2 cloud scripts. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6435. Make RPC.waitForProxy with timeout public. (Steve Loughran
via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6472. add tokenCache option to GenericOptionsParser for passing
file with secret keys to a map reduce job. (boryas)
HADOOP-3205. Read multiple chunks directly from FSInputChecker subclass
into user buffers. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6479. TestUTF8 assertions could fail with better text.
(Steve Loughran via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6155. Deprecate RecordIO anticipating Avro. (Tom White via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6492. Make some Avro serialization APIs public.
(Aaron Kimball via cutting)
HADOOP-6497. Add an adapter for Avro's SeekableInput interface, so
that Avro can read FileSystem data.
(Aaron Kimball via cutting)
HADOOP-6495. Identifier should be serialized after the password is
created In Token constructor (jnp via boryas)
HADOOP-6518. Makes the UGI honor the env var KRB5CCNAME.
(Owen O'Malley via ddas)
HADOOP-6531. Enhance FileUtil with an API to delete all contents of a
directory. (Amareshwari Sriramadasu via yhemanth)
HADOOP-6547. Move DelegationToken into Common, so that it can be used by
MapReduce also. (devaraj via omalley)
HADOOP-6552. Puts renewTGT=true and useTicketCache=true for the keytab
kerberos options. (ddas)
HADOOP-6534. Trim whitespace from directory lists initializing
LocalDirAllocator. (Todd Lipcon via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6559. Makes the RPC client automatically re-login when the SASL
connection setup fails. This is applicable only to keytab based logins.
(Devaraj Das)
HADOOP-6551. Delegation token renewing and cancelling should provide
meaningful exceptions when there are failures instead of returning
false. (omalley)
HADOOP-6583. Captures authentication and authorization metrics. (ddas)
HADOOP-6543. Allows secure clients to talk to unsecure clusters.
(Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6579. Provide a mechanism for encoding/decoding Tokens from
a url-safe string and change the commons-code library to 1.4. (omalley)
HADOOP-6596. Add a version field to the AbstractDelegationTokenIdentifier's
serialized value. (omalley)
HADOOP-6573. Support for persistent delegation tokens.
(Jitendra Pandey via shv)
HADOOP-6594. Provide a fetchdt tool via bin/hdfs. (jhoman via acmurthy)
HADOOP-6589. Provide better error messages when RPC authentication fails.
(Kan Zhang via omalley)
HADOOP-6599 Split existing RpcMetrics into RpcMetrics & RpcDetailedMetrics.
(Suresh Srinivas via Sanjay Radia)
HADOOP-6537 Declare more detailed exceptions in FileContext and
AbstractFileSystem (Suresh Srinivas via Sanjay Radia)
HADOOP-6486. fix common classes to work with Avro 1.3 reflection.
(cutting via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6591. HarFileSystem can handle paths with the whitespace characters.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
HADOOP-6407. Have a way to automatically update Eclipse .classpath file
when new libs are added to the classpath through Ivy. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-3659. Patch to allow hadoop native to compile on Mac OS X.
(Colin Evans and Allen Wittenauer via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6471. StringBuffer -> StringBuilder - conversion of references
as necessary. (Kay Kay via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6646. Move HarfileSystem out of Hadoop Common. (mahadev)
HADOOP-6566. Add methods supporting, enforcing narrower permissions on
local daemon directories. (Arun Murthy and Luke Lu via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6705. Fix to work with 1.5 version of jiracli
(Giridharan Kesavan)
HADOOP-6658. Exclude Private elements from generated Javadoc. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6635. Install/deploy source jars to Maven repo.
(Patrick Angeles via jghoman)
HADOOP-6717. Log levels in too high
(Todd Lipcon via jghoman)
HADOOP-6667. RPC.waitForProxy should retry through NoRouteToHostException.
(Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6677. InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate should take a string not an
enum. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-678. Remove FileContext#isFile, isDirectory, and exists.
(Eli Collins via hairong)
HADOOP-6515. Make maximum number of http threads configurable.
(Scott Chen via zshao)
HADOOP-6563. Add more symlink tests to cover intermediate symlinks
in paths. (Eli Collins via suresh)
HADOOP-5595. NameNode does not need to run a replicator to choose a
@ -1033,6 +872,18 @@ Release 0.21.0 - Unreleased
HADOOP-6307. Add a new SequenceFile.Reader constructor in order to support
reading on un-closed file. (szetszwo)
HADOOP-6467. Improve the performance on HarFileSystem.listStatus(..).
(mahadev via szetszwo)
HADOOP-6569. FsShell#cat should avoid calling unecessary getFileStatus
before opening a file to read. (hairong)
HADOOP-6689. Add directory renaming test to existing FileContext tests.
(Eli Collins via suresh)
HADOOP-6713. The RPC server Listener thread is a scalability bottleneck.
(Dmytro Molkov via hairong)
HADOOP-5379. CBZip2InputStream to throw IOException on data crc error.
@ -1526,6 +1377,143 @@ Release 0.21.0 - Unreleased
HADOOP-6290. Prevent duplicate slf4j-simple jar via Avro's classpath.
(Owen O'Malley via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6293. Fix FsShell -text to work on filesystems other than the
default. (cdouglas)
HADOOP-6341. Fix for checkTests function. (gkesavan)
HADOOP-6314. Fix "fs -help" for the "-count" commond. (Ravi Phulari via
HADOOP-6405. Update Eclipse configuration to match changes to Ivy
configuration (Edwin Chan via cos)
HADOOP-6411. Remove deprecated file src/test/hadoop-site.xml. (cos)
HADOOP-6386. NameNode's HttpServer can't instantiate InetSocketAddress:
IllegalArgumentException is thrown (cos)
HADOOP-6254. Slow reads cause s3n to fail with SocketTimeoutException.
(Andrew Hitchcock via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6428. HttpServer sleeps with negative values. (cos)
HADOOP-6414. Add command line help for -expunge command.
(Ravi Phulari via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6391. Classpath should not be part of command line arguments.
(Cristian Ivascu via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6462. Target "compile" does not exist in contrib/cloud. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6402. testConf.xsl is not well-formed XML. (Steve Loughran
via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6489. Fix 3 findbugs warnings. (Erik Steffl via suresh)
HADOOP-6517. Fix UserGroupInformation so that tokens are saved/retrieved
to/from the embedded Subject (Owen O'Malley & Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6538. Sets to simple by default.
HADOOP-6540. Contrib unit tests have invalid XML for core-site, etc.
(Aaron Kimball via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6521. User specified umask using deprecated dfs.umask must override
server configured using new dfs.umaskmode for backward compatibility.
HADOOP-6522. Fix decoding of codepoint zero in UTF8. (cutting)
HADOOP-6505. Use tr rather than sed to effect literal substitution in the
build script. (Allen Wittenauer via cdouglas)
HADOOP-6548. Replace mortbay imports with commons logging. (cdouglas)
HADOOP-6560. Handle invalid har:// uri in HarFileSystem. (szetszwo)
HADOOP-6549. TestDoAsEffectiveUser should use ip address of the host
for superuser ip check(jnp via boryas)
HADOOP-6570. RPC#stopProxy throws NPE if getProxyEngine(proxy) returns
null. (hairong)
HADOOP-6558. Return null in HarFileSystem.getFileChecksum(..) since no
checksum algorithm is implemented. (szetszwo)
HADOOP-6572. Makes sure that SASL encryption and push to responder
queue for the RPC response happens atomically. (Kan Zhang via ddas)
HADOOP-6545. Changes the Key for the FileSystem cache to be UGI (ddas)
HADOOP-6609. Fixed deadlock in RPC by replacing shared static
DataOutputBuffer in the UTF8 class with a thread local variable. (omalley)
HADOOP-6504. Invalid example in the documentation of
org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool. (Benoit Sigoure via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6546. BloomMapFile can return false negatives. (Clark Jefcoat
via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6593. TextRecordInputStream doesn't close SequenceFile.Reader.
(Chase Bradford via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6175. Incorrect version compilation with es_ES.ISO8859-15 locale
on Solaris 10. (Urko Benito via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6645. Bugs on listStatus for HarFileSystem (rodrigo via mahadev)
HADOOP-6645. Re: Bugs on listStatus for HarFileSystem (rodrigo via
HADOOP-6654. Fix code example in WritableComparable javadoc. (Tom White
via szetszwo)
HADOOP-6640. FileSystem.get() does RPC retries within a static
synchronized block. (hairong)
HADOOP-6680. hadoop-cloud push command invokes proxy creation.
(Andrew Klochkov via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6691. TestFileSystemCaching sometimes hangs. (hairong)
HADOOP-6507. Hadoop Common Docs - delete 3 doc files that do not belong
under Common. (Corinne Chandel via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6439. Fixes handling of deprecated keys to follow order in which
keys are defined. (V.V.Chaitanya Krishna via yhemanth)
HADOOP-6690. FilterFileSystem correctly handles setTimes call.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
HADOOP-6703. Prevent renaming a file, directory or symbolic link to
itself. (Eli Collins via suresh)
HADOOP-6710. Symbolic umask for file creation is not conformant with posix.
HADOOP-6719. Insert all missing methods in FilterFs.
(Rodrigo Schmidt via dhruba)
HADOOP-6724. IPC doesn't properly handle IOEs thrown by socket factory.
(Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6722. NetUtils.connect should check that it hasn't connected a socket
to itself. (Todd Lipcon via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6634. Fix AccessControlList to use short names to verify access
control. (Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli via sharad)
HADOOP-6709. Re-instate deprecated FileSystem methods that were removed
after 0.20. (tomwhite)
HADOOP-6630. fails to get executed if hadoop wrapper
scripts are in path. (Allen Wittenauer via tomwhite)
HADOOP-6742. Add methods HADOOP-6709 from to TestFilterFileSystem.
(Eli Collins via tomwhite)
Release 0.20.3 - Unreleased
Reference in New Issue
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