diff --git a/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/pom.xml b/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/pom.xml
index 03a36655fa..10848811b6 100644
--- a/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/pom.xml
+++ b/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/pom.xml
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
- **/ITestS3AEncryptionSSE*.java
+ **/ITestS3AEncryptionSSEC*.java
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
- **/ITestS3AEncryptionSSE*.java
+ **/ITestS3AEncryptionSSEC*.java
diff --git a/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/site/markdown/tools/hadoop-aws/index.md b/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/site/markdown/tools/hadoop-aws/index.md
index 2cde730fbf..ceda79e687 100644
--- a/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/site/markdown/tools/hadoop-aws/index.md
+++ b/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/site/markdown/tools/hadoop-aws/index.md
@@ -1468,6 +1468,52 @@ basis.
to set fadvise policies on input streams. Once implemented,
this will become the supported mechanism used for configuring the input IO policy.
+### Encrypting objects with S3A
+Currently, S3A only supports S3's Server Side Encryption for at rest data encryption.
+It is *encouraged* to read up on the [AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/serv-side-encryption.html)
+for S3 Server Side Encryption before using these options as each behave differently
+and the documentation will be more up to date on its behavior. When configuring
+an encryption method in the `core-site.xml`, this will apply cluster wide. Any
+new files written will be encrypted with this encryption configuration. Any
+existing files when read, will decrypt using the existing method (if possible)
+and will not be re-encrypted with the new method. It is also possible if mixing
+multiple keys that the user does not have access to decrypt the object. It is
+**NOT** advised to mix and match encryption types in a bucket, and is *strongly*
+recommended to just one type and key per bucket.
+SSE-S3 is where S3 will manage the encryption keys for each object. The parameter
+for `fs.s3a.server-side-encryption-algorithm` is `AES256`.
+SSE-KMS is where the user specifies a Customer Master Key(CMK) that is used to
+encrypt the objects. The user may specify a specific CMK or leave the
+`fs.s3a.server-side-encryption-key` empty to use the default auto-generated key
+in AWS IAM. Each CMK configured in AWS IAM is region specific, and cannot be
+used in a in a S3 bucket in a different region. There is can also be policies
+assigned to the CMK that prohibit or restrict its use for users causing S3A
+requests to fail.
+SSE-C is where the user specifies an actual base64 encoded AES-256 key supplied
+and managed by the user.
+#### SSE-C Warning
+It is strongly recommended to fully understand how SSE-C works in the S3
+environment before using this encryption type. Please refer to the Server Side
+Encryption documentation available from AWS. SSE-C is only recommended for
+advanced users with advanced encryption use cases. Failure to properly manage
+encryption keys can cause data loss. Currently, the AWS S3 API(and thus S3A)
+only supports one encryption key and cannot support decrypting objects during
+moves under a previous key to a new destination. It is **NOT** advised to use
+multiple encryption keys in a bucket, and is recommended to use one key per
+bucket and to not change this key. This is due to when a request is made to S3,
+the actual encryption key must be provided to decrypt the object and access the
+metadata. Since only one encryption key can be provided at a time, S3A will not
+pass the correct encryption key to decrypt the data. Please see the
+troubleshooting section for more information.
## Troubleshooting S3A
Common problems working with S3A are
@@ -1931,6 +1977,41 @@ if it is required that the data is persisted durably after every
`flush()/hflush()` call. This includes resilient logging, HBase-style journalling
and the like. The standard strategy here is to save to HDFS and then copy to S3.
+### S3 Server Side Encryption
+#### Using SSE-KMS
+When performing file operations, the user may run into an issue where the KMS
+key arn is invalid.
+Invalid arn (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: KMS.NotFoundException; Request ID: 708284CF60EE233F),
+S3 Extended Request ID: iHUUtXUSiNz4kv3Bdk/hf9F+wjPt8GIVvBHx/HEfCBYkn7W6zmpvbA3XT7Y5nTzcZtfuhcqDunw=:
+Invalid arn (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: KMS.NotFoundException; Request ID: 708284CF60EE233F)
+This is due to either, the KMS key id is entered incorrectly, or the KMS key id
+is in a different region than the S3 bucket being used.
+#### Using SSE-C
+When performing file operations the user may run into an unexpected 400/403
+error such as
+org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.AWSS3IOException: getFileStatus on fork-4/: com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception:
+Bad Request (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400;
+Error Code: 400 Bad Request; Request ID: 42F9A1987CB49A99),
+S3 Extended Request ID: jU2kcwaXnWj5APB14Cgb1IKkc449gu2+dhIsW/+7x9J4D+VUkKvu78mBo03oh9jnOT2eoTLdECU=:
+Bad Request (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: 400 Bad Request; Request ID: 42F9A1987CB49A99)
+This can happen in the cases of not specifying the correct SSE-C encryption key.
+Such cases can be as follows:
+1. An object is encrypted using SSE-C on S3 and either the wrong encryption type
+is used, no encryption is specified, or the SSE-C specified is incorrect.
+2. A directory is encrypted with a SSE-C keyA and the user is trying to move a
+file using configured SSE-C keyB into that structure.
### Other issues
*Performance slow*
diff --git a/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/s3a/AbstractTestS3AEncryption.java b/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/s3a/AbstractTestS3AEncryption.java
index 515094295b..108f102c67 100644
--- a/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/s3a/AbstractTestS3AEncryption.java
+++ b/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/s3a/AbstractTestS3AEncryption.java
@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ protected String createFilename(int len) {
return String.format("%s-%04x", methodName.getMethodName(), len);
+ protected String createFilename(String name) {
+ return String.format("%s-%s", methodName.getMethodName(), name);
+ }
* Assert that at path references an encrypted blob.
* @param path path
diff --git a/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/s3a/ITestS3AEncryptionSSEC.java b/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/s3a/ITestS3AEncryptionSSEC.java
index a8cf70b931..91be8b9501 100644
--- a/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/s3a/ITestS3AEncryptionSSEC.java
+++ b/hadoop-tools/hadoop-aws/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/s3a/ITestS3AEncryptionSSEC.java
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3ATestUtils.skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled;
import static org.apache.hadoop.test.LambdaTestUtils.intercept;
+import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
@@ -51,36 +53,318 @@ protected Configuration createConfiguration() {
* This will create and write to a file using encryption key A, then attempt
* to read from it again with encryption key B. This will not work as it
* cannot decrypt the file.
+ *
+ * This is expected AWS S3 SSE-C behavior.
+ *
* @throws Exception
public void testCreateFileAndReadWithDifferentEncryptionKey() throws
- Exception {
+ Exception {
+ assumeEnabled();
+ skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled(getConfiguration());
final Path[] path = new Path[1];
"Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403;", () -> {
int len = 2048;
- skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled(getConfiguration());
describe("Create an encrypted file of size " + len);
String src = createFilename(len);
path[0] = writeThenReadFile(src, len);
- Configuration conf = this.createConfiguration();
- conf.set(Constants.SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY,
- "kX7SdwVc/1VXJr76kfKnkQ3ONYhxianyL2+C3rPVT9s=");
- S3AContract contract = (S3AContract) createContract(conf);
- contract.init();
- //skip tests if they aren't enabled
- assumeEnabled();
//extract the test FS
- FileSystem fileSystem = contract.getTestFileSystem();
+ FileSystem fileSystem = createNewFileSystemWithSSECKey(
+ "kX7SdwVc/1VXJr76kfKnkQ3ONYhxianyL2+C3rPVT9s=");
byte[] data = dataset(len, 'a', 'z');
ContractTestUtils.verifyFileContents(fileSystem, path[0], data);
throw new Exception("Fail");
- rm(getFileSystem(), path[0], false, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * While each object has it's own key and should be distinct, this verifies
+ * that hadoop treats object keys as a filesystem path. So if a top level
+ * dir is encrypted with keyA, a sublevel dir cannot be accessed with a
+ * different keyB.
+ *
+ * This is expected AWS S3 SSE-C behavior.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testCreateSubdirWithDifferentKey() throws Exception {
+ assumeEnabled();
+ skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled(getConfiguration());
+ final Path[] path = new Path[1];
+ intercept(java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException.class,
+ "Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403;", () -> {
+ path[0] = S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ new Path(createFilename("dir/"))
+ );
+ Path nestedDirectory = S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ new Path(createFilename("dir/nestedDir/"))
+ );
+ FileSystem fsKeyB = createNewFileSystemWithSSECKey(
+ "G61nz31Q7+zpjJWbakxfTOZW4VS0UmQWAq2YXhcTXoo=");
+ getFileSystem().mkdirs(path[0]);
+ fsKeyB.mkdirs(nestedDirectory);
+ throw new Exception("Exception should be thrown.");
+ });
+ rm(getFileSystem(), path[0], true, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ensures a file can't be created with keyA and then renamed with a different
+ * key.
+ *
+ * This is expected AWS S3 SSE-C behavior.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testCreateFileThenMoveWithDifferentSSECKey() throws Exception {
+ assumeEnabled();
+ skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled(getConfiguration());
+ final Path[] path = new Path[1];
+ intercept(java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException.class,
+ "Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403;", () -> {
+ int len = 2048;
+ String src = createFilename(len);
+ path[0] = writeThenReadFile(src, len);
+ FileSystem fsKeyB = createNewFileSystemWithSSECKey(
+ "NTx0dUPrxoo9+LbNiT/gqf3z9jILqL6ilismFmJO50U=");
+ fsKeyB.rename(path[0], new Path(createFilename("different-path.txt")));
+ throw new Exception("Exception should be thrown.");
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * General test to make sure move works with SSE-C with the same key, unlike
+ * with multiple keys.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testRenameFile() throws Exception {
+ assumeEnabled();
+ skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled(getConfiguration());
+ String src = createFilename("original-path.txt");
+ Path path = writeThenReadFile(src, 2048);
+ Path newPath = path(createFilename("different-path.txt"));
+ getFileSystem().rename(path, newPath);
+ byte[] data = dataset(2048, 'a', 'z');
+ ContractTestUtils.verifyFileContents(getFileSystem(), newPath, data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * It is possible to list the contents of a directory up to the actual
+ * end of the nested directories. This is due to how S3A mocks the
+ * directories and how prefixes work in S3.
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testListEncryptedDir() throws Exception {
+ assumeEnabled();
+ skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled(getConfiguration());
+ Path nestedDirectory = S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/c/"))
+ );
+ assertTrue(getFileSystem().mkdirs(nestedDirectory));
+ FileSystem fsKeyB = createNewFileSystemWithSSECKey(
+ "msdo3VvvZznp66Gth58a91Hxe/UpExMkwU9BHkIjfW8=");
+ fsKeyB.listFiles(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/"))
+ ), true);
+ fsKeyB.listFiles(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/"))
+ ), true);
+ //Until this point, no exception is thrown about access
+ intercept(java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException.class,
+ "Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403;", () -> {
+ fsKeyB.listFiles(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/c/"))
+ ), false);
+ throw new Exception("Exception should be thrown.");
+ });
+ Configuration conf = this.createConfiguration();
+ conf.unset(Constants.SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY);
+ S3AContract contract = (S3AContract) createContract(conf);
+ contract.init();
+ FileSystem unencryptedFileSystem = contract.getTestFileSystem();
+ //unencrypted can access until the final directory
+ unencryptedFileSystem.listFiles(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/"))
+ ), true);
+ unencryptedFileSystem.listFiles(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/"))
+ ), true);
+ intercept(org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.AWSS3IOException.class,
+ "Bad Request (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error" +
+ " Code: 400 Bad Request;", () -> {
+ unencryptedFileSystem.listFiles(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/c/"))
+ ), false);
+ throw new Exception("Exception should be thrown.");
+ });
+ rm(getFileSystem(), path(createFilename("/")), true, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Much like the above list encrypted directory test, you cannot get the
+ * metadata of an object without the correct encryption key.
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testListStatusEncryptedDir() throws Exception {
+ assumeEnabled();
+ skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled(getConfiguration());
+ Path nestedDirectory = S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/c/"))
+ );
+ assertTrue(getFileSystem().mkdirs(nestedDirectory));
+ FileSystem fsKeyB = createNewFileSystemWithSSECKey(
+ "msdo3VvvZznp66Gth58a91Hxe/UpExMkwU9BHkIjfW8=");
+ fsKeyB.listStatus(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/"))));
+ fsKeyB.listStatus(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/"))));
+ //Until this point, no exception is thrown about access
+ intercept(java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException.class,
+ "Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403;", () -> {
+ fsKeyB.listStatus(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/c/"))));
+ throw new Exception("Exception should be thrown.");
+ });
+ //Now try it with an unencrypted filesystem.
+ Configuration conf = this.createConfiguration();
+ conf.unset(Constants.SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY);
+ S3AContract contract = (S3AContract) createContract(conf);
+ contract.init();
+ FileSystem unencryptedFileSystem = contract.getTestFileSystem();
+ //unencrypted can access until the final directory
+ unencryptedFileSystem.listStatus(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/"))));
+ unencryptedFileSystem.listStatus(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/"))));
+ intercept(org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.AWSS3IOException.class,
+ "Bad Request (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: 400" +
+ " Bad Request;", () -> {
+ unencryptedFileSystem.listStatus(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/c/"))));
+ throw new Exception("Exception should be thrown.");
+ });
+ rm(getFileSystem(), path(createFilename("/")), true, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Much like trying to access a encrypted directory, an encrypted file cannot
+ * have its metadata read, since both are technically an object.
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testListStatusEncryptedFile() throws Exception {
+ assumeEnabled();
+ skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled(getConfiguration());
+ Path nestedDirectory = S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/c/"))
+ );
+ assertTrue(getFileSystem().mkdirs(nestedDirectory));
+ String src = createFilename("/a/b/c/fileToStat.txt");
+ Path fileToStat = writeThenReadFile(src, 2048);
+ FileSystem fsKeyB = createNewFileSystemWithSSECKey(
+ "msdo3VvvZznp66Gth58a91Hxe/UpExMkwU9BHkIjfW8=");
+ //Until this point, no exception is thrown about access
+ intercept(java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException.class,
+ "Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403;", () -> {
+ fsKeyB.listStatus(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(fileToStat));
+ throw new Exception("Exception should be thrown.");
+ });
+ rm(getFileSystem(), path(createFilename("/")), true, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * It is possible to delete directories without the proper encryption key and
+ * the hierarchy above it.
+ *
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testDeleteEncryptedObjectWithDifferentKey() throws Exception {
+ assumeEnabled();
+ skipIfEncryptionTestsDisabled(getConfiguration());
+ Path nestedDirectory = S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/c/"))
+ );
+ assertTrue(getFileSystem().mkdirs(nestedDirectory));
+ String src = createFilename("/a/b/c/filetobedeleted.txt");
+ Path fileToDelete = writeThenReadFile(src, 2048);
+ FileSystem fsKeyB = createNewFileSystemWithSSECKey(
+ "msdo3VvvZznp66Gth58a91Hxe/UpExMkwU9BHkIjfW8=");
+ intercept(java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException.class,
+ "Forbidden (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: " +
+ "403 Forbidden", () -> {
+ fsKeyB.delete(fileToDelete, false);
+ throw new Exception("Exception should be thrown.");
+ });
+ //This is possible
+ fsKeyB.delete(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/c/"))), true);
+ fsKeyB.delete(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/b/"))), true);
+ fsKeyB.delete(S3ATestUtils.createTestPath(
+ path(createFilename("/a/"))), true);
+ }
+ private FileSystem createNewFileSystemWithSSECKey(String sseCKey) throws
+ IOException {
+ Configuration conf = this.createConfiguration();
+ conf.set(Constants.SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY, sseCKey);
+ S3AContract contract = (S3AContract) createContract(conf);
+ contract.init();
+ FileSystem fileSystem = contract.getTestFileSystem();
+ return fileSystem;