HDFS-8712. Remove 'public' and 'abstract' modifiers in FsVolumeSpi and FsDatasetSpi (Contributed by Lei (Eddy) Xu)
This commit is contained in:
@ -707,6 +707,9 @@ Release 2.8.0 - UNRELEASED
HDFS-8620. Clean up the checkstyle warinings about ClientProtocol.
(Takanobu Asanuma via wheat9)
HDFS-8712. Remove 'public' and 'abstracta modifiers in FsVolumeSpi and
FsDatasetSpi (Lei (Eddy) Xu via vinayakumarb)
HDFS-8026. Trace FSOutputSummer#writeChecksumChunks rather than
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* A factory for creating {@link FsDatasetSpi} objects.
public static abstract class Factory<D extends FsDatasetSpi<?>> {
abstract class Factory<D extends FsDatasetSpi<?>> {
/** @return the configured factory. */
public static Factory<?> getFactory(Configuration conf) {
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* The caller must release the reference of each volume by calling
* {@link FsVolumeReferences#close()}.
public FsVolumeReferences getFsVolumeReferences();
FsVolumeReferences getFsVolumeReferences();
* Add a new volume to the FsDataset.<p/>
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @param location The storage location for the new volume.
* @param nsInfos Namespace information for the new volume.
public void addVolume(
void addVolume(
final StorageLocation location,
final List<NamespaceInfo> nsInfos) throws IOException;
@ -207,20 +207,20 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @param clearFailure set true to clear the failure information about the
* volumes.
public void removeVolumes(Set<File> volumes, boolean clearFailure);
void removeVolumes(Set<File> volumes, boolean clearFailure);
/** @return a storage with the given storage ID */
public DatanodeStorage getStorage(final String storageUuid);
DatanodeStorage getStorage(final String storageUuid);
/** @return one or more storage reports for attached volumes. */
public StorageReport[] getStorageReports(String bpid)
StorageReport[] getStorageReports(String bpid)
throws IOException;
/** @return the volume that contains a replica of the block. */
public V getVolume(ExtendedBlock b);
V getVolume(ExtendedBlock b);
/** @return a volume information map (name => info). */
public Map<String, Object> getVolumeInfoMap();
Map<String, Object> getVolumeInfoMap();
* Returns info about volume failures.
@ -230,17 +230,17 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
VolumeFailureSummary getVolumeFailureSummary();
/** @return a list of finalized blocks for the given block pool. */
public List<FinalizedReplica> getFinalizedBlocks(String bpid);
List<FinalizedReplica> getFinalizedBlocks(String bpid);
/** @return a list of finalized blocks for the given block pool. */
public List<FinalizedReplica> getFinalizedBlocksOnPersistentStorage(String bpid);
List<FinalizedReplica> getFinalizedBlocksOnPersistentStorage(String bpid);
* Check whether the in-memory block record matches the block on the disk,
* and, in case that they are not matched, update the record or mark it
* as corrupted.
public void checkAndUpdate(String bpid, long blockId, File diskFile,
void checkAndUpdate(String bpid, long blockId, File diskFile,
File diskMetaFile, FsVolumeSpi vol) throws IOException;
@ -249,15 +249,15 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* otherwise, return null.
* @throws IOException
public LengthInputStream getMetaDataInputStream(ExtendedBlock b
LengthInputStream getMetaDataInputStream(ExtendedBlock b
) throws IOException;
* Returns the specified block's on-disk length (excluding metadata)
* Returns the specified block's on-disk length (excluding metadata).
* @return the specified block's on-disk length (excluding metadta)
* @throws IOException on error
public long getLength(ExtendedBlock b) throws IOException;
long getLength(ExtendedBlock b) throws IOException;
* Get reference to the replica meta info in the replicasMap.
@ -265,47 +265,48 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @return replica from the replicas map
public Replica getReplica(String bpid, long blockId);
Replica getReplica(String bpid, long blockId);
* @return replica meta information
public String getReplicaString(String bpid, long blockId);
String getReplicaString(String bpid, long blockId);
* @return the generation stamp stored with the block.
public Block getStoredBlock(String bpid, long blkid) throws IOException;
Block getStoredBlock(String bpid, long blkid) throws IOException;
* Returns an input stream at specified offset of the specified block
* Returns an input stream at specified offset of the specified block.
* @param b block
* @param seekOffset offset with in the block to seek to
* @return an input stream to read the contents of the specified block,
* starting at the offset
* @throws IOException
public InputStream getBlockInputStream(ExtendedBlock b, long seekOffset)
InputStream getBlockInputStream(ExtendedBlock b, long seekOffset)
throws IOException;
* Returns an input stream at specified offset of the specified block
* Returns an input stream at specified offset of the specified block.
* The block is still in the tmp directory and is not finalized
* @return an input stream to read the contents of the specified block,
* starting at the offset
* @throws IOException
public ReplicaInputStreams getTmpInputStreams(ExtendedBlock b, long blkoff,
ReplicaInputStreams getTmpInputStreams(ExtendedBlock b, long blkoff,
long ckoff) throws IOException;
* Creates a temporary replica and returns the meta information of the replica
* .
* @param b block
* @return the meta info of the replica which is being written to
* @throws IOException if an error occurs
public ReplicaHandler createTemporary(StorageType storageType,
ReplicaHandler createTemporary(StorageType storageType,
ExtendedBlock b) throws IOException;
@ -315,11 +316,11 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @return the meta info of the replica which is being written to
* @throws IOException if an error occurs
public ReplicaHandler createRbw(StorageType storageType,
ReplicaHandler createRbw(StorageType storageType,
ExtendedBlock b, boolean allowLazyPersist) throws IOException;
* Recovers a RBW replica and returns the meta info of the replica
* Recovers a RBW replica and returns the meta info of the replica.
* @param b block
* @param newGS the new generation stamp for the replica
@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @return the meta info of the replica which is being written to
* @throws IOException if an error occurs
public ReplicaHandler recoverRbw(ExtendedBlock b,
ReplicaHandler recoverRbw(ExtendedBlock b,
long newGS, long minBytesRcvd, long maxBytesRcvd) throws IOException;
@ -336,11 +337,11 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @param temporary the temporary replica being converted
* @return the result RBW
public ReplicaInPipelineInterface convertTemporaryToRbw(
ReplicaInPipelineInterface convertTemporaryToRbw(
ExtendedBlock temporary) throws IOException;
* Append to a finalized replica and returns the meta info of the replica
* Append to a finalized replica and returns the meta info of the replica.
* @param b block
* @param newGS the new generation stamp for the replica
@ -348,12 +349,12 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @return the meata info of the replica which is being written to
* @throws IOException
public ReplicaHandler append(ExtendedBlock b, long newGS,
ReplicaHandler append(ExtendedBlock b, long newGS,
long expectedBlockLen) throws IOException;
* Recover a failed append to a finalized replica
* and returns the meta info of the replica
* Recover a failed append to a finalized replica and returns the meta
* info of the replica.
* @param b block
* @param newGS the new generation stamp for the replica
@ -361,11 +362,11 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @return the meta info of the replica which is being written to
* @throws IOException
public ReplicaHandler recoverAppend(
ReplicaHandler recoverAppend(
ExtendedBlock b, long newGS, long expectedBlockLen) throws IOException;
* Recover a failed pipeline close
* Recover a failed pipeline close.
* It bumps the replica's generation stamp and finalize it if RBW replica
* @param b block
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @return the storage uuid of the replica.
* @throws IOException
public String recoverClose(ExtendedBlock b, long newGS, long expectedBlockLen
String recoverClose(ExtendedBlock b, long newGS, long expectedBlockLen
) throws IOException;
@ -386,21 +387,21 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* block is been finalized. For instance, the block resides on an HDFS volume
* that has been removed.
public void finalizeBlock(ExtendedBlock b) throws IOException;
void finalizeBlock(ExtendedBlock b) throws IOException;
* Unfinalizes the block previously opened for writing using writeToBlock.
* The temporary file associated with this block is deleted.
* @throws IOException
public void unfinalizeBlock(ExtendedBlock b) throws IOException;
void unfinalizeBlock(ExtendedBlock b) throws IOException;
* Returns one block report per volume.
* @param bpid Block Pool Id
* @return - a map of DatanodeStorage to block report for the volume.
public Map<DatanodeStorage, BlockListAsLongs> getBlockReports(String bpid);
Map<DatanodeStorage, BlockListAsLongs> getBlockReports(String bpid);
* Returns the cache report - the full list of cached block IDs of a
@ -408,10 +409,10 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @param bpid Block Pool Id
* @return the cache report - the full list of cached block IDs.
public List<Long> getCacheReport(String bpid);
List<Long> getCacheReport(String bpid);
/** Does the dataset contain the block? */
public boolean contains(ExtendedBlock block);
boolean contains(ExtendedBlock block);
* Check if a block is valid.
@ -431,7 +432,7 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @throws IOException May be thrown from the methods called.
public void checkBlock(ExtendedBlock b, long minLength, ReplicaState state)
void checkBlock(ExtendedBlock b, long minLength, ReplicaState state)
throws ReplicaNotFoundException, UnexpectedReplicaStateException,
FileNotFoundException, EOFException, IOException;
@ -440,13 +441,13 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* Is the block valid?
* @return - true if the specified block is valid
public boolean isValidBlock(ExtendedBlock b);
boolean isValidBlock(ExtendedBlock b);
* Is the block a valid RBW?
* @return - true if the specified block is a valid RBW
public boolean isValidRbw(ExtendedBlock b);
boolean isValidRbw(ExtendedBlock b);
* Invalidates the specified blocks
@ -454,21 +455,21 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @param invalidBlks - the blocks to be invalidated
* @throws IOException
public void invalidate(String bpid, Block invalidBlks[]) throws IOException;
void invalidate(String bpid, Block invalidBlks[]) throws IOException;
* Caches the specified blocks
* @param bpid Block pool id
* @param blockIds - block ids to cache
public void cache(String bpid, long[] blockIds);
void cache(String bpid, long[] blockIds);
* Uncaches the specified blocks
* @param bpid Block pool id
* @param blockIds - blocks ids to uncache
public void uncache(String bpid, long[] blockIds);
void uncache(String bpid, long[] blockIds);
* Determine if the specified block is cached.
@ -476,18 +477,18 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @param blockIds - block id
* @return true if the block is cached
public boolean isCached(String bpid, long blockId);
boolean isCached(String bpid, long blockId);
* Check if all the data directories are healthy
* @return A set of unhealthy data directories.
public Set<File> checkDataDir();
Set<File> checkDataDir();
* Shutdown the FSDataset
public void shutdown();
void shutdown();
* Sets the file pointer of the checksum stream so that the last checksum
@ -497,7 +498,7 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @param checksumSize number of bytes each checksum has
* @throws IOException
public void adjustCrcChannelPosition(ExtendedBlock b,
void adjustCrcChannelPosition(ExtendedBlock b,
ReplicaOutputStreams outs, int checksumSize) throws IOException;
@ -505,7 +506,7 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @return true if more than the minimum number of valid volumes are left
* in the FSDataSet.
public boolean hasEnoughResource();
boolean hasEnoughResource();
* Get visible length of the specified replica.
@ -517,14 +518,14 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @return actual state of the replica on this data-node or
* null if data-node does not have the replica.
public ReplicaRecoveryInfo initReplicaRecovery(RecoveringBlock rBlock
ReplicaRecoveryInfo initReplicaRecovery(RecoveringBlock rBlock
) throws IOException;
* Update replica's generation stamp and length and finalize it.
* @return the ID of storage that stores the block
public String updateReplicaUnderRecovery(ExtendedBlock oldBlock,
String updateReplicaUnderRecovery(ExtendedBlock oldBlock,
long recoveryId, long newBlockId, long newLength) throws IOException;
@ -532,14 +533,14 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @param bpid Block pool Id
* @param conf Configuration
public void addBlockPool(String bpid, Configuration conf) throws IOException;
void addBlockPool(String bpid, Configuration conf) throws IOException;
* Shutdown and remove the block pool from underlying storage.
* @param bpid Block pool Id to be removed
public void shutdownBlockPool(String bpid) ;
void shutdownBlockPool(String bpid) ;
* Deletes the block pool directories. If force is false, directories are
* deleted only if no block files exist for the block pool. If force
@ -551,12 +552,12 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* directory for the blockpool is deleted along with its contents.
* @throws IOException
public void deleteBlockPool(String bpid, boolean force) throws IOException;
void deleteBlockPool(String bpid, boolean force) throws IOException;
* Get {@link BlockLocalPathInfo} for the given block.
public BlockLocalPathInfo getBlockLocalPathInfo(ExtendedBlock b
BlockLocalPathInfo getBlockLocalPathInfo(ExtendedBlock b
) throws IOException;
@ -568,7 +569,7 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* @return metadata Metadata for the list of blocks
* @throws IOException
public HdfsBlocksMetadata getHdfsBlocksMetadata(String bpid,
HdfsBlocksMetadata getHdfsBlocksMetadata(String bpid,
long[] blockIds) throws IOException;
@ -576,51 +577,51 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* moved to a separate trash directory instead of being deleted immediately.
* This can be useful for example during rolling upgrades.
public void enableTrash(String bpid);
void enableTrash(String bpid);
* Clear trash
public void clearTrash(String bpid);
void clearTrash(String bpid);
* @return true when trash is enabled
public boolean trashEnabled(String bpid);
boolean trashEnabled(String bpid);
* Create a marker file indicating that a rolling upgrade is in progress.
public void setRollingUpgradeMarker(String bpid) throws IOException;
void setRollingUpgradeMarker(String bpid) throws IOException;
* Delete the rolling upgrade marker file if it exists.
* @param bpid
public void clearRollingUpgradeMarker(String bpid) throws IOException;
void clearRollingUpgradeMarker(String bpid) throws IOException;
* submit a sync_file_range request to AsyncDiskService
* submit a sync_file_range request to AsyncDiskService.
public void submitBackgroundSyncFileRangeRequest(final ExtendedBlock block,
void submitBackgroundSyncFileRangeRequest(final ExtendedBlock block,
final FileDescriptor fd, final long offset, final long nbytes,
final int flags);
* Callback from RamDiskAsyncLazyPersistService upon async lazy persist task end
public void onCompleteLazyPersist(String bpId, long blockId,
void onCompleteLazyPersist(String bpId, long blockId,
long creationTime, File[] savedFiles, V targetVolume);
* Callback from RamDiskAsyncLazyPersistService upon async lazy persist task fail
public void onFailLazyPersist(String bpId, long blockId);
void onFailLazyPersist(String bpId, long blockId);
* Move block from one storage to another storage
public ReplicaInfo moveBlockAcrossStorage(final ExtendedBlock block,
ReplicaInfo moveBlockAcrossStorage(final ExtendedBlock block,
StorageType targetStorageType) throws IOException;
@ -629,15 +630,15 @@ public interface FsDatasetSpi<V extends FsVolumeSpi> extends FSDatasetMBean {
* It is a no-op when dfs.datanode.block-pinning.enabled is set to false.
public void setPinning(ExtendedBlock block) throws IOException;
void setPinning(ExtendedBlock block) throws IOException;
* Check whether the block was pinned
public boolean getPinning(ExtendedBlock block) throws IOException;
boolean getPinning(ExtendedBlock block) throws IOException;
* Confirm whether the block is deleting
public boolean isDeletingBlock(String bpid, long blockId);
boolean isDeletingBlock(String bpid, long blockId);
@ -39,38 +39,38 @@ public interface FsVolumeSpi {
FsVolumeReference obtainReference() throws ClosedChannelException;
/** @return the StorageUuid of the volume */
public String getStorageID();
String getStorageID();
/** @return a list of block pools. */
public String[] getBlockPoolList();
String[] getBlockPoolList();
/** @return the available storage space in bytes. */
public long getAvailable() throws IOException;
long getAvailable() throws IOException;
/** @return the base path to the volume */
public String getBasePath();
String getBasePath();
/** @return the path to the volume */
public String getPath(String bpid) throws IOException;
String getPath(String bpid) throws IOException;
/** @return the directory for the finalized blocks in the block pool. */
public File getFinalizedDir(String bpid) throws IOException;
File getFinalizedDir(String bpid) throws IOException;
public StorageType getStorageType();
StorageType getStorageType();
/** Returns true if the volume is NOT backed by persistent storage. */
public boolean isTransientStorage();
boolean isTransientStorage();
* Reserve disk space for an RBW block so a writer does not run out of
* space before the block is full.
public void reserveSpaceForRbw(long bytesToReserve);
void reserveSpaceForRbw(long bytesToReserve);
* Release disk space previously reserved for RBW block.
public void releaseReservedSpace(long bytesToRelease);
void releaseReservedSpace(long bytesToRelease);
* Release reserved memory for an RBW block written to transient storage
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public interface FsVolumeSpi {
* bytesToRelease will be rounded down to the OS page size since locked
* memory reservation must always be a multiple of the page size.
public void releaseLockedMemory(long bytesToRelease);
void releaseLockedMemory(long bytesToRelease);
* BlockIterator will return ExtendedBlock entries from a block pool in
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public interface FsVolumeSpi {
* Closing the iterator does not save it. You must call save to save it.
public interface BlockIterator extends Closeable {
interface BlockIterator extends Closeable {
* Get the next block.<p/>
@ -107,17 +107,17 @@ public interface FsVolumeSpi {
* this volume. In this case, EOF will be set on
* the iterator.
public ExtendedBlock nextBlock() throws IOException;
ExtendedBlock nextBlock() throws IOException;
* Returns true if we got to the end of the block pool.
public boolean atEnd();
boolean atEnd();
* Repositions the iterator at the beginning of the block pool.
public void rewind();
void rewind();
* Save this block iterator to the underlying volume.
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public interface FsVolumeSpi {
* @throws IOException If there was an error when saving the block
* iterator.
public void save() throws IOException;
void save() throws IOException;
* Set the maximum staleness of entries that we will return.<p/>
@ -138,25 +138,25 @@ public interface FsVolumeSpi {
* to 0, consumers of this API must handle race conditions where block
* disappear before they can be processed.
public void setMaxStalenessMs(long maxStalenessMs);
void setMaxStalenessMs(long maxStalenessMs);
* Get the wall-clock time, measured in milliseconds since the Epoch,
* when this iterator was created.
public long getIterStartMs();
long getIterStartMs();
* Get the wall-clock time, measured in milliseconds since the Epoch,
* when this iterator was last saved. Returns iterStartMs if the
* iterator was never saved.
public long getLastSavedMs();
long getLastSavedMs();
* Get the id of the block pool which this iterator traverses.
public String getBlockPoolId();
String getBlockPoolId();
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public interface FsVolumeSpi {
* @return The new block iterator.
public BlockIterator newBlockIterator(String bpid, String name);
BlockIterator newBlockIterator(String bpid, String name);
* Load a saved block iterator.
@ -180,11 +180,10 @@ public interface FsVolumeSpi {
* @throws IOException If there was an IO error loading the saved
* block iterator.
public BlockIterator loadBlockIterator(String bpid, String name)
throws IOException;
BlockIterator loadBlockIterator(String bpid, String name) throws IOException;
* Get the FSDatasetSpi which this volume is a part of.
public FsDatasetSpi getDataset();
FsDatasetSpi getDataset();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user