diff --git a/hadoop-mapreduce-project/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs/src/site/markdown/HistoryServerRest.md b/hadoop-mapreduce-project/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs/src/site/markdown/HistoryServerRest.md
index 089240f53f..8b92ed6c15 100644
--- a/hadoop-mapreduce-project/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs/src/site/markdown/HistoryServerRest.md
+++ b/hadoop-mapreduce-project/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs/src/site/markdown/HistoryServerRest.md
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ The jobs resource provides a list of the MapReduce jobs that have finished. It d
#### Query Parameters Supported
-Multiple paramters can be specified. The started and finished times have a begin and end parameter to allow you to specify ranges. For example, one could request all jobs that started between 1:00am and 2:00pm on 12/19/2011 with startedTimeBegin=1324256400&startedTimeEnd=1324303200. If the Begin parameter is not specfied, it defaults to 0, and if the End parameter is not specified, it defaults to infinity.
+Multiple parameters can be specified. The started and finished times have a begin and end parameter to allow you to specify ranges. For example, one could request all jobs that started between 1:00am and 2:00pm on 12/19/2011 with startedTimeBegin=1324256400&startedTimeEnd=1324303200. If the Begin parameter is not specfied, it defaults to 0, and if the End parameter is not specified, it defaults to infinity.
* user - user name
* state - the job state
diff --git a/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/src/site/markdown/NodeManagerRest.md b/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/src/site/markdown/NodeManagerRest.md
index 2613b6316c..c7600f0246 100644
--- a/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/src/site/markdown/NodeManagerRest.md
+++ b/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/src/site/markdown/NodeManagerRest.md
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ With the Applications API, you can obtain a collection of resources, each of whi
### Query Parameters Supported
-Multiple paramters can be specified.
+Multiple parameters can be specified.
* state - application state
* user - user name
diff --git a/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/src/site/markdown/ResourceManagerRest.md b/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/src/site/markdown/ResourceManagerRest.md
index 051509c9b5..a72d7e48b8 100644
--- a/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/src/site/markdown/ResourceManagerRest.md
+++ b/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/src/site/markdown/ResourceManagerRest.md
@@ -79,12 +79,14 @@ Both of the following URI's give you the cluster information.
| startedOn | long | The time the cluster started (in ms since epoch) |
| state | string | The ResourceManager state - valid values are: NOTINITED, INITED, STARTED, STOPPED |
| haState | string | The ResourceManager HA state - valid values are: INITIALIZING, ACTIVE, STANDBY, STOPPED |
+| rmStateStoreName | string | Fully qualified name of class that implements the storage of ResourceManager state |
| resourceManagerVersion | string | Version of the ResourceManager |
| resourceManagerBuildVersion | string | ResourceManager build string with build version, user, and checksum |
| resourceManagerVersionBuiltOn | string | Timestamp when ResourceManager was built (in ms since epoch) |
| hadoopVersion | string | Version of hadoop common |
| hadoopBuildVersion | string | Hadoop common build string with build version, user, and checksum |
| hadoopVersionBuiltOn | string | Timestamp when hadoop common was built(in ms since epoch) |
+| haZooKeeperConnectionState | string | State of ZooKeeper connection of the high availability service |
### Response Examples
@@ -110,13 +112,15 @@ Response Body:
- "resourceManagerVersion":"0.23.1-SNAPSHOT",
- "resourceManagerBuildVersion":"0.23.1-SNAPSHOT from 1214049 by user1 source checksum 050cd664439d931c8743a6428fd6a693",
- "resourceManagerVersionBuiltOn":"Tue Dec 13 22:12:48 CST 2011",
- "hadoopVersion":"0.23.1-SNAPSHOT",
- "hadoopBuildVersion":"0.23.1-SNAPSHOT from 1214049 by user1 source checksum 11458df3bb77342dca5f917198fad328",
- "hadoopVersionBuiltOn":"Tue Dec 13 22:12:26 CST 2011"
- }
+ "haState":"ACTIVE",
+ "rmStateStoreName":"org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.recovery.NullRMStateStore",
+ "resourceManagerVersion":"3.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
+ "resourceManagerBuildVersion":"3.0.0-SNAPSHOT from unknown by user1 source checksum 11111111111111111111111111111111",
+ "resourceManagerVersionBuiltOn":"2016-01-01T01:00Z",
+ "hadoopVersion":"3.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
+ "hadoopBuildVersion":"3.0.0-SNAPSHOT from unknown by user1 source checksum 11111111111111111111111111111111",
+ "hadoopVersionBuiltOn":"2016-01-01T01:00Z",
+ "haZooKeeperConnectionState": "ResourceManager HA is not enabled." }
@@ -139,15 +143,18 @@ Response Body:
- 1324053971963
- 1324053971963
+ 1476912658570
+ 1476912658570
- 0.23.1-SNAPSHOT
- 0.23.1-SNAPSHOT from 1214049 by user1 source checksum 050cd664439d931c8743a6428fd6a693
- Tue Dec 13 22:12:48 CST 2011
- 0.23.1-SNAPSHOT
- 0.23.1-SNAPSHOT from 1214049 by user1 source checksum 11458df3bb77342dca5f917198fad328
- Tue Dec 13 22:12:48 CST 2011
+ org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.recovery.NullRMStateStore
+ 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT from unknown by user1 source checksum 11111111111111111111111111111111
+ 2016-01-01T01:00Z
+ 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
+ 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT from unknown by user1 source checksum 11111111111111111111111111111111
+ 2016-01-01T01:00Z
+ ResourceManager HA is not enabled.
@@ -193,8 +200,10 @@ The cluster metrics resource provides some overall metrics about the cluster. Mo
| activeNodes | int | The number of active nodes |
| lostNodes | int | The number of lost nodes |
| unhealthyNodes | int | The number of unhealthy nodes |
+| decommissioningNodes | int | The number of nodes being decommissioned |
| decommissionedNodes | int | The number of nodes decommissioned |
| rebootedNodes | int | The number of nodes rebooted |
+| shutdownNodes | int | The number of nodes shut down |
### Response Examples
@@ -237,9 +246,11 @@ Response Body:
+ "decommissioningNodes":0,
- "activeNodes":1
+ "activeNodes":1,
+ "shutdownNodes":0
@@ -283,9 +294,11 @@ Response Body:
+ 0
+ 0
@@ -1371,66 +1384,78 @@ Response Body:
- {
- "finishedTime" : 1326815598530,
- "amContainerLogs" : "http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1326815542473_0001_01_000001",
- "trackingUI" : "History",
- "state" : "FINISHED",
- "user" : "user1",
- "id" : "application_1326815542473_0001",
- "clusterId" : 1326815542473,
- "finalStatus" : "SUCCEEDED",
- "amHostHttpAddress" : "host.domain.com:8042",
- "amRPCAddress" : "host.domain.com:4201",
- "progress" : 100,
- "name" : "word count",
- "startedTime" : 1326815573334,
- "elapsedTime" : 25196,
- "diagnostics" : "",
- "trackingUrl" : "http://host.domain.com:8088/proxy/application_1326815542473_0001/jobhistory/job/job_1326815542473_1_1",
- "queue" : "default",
- "allocatedMB" : 0,
- "allocatedVCores" : 0,
- "runningContainers" : 0,
- "applicationType" : "MAPREDUCE",
- "applicationTags" : "",
- "memorySeconds" : 151730,
- "vcoreSeconds" : 103,
- "unmanagedApplication" : "false",
- "applicationPriority" : 0,
- "appNodeLabelExpression" : "",
- "amnodeLabelExpression" : ""
- },
- {
- "finishedTime" : 1326815789546,
- "amContainerLogs" : "http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1326815542473_0002_01_000001",
- "trackingUI" : "History",
- "state" : "FINISHED",
- "user" : "user1",
- "id" : "application_1326815542473_0002",
- "clusterId" : 1326815542473,
- "finalStatus" : "SUCCEEDED",
- "amHostHttpAddress" : "host.domain.com:8042",
- "amRPCAddress" : "host.domain.com:4202",
- "progress" : 100,
- "name" : "Sleep job",
- "startedTime" : 1326815641380,
- "elapsedTime" : 148166,
- "diagnostics" : "",
- "trackingUrl" : "http://host.domain.com:8088/proxy/application_1326815542473_0002/jobhistory/job/job_1326815542473_2_2",
- "queue" : "default",
- "allocatedMB" : 0,
- "allocatedVCores" : 0,
- "runningContainers" : 1,
- "applicationType" : "YARN",
- "applicationTags" : "tag1",
- "memorySeconds" : 640064,
- "vcoreSeconds" : 442,
- "unmanagedApplication" : "false",
- "applicationPriority" : 0,
- "appNodeLabelExpression" : "",
- "amNodeLabelExpression" : ""
- }
+ {
+ "id": "application_1476912658570_0002",
+ "user": "user2",
+ "name": "word count",
+ "queue": "default",
+ "state": "FINISHED",
+ "finalStatus": "SUCCEEDED",
+ "progress": 100,
+ "trackingUI": "History",
+ "trackingUrl": "http://host.domain.com:8088/cluster/app/application_1476912658570_0002",
+ "diagnostics": "...",
+ "clusterId": 1476912658570,
+ "applicationType": "MAPREDUCE",
+ "applicationTags": "",
+ "priority": -1,
+ "startedTime": 1476913457320,
+ "finishedTime": 1476913761898,
+ "elapsedTime": 304578,
+ "amContainerLogs": "http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1476912658570_0002_02_000001/user2",
+ "amHostHttpAddress": "host.domain.com:8042",
+ "allocatedMB": 0,
+ "allocatedVCores": 0,
+ "runningContainers": 0,
+ "memorySeconds": 206464,
+ "vcoreSeconds": 201,
+ "queueUsagePercentage": 0,
+ "clusterUsagePercentage": 0,
+ "preemptedResourceMB": 0,
+ "preemptedResourceVCores": 0,
+ "numNonAMContainerPreempted": 0,
+ "numAMContainerPreempted": 0,
+ "logAggregationStatus": "DISABLED",
+ "unmanagedApplication": false,
+ "appNodeLabelExpression": "",
+ "amNodeLabelExpression": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "application_1476912658570_0001",
+ "user": "user1",
+ "name": "Sleep job",
+ "queue": "default",
+ "state": "FINISHED",
+ "finalStatus": "SUCCEEDED",
+ "progress": 100,
+ "trackingUI": "History",
+ "trackingUrl": "http://host.domain.com:8088/cluster/app/application_1476912658570_0001",
+ "diagnostics": "...",
+ "clusterId": 1476912658570,
+ "applicationType": "YARN",
+ "applicationTags": "",
+ "priority": -1,
+ "startedTime": 1476913464750,
+ "finishedTime": 1476913863175,
+ "elapsedTime": 398425,
+ "amContainerLogs": "http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1476912658570_0001_02_000001/user1",
+ "amHostHttpAddress": "host.domain.com:8042",
+ "allocatedMB": 0,
+ "allocatedVCores": 0,
+ "runningContainers": 0,
+ "memorySeconds": 205410,
+ "vcoreSeconds": 200,
+ "queueUsagePercentage": 0,
+ "clusterUsagePercentage": 0,
+ "preemptedResourceMB": 0,
+ "preemptedResourceVCores": 0,
+ "numNonAMContainerPreempted": 0,
+ "numAMContainerPreempted": 0,
+ "logAggregationStatus": "DISABLED",
+ "unmanagedApplication": false,
+ "appNodeLabelExpression": "",
+ "amNodeLabelExpression": ""
+ }
@@ -1455,66 +1480,78 @@ Response Body:
- application_1326815542473_0001
- user1
- word count
- default
- History
- http://host.domain.com:8088/proxy/application_1326815542473_0001/jobhistory/job/job_1326815542473_1_1
- 1326815542473
- 1326815573334
- 1326815598530
- 25196
- http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1326815542473_0001_01_000001
- host.domain.com:8042
- host.domain.com:4201
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 151730
- 103
- false
- 0
- application_1326815542473_0002
- user1
- Sleep job
- tag1
- default
- History
- http://host.domain.com:8088/proxy/application_1326815542473_0002/jobhistory/job/job_1326815542473_2_2
- 1326815542473
- 1326815641380
- 1326815789546
- 148166
- http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1326815542473_0002_01_000001
- host.domain.com:8042
- host.domain.com:4202
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 640064
- 442
- false
- 0
+ application_1476912658570_0002
+ user2
+ word count
+ default
+ History
+ http://host.domain.com:8088/cluster/app/application_1476912658570_0002
+ ...
+ 1476912658570
+ -1
+ 1476913457320
+ 1476913761898
+ 304578
+ http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1476912658570_0002_02_000001/user2
+ host.domain.com:8042
+ -1
+ -1
+ -1
+ 206464
+ 201
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ false
+ application_1476912658570_0001
+ user1
+ Sleep job
+ default
+ History
+ http://host.domain.com:8088/cluster/app/application_1476912658570_0001
+ ...
+ 1476912658570
+ -1
+ 1476913464750
+ 1476913863175
+ 398425
+ http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1476912658570_0001_02_000001/user1
+ host.domain.com:8042
+ -1
+ -1
+ -1
+ 205410
+ 200
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ false
@@ -1654,15 +1691,17 @@ Note that depending on security settings a user might not be able to see all the
| id | string | The application id |
| user | string | The user who started the application |
| name | string | The application name |
-| Application Type | string | The application type |
| queue | string | The queue the application was submitted to |
| state | string | The application state according to the ResourceManager - valid values are members of the YarnApplicationState enum: NEW, NEW\_SAVING, SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, RUNNING, FINISHED, FAILED, KILLED |
-| finalStatus | string | The final status of the application if finished - reported by the application itself - valid values are: UNDEFINED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, KILLED |
+| finalStatus | string | The final status of the application if finished - reported by the application itself - valid values are the members of the FinalApplicationStatus enum: UNDEFINED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, KILLED |
| progress | float | The progress of the application as a percent |
| trackingUI | string | Where the tracking url is currently pointing - History (for history server) or ApplicationMaster |
| trackingUrl | string | The web URL that can be used to track the application |
| diagnostics | string | Detailed diagnostics information |
| clusterId | long | The cluster id |
+| applicationType | string | The application type |
+| applicationTags | string | Comma separated tags of an application |
+| priority | string | Priority of the submitted application |
| startedTime | long | The time in which application started (in ms since epoch) |
| finishedTime | long | The time in which the application finished (in ms since epoch) |
| elapsedTime | long | The elapsed time since the application started (in ms) |
@@ -1674,8 +1713,14 @@ Note that depending on security settings a user might not be able to see all the
| runningContainers | int | The number of containers currently running for the application |
| memorySeconds | long | The amount of memory the application has allocated (megabyte-seconds) |
| vcoreSeconds | long | The amount of CPU resources the application has allocated (virtual core-seconds) |
+| queueUsagePercentage | float | The percentage of resources of the queue that the app is using |
+| clusterUsagePercentage | float | The percentage of resources of the cluster that the app is using. |
+| preemptedResourceMB | long | Memory used by preempted container |
+| preemptedResourceVCores | long | Number of virtual cores used by preempted container |
+| numNonAMContainerPreempted | int | Number of standard containers preempted |
+| numAMContainerPreempted | int | Number of application master containers preempted |
+| logAggregationStatus | string | Status of log aggregation - valid values are the members of the LogAggregationStatus enum: DISABLED, NOT\_START, RUNNING, RUNNING\_WITH\_FAILURE, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, TIME\_OUT |
| unmanagedApplication | boolean | Is the application unmanaged. |
-| applicationPriority | int | priority of the submitted application |
| appNodeLabelExpression | string | Node Label expression which is used to identify the nodes on which application's containers are expected to run by default.|
| amNodeLabelExpression | string | Node Label expression which is used to identify the node on which application's AM container is expected to run.|
@@ -1685,7 +1730,7 @@ Note that depending on security settings a user might not be able to see all the
HTTP Request:
- GET http:///ws/v1/cluster/apps/application_1326821518301_0005
+ GET http:///ws/v1/cluster/apps/application_1476912658570_0002
Response Header:
@@ -1698,32 +1743,42 @@ Response Body:
- "app" : {
- "finishedTime" : 1326824991300,
- "amContainerLogs" : "http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1326821518301_0005_01_000001",
- "trackingUI" : "History",
- "state" : "FINISHED",
- "user" : "user1",
- "id" : "application_1326821518301_0005",
- "clusterId" : 1326821518301,
- "finalStatus" : "SUCCEEDED",
- "amHostHttpAddress" : "host.domain.com:8042",
- "amRPCAddress" : "host.domain.com:4201",
- "progress" : 100,
- "name" : "Sleep job",
- "applicationType" : "Yarn",
- "startedTime" : 1326824544552,
- "elapsedTime" : 446748,
- "diagnostics" : "",
- "trackingUrl" : "http://host.domain.com:8088/proxy/application_1326821518301_0005/jobhistory/job/job_1326821518301_5_5",
- "queue" : "a1",
- "memorySeconds" : 151730,
- "vcoreSeconds" : 103,
- "unmanagedApplication" : "false",
- "applicationPriority" : 0,
- "appNodeLabelExpression" : "",
- "amNodeLabelExpression" : ""
- }
+ "app": {
+ "id": "application_1476912658570_0002",
+ "user": "user2",
+ "name": "word count",
+ "queue": "default",
+ "state": "FINISHED",
+ "finalStatus": "SUCCEEDED",
+ "progress": 100,
+ "trackingUI": "History",
+ "trackingUrl": "http://host.domain.com:8088/cluster/app/application_1476912658570_0002",
+ "diagnostics": "...",
+ "clusterId": 1476912658570,
+ "applicationType": "YARN",
+ "applicationTags": "",
+ "priority": -1,
+ "startedTime": 1476913457320,
+ "finishedTime": 1476913761898,
+ "elapsedTime": 304578,
+ "amContainerLogs": "http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1476912658570_0002_02_000001/dr.who",
+ "amHostHttpAddress": "host.domain.com:8042",
+ "allocatedMB": -1,
+ "allocatedVCores": -1,
+ "runningContainers": -1,
+ "memorySeconds": 206464,
+ "vcoreSeconds": 201,
+ "queueUsagePercentage": 0,
+ "clusterUsagePercentage": 0,
+ "preemptedResourceMB": 0,
+ "preemptedResourceVCores": 0,
+ "numNonAMContainerPreempted": 0,
+ "numAMContainerPreempted": 0,
+ "logAggregationStatus": "DISABLED",
+ "unmanagedApplication": false,
+ "appNodeLabelExpression": "",
+ "amNodeLabelExpression": ""
+ }
@@ -1746,29 +1801,40 @@ Response Body:
- application_1326821518301_0005
- user1
- Sleep job
- a1
- History
- http://host.domain.com:8088/proxy/application_1326821518301_0005/jobhistory/job/job_1326821518301_5_5
- 1326821518301
- 1326824544552
- 1326824991300
- 446748
- http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1326821518301_0005_01_000001
- host.domain.com:8042
- host.domain.com:4201
- 151730
- 103
- false
- 0
+ application_1476912658570_0002
+ user2
+ word count
+ default
+ History
+ http://host.domain.com:8088/cluster/app/application_1476912658570_0002
+ ...
+ 1476912658570
+ -1
+ 1476913457320
+ 1476913761898
+ 304578
+ http://host.domain.com:8042/node/containerlogs/container_1476912658570_0002_02_000001/dr.who
+ host.domain.com:8042
+ -1
+ -1
+ -1
+ 206464
+ 201
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ false
@@ -1925,33 +1991,51 @@ Response Body:
- "state":"NEW",
- "id":"h2:1235",
- "nodeHostName":"h2",
- "nodeHTTPAddress":"h2:2",
- "healthStatus":"Healthy",
- "lastHealthUpdate":1324056895432,
- "healthReport":"Healthy",
+ "state":"RUNNING",
+ "id":"host.domain.com:54158",
+ "nodeHostName":"host.domain.com",
+ "nodeHTTPAddress":"host.domain.com:8042",
+ "lastHealthUpdate": 1476995346399,
+ "version": "3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT",
+ "healthReport":"",
- "availableVirtualCores":8
+ "availableVirtualCores":8,
+ "resourceUtilization":
+ {
+ "nodePhysicalMemoryMB":1027,
+ "nodeVirtualMemoryMB":1027,
+ "nodeCPUUsage":0.016661113128066063,
+ "aggregatedContainersPhysicalMemoryMB":0,
+ "aggregatedContainersVirtualMemoryMB":0,
+ "containersCPUUsage":0
+ }
- "state":"NEW",
- "id":"h1:1234",
- "nodeHostName":"h1",
- "nodeHTTPAddress":"h1:2",
- "healthStatus":"Healthy",
- "lastHealthUpdate":1324056895092,
- "healthReport":"Healthy",
+ "state":"RUNNING",
+ "id":"host.domain.com:54158",
+ "nodeHostName":"host.domain.com",
+ "nodeHTTPAddress":"host.domain.com:8042",
+ "lastHealthUpdate":1476995346399,
+ "version":"3.0.0-alpha2-SNAPSHOT",
+ "healthReport":"",
- "availableVirtualCores":8
+ "availableVirtualCores":8,
+ "resourceUtilization":
+ {
+ "nodePhysicalMemoryMB":1027,
+ "nodeVirtualMemoryMB":1027,
+ "nodeCPUUsage":0.016661113128066063,
+ "aggregatedContainersPhysicalMemoryMB":0,
+ "aggregatedContainersVirtualMemoryMB":0,
+ "containersCPUUsage":0
+ }
@@ -1980,32 +2064,48 @@ Response Body:
- h2:1234
- h2
- h2:2
- Healthy
- 1324333268447
- Healthy
+ host1.domain.com:54158
+ host1.domain.com
+ host1.domain.com:8042
+ 1476995346399
+ 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- 5120
+ 8192
+ 1027
+ 1027
+ 0.006664445623755455
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.0
- h1:1234
- h1
- h1:2
- Healthy
- 1324333268447
- Healthy
+ host2.domain.com:54158
+ host2.domain.com
+ host2.domain.com:8042
+ 1476995346399
+ 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- 5120
+ 8192
+ 1027
+ 1027
+ 0.006664445623755455
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.0
@@ -2038,14 +2138,26 @@ Use the following URI to obtain a Node Object, from a node identified by the nod
| id | string | The node id |
| nodeHostName | string | The host name of the node |
| nodeHTTPAddress | string | The nodes HTTP address |
-| healthStatus | string | The health status of the node - Healthy or Unhealthy |
-| healthReport | string | A detailed health report |
| lastHealthUpdate | long | The last time the node reported its health (in ms since epoch) |
+| version | string | Version of hadoop running on node |
+| healthReport | string | A detailed health report |
+| numContainers | int | The total number of containers currently running on the node |
| usedMemoryMB | long | The total amount of memory currently used on the node (in MB) |
| availMemoryMB | long | The total amount of memory currently available on the node (in MB) |
| usedVirtualCores | long | The total number of vCores currently used on the node |
| availableVirtualCores | long | The total number of vCores available on the node |
-| numContainers | int | The total number of containers currently running on the node |
+| resourceUtilization | object | Resource utilization on the node |
+The *resourceUtilization* object contains the following elements:
+| Item | Data Type | Description |
+|:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| nodePhysicalMemoryMB | int | Node physical memory utilization |
+| nodeVirtualMemoryMB | int | Node virtual memory utilization |
+| nodeCPUUsage | double | Node CPU utilization |
+| aggregatedContainersPhysicalMemoryMB | int | The aggregated physical memory utilization of the containers |
+| aggregatedContainersVirtualMemoryMB | int | The aggregated virtual memory utilization of the containers |
+| containersCPUUsage | double | The aggregated CPU utilization of the containers |
### Response Examples
@@ -2069,18 +2181,27 @@ Response Body:
- "state":"NEW",
- "id":"h2:1235",
- "nodeHostName":"h2",
- "nodeHTTPAddress":"h2:2",
- "healthStatus":"Healthy",
- "lastHealthUpdate":1324056895432,
- "healthReport":"Healthy",
+ "state":"RUNNING",
+ "id":"host.domain.com:54158",
+ "nodeHostName":"host.domain.com",
+ "nodeHTTPAddress":"host.domain.com:8042",
+ "lastHealthUpdate":1476916746399,
+ "version":"3.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
+ "healthReport":"",
- "availMemoryMB":5120,
+ "availMemoryMB":8192,
- "availableVirtualCores":8
+ "availableVirtualCores":8,
+ "resourceUtilization":
+ {
+ "nodePhysicalMemoryMB": 968,
+ "nodeVirtualMemoryMB": 968,
+ "nodeCPUUsage": 0.01332889124751091,
+ "aggregatedContainersPhysicalMemoryMB": 0,
+ "aggregatedContainersVirtualMemoryMB": 0,
+ "containersCPUUsage": 0
+ }
@@ -2105,18 +2226,26 @@ Response Body:
- h2:1235
- h2
- h2:2
- Healthy
- 1324333268447
- Healthy
+ host.domain.com:54158
+ host.domain.com
+ host.domain.com:8042
+ 1476916746399
+ 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- 5120
+ 8192
- 5120
+ 8
+ 968
+ 968
+ 0.01332889124751091
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0.0