HADOOP-14899. Restrict Access to setPermission operation when authorization is enabled in WASB
Contributed by Kannapiran Srinivasan.
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,6 +79,8 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.delegation.web.DelegationTokenAuthenticatedURL;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@ -699,10 +701,29 @@ public String getScheme() {
* Configuration property used to specify list of users that can perform
* chown operation when authorization is enabled in WASB.
public static final String AZURE_CHOWN_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME = "fs.azure.chown.allowed.userlist";
public static final String AZURE_CHOWN_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME =
* Configuration property used to specify list of daemon users that can
* perform chmod operation when authorization is enabled in WASB.
public static final String AZURE_DAEMON_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME =
* Configuration property used to specify list of users that can perform
* chmod operation when authorization is enabled in WASB.
public static final String AZURE_CHMOD_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME =
private static final String AZURE_BLOCK_LOCATION_HOST_DEFAULT =
@ -1189,7 +1210,9 @@ private void restoreKey() throws IOException {
private DelegationTokenAuthenticatedURL authURL;
private DelegationTokenAuthenticatedURL.Token authToken = new DelegationTokenAuthenticatedURL.Token();
private String credServiceUrl;
private List<String> chownAllowedUsers;
private List<String> chmodAllowedUsers;
private List<String> daemonUsers;
* Configuration key to enable authorization support in WASB.
@ -1366,6 +1389,19 @@ public void initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf)
this.authorizer =
new RemoteWasbAuthorizerImpl();
this.chmodAllowedUsers =
this.chownAllowedUsers =
this.daemonUsers =
if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled() && kerberosSupportEnabled) {
@ -3446,6 +3482,27 @@ public void setPermission(Path p, FsPermission permission) throws FileNotFoundEx
if (metadata == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("File doesn't exist: " + p);
// If authorization is enabled, check if the user is
// part of chmod allowed list or a daemon user or owner of the file/folder
if (azureAuthorization) {
UserGroupInformation currentUgi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
// Check if the user is part of chown allowed list or a daemon user.
if (!isAllowedUser(currentUgi.getShortUserName(), chmodAllowedUsers)
&& !isAllowedUser(currentUgi.getShortUserName(), daemonUsers)) {
//Check if the user is the owner of the file.
String owner = metadata.getPermissionStatus().getUserName();
if (!currentUgi.getShortUserName().equals(owner)) {
throw new WasbAuthorizationException(
String.format("user '%s' does not have the privilege to "
+ "change the permission of files/folders.",
permission = applyUMask(permission,
metadata.isDir() ? UMaskApplyMode.ChangeExistingDirectory
: UMaskApplyMode.ChangeExistingFile);
@ -3491,26 +3548,14 @@ public void setOwner(Path p, String username, String groupname)
* to change the ownership of file/folder
if (this.azureAuthorization && username != null) {
String[] listOfUsers = getConf().getTrimmedStrings(AZURE_CHOWN_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME,
boolean shouldSkipUserCheck = listOfUsers.length == 1 && listOfUsers[0].equals("*");
// skip the check if the chown allowed users config value is set as '*'
if (!shouldSkipUserCheck) {
UserGroupInformation currentUgi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
UserGroupInformation actualUgi = currentUgi.getRealUser();
UserGroupInformation currentUgi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
if (actualUgi == null) {
actualUgi = currentUgi;
List<String> userList = Arrays.asList(listOfUsers);
if (userList.contains("*")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("User list must contain "
+ "either '*' or list of user names, but not both.");
} else if (!userList.contains(actualUgi.getShortUserName())) {
throw new WasbAuthorizationException(String.format("user '%s' does not have the privilege to change the ownership of files/folders.",
if (!isAllowedUser(currentUgi.getShortUserName(),
chownAllowedUsers)) {
throw new WasbAuthorizationException(
String.format("user '%s' does not have the privilege to change "
+ "the ownership of files/folders.",
@ -3528,6 +3573,38 @@ public void setOwner(Path p, String username, String groupname)
* Is the user allowed?
* <ol>
* <li>No user: false</li>
* <li>Empty list: false</li>
* <li>List == ["*"]: true</li>
* <li>Otherwise: is the user in the list?</li>
* </ol>
* @param username user to check; may be null
* @param userList list of users; may be null or empty
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the userList is invalid.
private boolean isAllowedUser(String username, List<String> userList) {
if (null == userList || userList.isEmpty()) {
return false;
boolean shouldSkipUserCheck = userList.size() == 1
&& userList.get(0).equals("*");
// skip the check if the allowed users config value is set as '*'
if (!shouldSkipUserCheck) {
"User list must contain either '*' or a list of user names,"
+ " but not both.");
return userList.contains(username);
return true;
public synchronized void close() throws IOException {
if (isClosed) {
@ -3779,4 +3856,31 @@ public String getOwnerForPath(Path absolutePath) throws IOException {
return owner;
* Helper method to update the chownAllowedUsers in tests.
* @param chownAllowedUsers list of chown allowed users
void updateChownAllowedUsers(List<String> chownAllowedUsers) {
this.chownAllowedUsers = chownAllowedUsers;
* Helper method to update the chmodAllowedUsers in tests.
* @param chmodAllowedUsers list of chmod allowed users
void updateChmodAllowedUsers(List<String> chmodAllowedUsers) {
this.chmodAllowedUsers = chmodAllowedUsers;
* Helper method to update the daemonUsers in tests.
* @param daemonUsers list of daemon users
void updateDaemonUsers(List<String> daemonUsers) {
this.daemonUsers = daemonUsers;
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ The service is expected to return a response in JSON format for GETDELEGATIONTOK
When authorization is enabled, only the users listed in the following configuration
are allowed to change the owning user of files/folders in WASB. The configuration
value takes a comma seperated list of user names who are allowed to perform chown.
value takes a comma separated list of user names who are allowed to perform chown.
@ -471,6 +471,22 @@ value takes a comma seperated list of user names who are allowed to perform chow
### chmod behaviour when authorization is enabled in WASB
When authorization is enabled, only the owner and the users listed in the
following configurations are allowed to change the permissions of files/folders in WASB.
The configuration value takes a comma separated list of user names who are allowed to perform chmod.
Caching of both SAS keys and Authorization responses can be enabled using the following setting:
The cache settings are applicable only when fs.azure.authorization is enabled.
@ -21,10 +21,14 @@
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.contract.ContractTestUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
@ -49,6 +53,8 @@
public class TestNativeAzureFileSystemAuthorization
extends AbstractWasbTestBase {
private static final short FULL_PERMISSION_WITH_STICKYBIT = 1777;
protected MockWasbAuthorizerImpl authorizer;
@ -66,6 +72,8 @@ public Configuration createConfiguration() {
conf.set(RemoteWasbAuthorizerImpl.KEY_REMOTE_AUTH_SERVICE_URLS, "http://localhost/");
conf.set(NativeAzureFileSystem.AZURE_CHOWN_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME, "user1 , user2");
conf.set(NativeAzureFileSystem.AZURE_CHMOD_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME, "user1 , user2");
conf.set(NativeAzureFileSystem.AZURE_DAEMON_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME, "hive , hcs , yarn");
return conf;
@ -925,7 +933,7 @@ public void testDeleteSucceedsForParentDirectoryOwnerUserWithStickybit() throws
// create child with owner as dummyUser
UserGroupInformation dummyUser = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
"dummyUser", new String[] {"dummygroup"});
"user1", new String[] {"dummygroup"});
dummyUser.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
@ -1226,16 +1234,13 @@ public void testRetrievingOwnerDoesNotFailWhenFileDoesNotExist()
public void testSetOwnerThrowsForUnauthorisedUsers() throws Throwable {
Path testPath = new Path("/testSetOwnerNegative");
authorizer.addAuthRuleForOwner("/", WRITE, true);
authorizer.addAuthRuleForOwner(testPath.toString(), READ, true);
authorizer.addAuthRuleForOwner("/", READ, true);
String owner = null;
final String owner;
UserGroupInformation unauthorisedUser = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
"unauthoriseduser", new String[] {"group1"});
try {
@ -1246,13 +1251,17 @@ public void testSetOwnerThrowsForUnauthorisedUsers() throws Throwable {
unauthorisedUser.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
try {
fs.setOwner(testPath, "newowner", null);
return null;
fail("Failing test because setOwner call was expected to throw");
} catch (WasbAuthorizationException wex) {
// check that the owner is not modified
assertOwnerEquals(testPath, owner);
return null;
} finally {
// check that the owner is not modified
assertEquals(owner, fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getOwner());
fs.delete(testPath, false);
@ -1288,8 +1297,8 @@ public void testSetOwnerSucceedsForAuthorisedUsers() throws Throwable {
public Void run() throws Exception {
fs.setOwner(testPath, newOwner, newGroup);
assertEquals(newOwner, fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getOwner());
assertEquals(newGroup, fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getGroup());
assertOwnerEquals(testPath, newOwner);
assertEquals(newGroup, fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getGroup());
return null;
@ -1305,19 +1314,17 @@ public Void run() throws Exception {
* */
public void testSetOwnerSucceedsForAnyUserWhenWildCardIsSpecified() throws Throwable {
final Path testPath = new Path("/testSetOwnerPositiveWildcard");
Configuration conf = fs.getConf();
conf.set(NativeAzureFileSystem.AZURE_CHOWN_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME, "*");
Path testPath = new Path("/testSetOwnerPositiveWildcard");
authorizer.addAuthRuleForOwner("/", WRITE, true);
authorizer.addAuthRuleForOwner(testPath.getParent().toString(), READ, true);
String newOwner = "newowner";
String newGroup = "newgroup";
final String newOwner = "newowner";
final String newGroup = "newgroup";
UserGroupInformation user = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
"anyuser", new String[]{"group1"});
@ -1334,7 +1341,7 @@ public void testSetOwnerSucceedsForAnyUserWhenWildCardIsSpecified() throws Throw
public Void run() throws Exception {
fs.setOwner(testPath, newOwner, newGroup);
assertEquals(newOwner, fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getOwner());
assertOwnerEquals(testPath, newOwner);
assertEquals(newGroup, fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getGroup());
return null;
@ -1350,20 +1357,16 @@ public Void run() throws Exception {
public void testSetOwnerFailsForIllegalSetup() throws Throwable {
fs.updateChownAllowedUsers(Arrays.asList("user1", "*"));
final Path testPath = new Path("/testSetOwnerFailsForIllegalSetup");
Configuration conf = fs.getConf();
conf.set(NativeAzureFileSystem.AZURE_CHOWN_USERLIST_PROPERTY_NAME, "user1, *");
Path testPath = new Path("/testSetOwnerFailsForIllegalSetup");
authorizer.addAuthRuleForOwner("/", WRITE, true);
authorizer.addAuthRuleForOwner(testPath.getParent().toString(), READ, true);
String owner = null;
UserGroupInformation user = UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
"anyuser", new String[]{"group1"});
try {
@ -1371,18 +1374,22 @@ public void testSetOwnerFailsForIllegalSetup() throws Throwable {
ContractTestUtils.assertPathExists(fs, "test path does not exist", testPath);
owner = fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getOwner();
final String owner = fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getOwner();
user.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
try {
fs.setOwner(testPath, "newowner", null);
fail("Failing test because setOwner call was expected to throw");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iex) {
// check that the owner is not modified
assertOwnerEquals(testPath, owner);
return null;
} finally {
// check that the owner is not modified
assertEquals(owner, fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getOwner());
fs.delete(testPath, false);
@ -1433,4 +1440,219 @@ public void testRenamePendingAuthorizationCalls() throws Throwable {
fs.delete(testPath, true);
* Negative test for setPermission when Authorization is enabled.
public void testSetPermissionThrowsForUnauthorisedUsers() throws Throwable {
//setPermission is called by a user who is not a daemon user
//and not chmodAllowedUsers and not owner of the file/folder.
//This test validates a authorization exception during setPermission call
testSetPermission("/testSetPermissionNegative", null, null, "unauthorizeduser",
true, false);
* Positive test for setPermission when Authorization is enabled.
public void testSetPermissionForAuthorisedUsers() throws Throwable {
//user1 is already part of chmodAllowedUsers.
//This test validates the allowed user can do setPermission
testSetPermission("/testSetPermissionPositive", null, null, "user1",
false, false);
* Positive test for setPermission as owner when Authorization is enabled.
public void testSetPermissionForOwner() throws Throwable {
//setPermission is called by the owner and expect a success
//during setPermission call
null, null, null, false, false);
* Test setPermission when wildcard is specified in allowed user list.
public void testSetPermissionWhenWildCardInAllowedUserList() throws Throwable {
//Allow all to setPermission and expect a success
//during setPermission call
List<String> chmodAllowedUsers = Collections.singletonList("*");
chmodAllowedUsers, null, "testuser", false, false);
* Test setPermission when invalid configuration value for allowed user list
* i.e. wildcard character and a username.
public void testSetPermissionForInvalidAllowedUserList() throws Throwable {
//Setting up an invalid chmodAllowedUsers and expects a failure
//during setPermission call
List<String> chmodAllowedUsers = Arrays.asList("*", "testuser");
chmodAllowedUsers, null, "testuser", true, true);
* Test setPermission for a daemon user.
public void testSetPermissionForDaemonUser() throws Throwable {
//hive user is already setup as daemon user.
//This test validates the daemon user can do setPermission
testSetPermission("/testSetPermissionForDaemonUser", null,
null, "hive", false, false);
* Test setPermission when invalid configuration value for daemon user list
* i.e. wildcard character and a daemon username.
public void testSetPermissionForInvalidDaemonUserList() throws Throwable {
List<String> daemonUsers = Arrays.asList("*", "hive");
testSetPermission("/testSetPermissionForInvalidDaemonUserList", null,
daemonUsers, "testuser", true, true);
* Helper method to test setPermission scenarios. This method handles both positive
* and negative scenarios of setPermission tests
private void testSetPermission(String path,
List<String> chmodAllowedUsers,
List<String> daemonUsers,
String user,
boolean isSetPermissionFailureCase,
boolean isInvalidSetup) throws Throwable {
final FsPermission filePermission;
final Path testPath = new Path(path);
final FsPermission newPermission = new FsPermission(FULL_PERMISSION_WITH_STICKYBIT);
authorizer.addAuthRule("/", WRITE, getCurrentUserShortName(), true);
authorizer.addAuthRule("/", READ, getCurrentUserShortName(), true);
if (chmodAllowedUsers != null && !chmodAllowedUsers.isEmpty()) {
if (daemonUsers != null && !daemonUsers.isEmpty()) {
UserGroupInformation testUser = (user != null) ? UserGroupInformation.createUserForTesting(
user, new String[] {"testgrp"}) : null;
try {
ContractTestUtils.assertPathExists(fs, "test path does not exist",
filePermission = fs.getFileStatus(testPath).getPermission();
if (isSetPermissionFailureCase) {
executeSetPermissionFailure(testUser, testPath, filePermission,
newPermission, isInvalidSetup);
} else {
executeSetPermissionSuccess(testUser, testPath, filePermission,
} finally {
fs.delete(testPath, false);
* This method expects a failure while invoking setPermission call
* and validates whether the failure is as expected
private void executeSetPermissionFailure(UserGroupInformation testUser,
Path testPath, FsPermission oldPermission, FsPermission newPermission,
boolean isInvalidSetup)
throws Throwable {
testUser.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
try {
//READ access required for getFileStatus
authorizer.addAuthRule("/", READ, getCurrentUserShortName(), true);
fs.setPermission(testPath, newPermission);
fail("Failing test because setPermission was expected to throw");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iex) {
if (!isInvalidSetup) {
//fail if IllegalArgumentException is not expected
fail("Failing test because IllegalArgumentException"
+ " is not expected to throw");
// check that the file permission is not modified.
assertPermissionEquals(testPath, oldPermission);
} catch (WasbAuthorizationException wex) {
if (isInvalidSetup) {
//fail if WasbAuthorizationException is not expected
fail("Failing test because WasbAuthorizationException"
+ " is not expected to throw");
// check that the file permission is not modified.
assertPermissionEquals(testPath, oldPermission);
return null;
* This method expects a success while invoking setPermission call
* and validates whether the new permissions are set
private void executeSetPermissionSuccess(UserGroupInformation testUser,
Path testPath, FsPermission oldPermission, FsPermission newPermission)
throws Throwable {
//If user is given, then use doAs
if (testUser != null) {
testUser.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
fs.setPermission(testPath, newPermission);
return null;
} else {
//If user is not given, then run in current user context
fs.setPermission(testPath, newPermission);
// check that the file permission is modified
assertPermissionEquals(testPath, newPermission);
// check old permission is not equals to new permission
assertNotEquals(newPermission, oldPermission);
private void assertPermissionEquals(Path path, FsPermission newPermission)
throws IOException {
FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(path);
assertEquals("Wrong permissions in " + status,
newPermission, status.getPermission());
private void assertOwnerEquals(Path path, String owner) throws IOException {
FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(path);
assertEquals("Wrong owner in " + status, owner, status.getOwner());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user