HDDS-73. Add acceptance tests for Ozone Shell.
Contributed by Lokesh Jain.
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
*** Settings ***
Documentation Smoke test to start cluster with docker-compose environments.
Library OperatingSystem
Suite Setup Startup Ozone Cluster
Suite Teardown Teardown Ozone Cluster
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Daemons are running without error
Is daemon running without error ksm
Is daemon running without error scm
Is daemon running without error namenode
Is daemon running without error datanode
Check if datanode is connected to the scm
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3min 5sec Have healthy datanodes 1
Scale it up to 5 datanodes
Scale datanodes up 5
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3min 5sec Have healthy datanodes 5
Test ozone shell (RestClient without http port)
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createVolume http://ksm/hive -user bilbo -quota 100TB -root
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listVolume o3://ksm -user bilbo | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.volumeName=="hive")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateVolume http://ksm/hive -user bill -quota 10TB
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume http://ksm/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .owner | .name'
Should Be Equal ${result} bill
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume http://ksm/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .quota | .size'
Should Be Equal ${result} 10
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .storageType'
Should Be Equal ${result} DISK
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1 -addAcl user:frodo:rw,group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="samwise") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} GROUP
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1 -removeAcl group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="frodo") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} USER
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listBucket o3://ksm/hive/ | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .volumeName'
Should Be Equal ${result} hive
Execute on datanode ozone oz -putKey http://ksm/hive/bb1/key1 -file NOTICE.txt
Execute on datanode rm -f NOTICE.txt.1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -getKey http://ksm/hive/bb1/key1 -file NOTICE.txt.1
Execute on datanode ls -l NOTICE.txt.1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoKey http://ksm/hive/bb1/key1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.keyName=="key1")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listKey o3://ksm/hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.keyName=="key1") | .keyName'
Should Be Equal ${result} key1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteKey http://ksm/hive/bb1/key1 -v
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteVolume http://ksm/hive -user bilbo
Test ozone shell (RestClient with http port)
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createVolume http://ksm:9874/hive -user bilbo -quota 100TB -root
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listVolume o3://ksm:9862 -user bilbo | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.volumeName=="hive")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateVolume http://ksm:9874/hive -user bill -quota 10TB
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume http://ksm:9874/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .owner | .name'
Should Be Equal ${result} bill
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume http://ksm:9874/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .quota | .size'
Should Be Equal ${result} 10
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createBucket http://ksm:9874/hive/bb1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoBucket http://ksm:9874/hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .storageType'
Should Be Equal ${result} DISK
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket http://ksm:9874/hive/bb1 -addAcl user:frodo:rw,group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="samwise") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} GROUP
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket http://ksm:9874/hive/bb1 -removeAcl group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="frodo") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} USER
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listBucket o3://ksm:9862/hive/ | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .volumeName'
Should Be Equal ${result} hive
Execute on datanode ozone oz -putKey http://ksm:9874/hive/bb1/key1 -file NOTICE.txt
Execute on datanode rm -f NOTICE.txt.1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -getKey http://ksm:9874/hive/bb1/key1 -file NOTICE.txt.1
Execute on datanode ls -l NOTICE.txt.1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoKey http://ksm:9874/hive/bb1/key1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.keyName=="key1")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listKey o3://ksm:9862/hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.keyName=="key1") | .keyName'
Should Be Equal ${result} key1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteKey http://ksm:9874/hive/bb1/key1 -v
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteBucket http://ksm:9874/hive/bb1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteVolume http://ksm:9874/hive -user bilbo
Test ozone shell (RestClient without hostname)
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createVolume http:///hive -user bilbo -quota 100TB -root
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listVolume o3:/// -user bilbo | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.volumeName=="hive")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateVolume http:///hive -user bill -quota 10TB
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume http:///hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .owner | .name'
Should Be Equal ${result} bill
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume http:///hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .quota | .size'
Should Be Equal ${result} 10
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createBucket http:///hive/bb1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoBucket http:///hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .storageType'
Should Be Equal ${result} DISK
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket http:///hive/bb1 -addAcl user:frodo:rw,group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="samwise") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} GROUP
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket http:///hive/bb1 -removeAcl group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="frodo") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} USER
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listBucket o3:///hive/ | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .volumeName'
Should Be Equal ${result} hive
Execute on datanode ozone oz -putKey http:///hive/bb1/key1 -file NOTICE.txt
Execute on datanode rm -f NOTICE.txt.1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -getKey http:///hive/bb1/key1 -file NOTICE.txt.1
Execute on datanode ls -l NOTICE.txt.1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoKey http:///hive/bb1/key1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.keyName=="key1")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listKey o3:///hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.keyName=="key1") | .keyName'
Should Be Equal ${result} key1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteKey http:///hive/bb1/key1 -v
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteBucket http:///hive/bb1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteVolume http:///hive -user bilbo
Test ozone shell (RpcClient without http port)
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createVolume o3://ksm/hive -user bilbo -quota 100TB -root
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listVolume o3://ksm -user bilbo | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.volumeName=="hive")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateVolume o3://ksm/hive -user bill -quota 10TB
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume o3://ksm/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .owner | .name'
Should Be Equal ${result} bill
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume o3://ksm/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .quota | .size'
Should Be Equal ${result} 10
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createBucket o3://ksm/hive/bb1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoBucket o3://ksm/hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .storageType'
Should Be Equal ${result} DISK
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket o3://ksm/hive/bb1 -addAcl user:frodo:rw,group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="samwise") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} GROUP
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket o3://ksm/hive/bb1 -removeAcl group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="frodo") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} USER
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listBucket o3://ksm/hive/ | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .volumeName'
Should Be Equal ${result} hive
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteBucket o3://ksm/hive/bb1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteVolume o3://ksm/hive -user bilbo
Test ozone shell (RpcClient with http port)
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createVolume o3://ksm:9862/hive -user bilbo -quota 100TB -root
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listVolume o3://ksm:9862 -user bilbo | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.volumeName=="hive")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateVolume o3://ksm:9862/hive -user bill -quota 10TB
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume o3://ksm:9862/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .owner | .name'
Should Be Equal ${result} bill
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume o3://ksm:9862/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .quota | .size'
Should Be Equal ${result} 10
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createBucket o3://ksm:9862/hive/bb1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoBucket o3://ksm:9862/hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .storageType'
Should Be Equal ${result} DISK
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket o3://ksm:9862/hive/bb1 -addAcl user:frodo:rw,group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="samwise") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} GROUP
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket o3://ksm:9862/hive/bb1 -removeAcl group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="frodo") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} USER
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listBucket o3://ksm:9862/hive/ | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .volumeName'
Should Be Equal ${result} hive
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteBucket o3://ksm:9862/hive/bb1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteVolume o3://ksm:9862/hive -user bilbo
Test ozone shell (RpcClient without hostname)
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createVolume o3:///hive -user bilbo -quota 100TB -root
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listVolume o3:/// -user bilbo | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.volumeName=="hive")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateVolume o3:///hive -user bill -quota 10TB
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume o3:///hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .owner | .name'
Should Be Equal ${result} bill
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume o3:///hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .quota | .size'
Should Be Equal ${result} 10
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createBucket o3:///hive/bb1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoBucket o3:///hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .storageType'
Should Be Equal ${result} DISK
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket o3:///hive/bb1 -addAcl user:frodo:rw,group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="samwise") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} GROUP
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket o3:///hive/bb1 -removeAcl group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="frodo") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} USER
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listBucket o3:///hive/ | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .volumeName'
Should Be Equal ${result} hive
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteBucket o3:///hive/bb1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteVolume o3:///hive -user bilbo
*** Keywords ***
Startup Ozone Cluster
${rc} ${output} = Run docker compose down
${rc} ${output} = Run docker compose up -d
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1min 5sec Is Daemon started ksm HTTP server of KSM is listening
Teardown Ozone Cluster
Run docker compose down
Is daemon running without error
[arguments] ${name}
${result} = Run docker ps
Should contain ${result} _${name}_1
${rc} ${result} = Run docker compose logs ${name}
Should not contain ${result} ERROR
Is Daemon started
[arguments] ${name} ${expression}
${rc} ${result} = Run docker compose logs
Should contain ${result} ${expression}
Have healthy datanodes
[arguments] ${requirednodes}
${result} = Execute on scm curl -s 'http://localhost:9876/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=SCMNodeManager,name=SCMNodeManagerInfo' | jq -r '.beans[0].NodeCount[] | select(.key=="HEALTHY") | .value'
Should Be Equal ${result} ${requirednodes}
Scale datanodes up
[arguments] ${requirednodes}
Run docker compose scale datanode=${requirednodes}
Execute on
[arguments] ${componentname} ${command}
${rc} ${return} = Run docker compose exec ${componentname} ${command}
[return] ${return}
Run docker compose
[arguments] ${command}
Set Environment Variable OZONEDIR ${basedir}/hadoop-dist/target/ozone
${rc} ${output} = Run And Return Rc And Output docker-compose -f ${basedir}/hadoop-ozone/acceptance-test/src/test/compose/docker-compose.yaml ${command}
Log ${output}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
[return] ${rc} ${output}
@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ Test rest interface
${result} = Execute on datanode curl -i -X DELETE ${COMMON_RESTHEADER} "http://localhost:9880/volume1"
Should contain ${result} 200 OK
Test ozone cli
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createVolume http://ksm/hive -user bilbo -quota 100TB -root
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listVolume o3://ksm -user bilbo | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.volumeName=="hive")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateVolume http://ksm/hive -user bill -quota 10TB
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume http://ksm/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .owner | .name'
Should Be Equal ${result} bill
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoVolume http://ksm/hive | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.volumeName=="hive") | .quota | .size'
Should Be Equal ${result} 10
Execute on datanode ozone oz -createBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .storageType'
Should Be Equal ${result} DISK
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1 -addAcl user:frodo:rw,group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="samwise") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} GROUP
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -updateBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1 -removeAcl group:samwise:r | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .acls | .[] | select(.name=="frodo") | .type'
Should Be Equal ${result} USER
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listBucket o3://ksm/hive/ | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.bucketName=="bb1") | .volumeName'
Should Be Equal ${result} hive
Execute on datanode ozone oz -putKey http://ksm/hive/bb1/key1 -file NOTICE.txt
Execute on datanode rm -f NOTICE.txt.1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -getKey http://ksm/hive/bb1/key1 -file NOTICE.txt.1
Execute on datanode ls -l NOTICE.txt.1
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -infoKey http://ksm/hive/bb1/key1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '. | select(.keyName=="key1")'
Should contain ${result} createdOn
${result} = Execute on datanode ozone oz -listKey o3://ksm/hive/bb1 | grep -Ev 'Removed|WARN|DEBUG|ERROR|INFO|TRACE' | jq -r '.[] | select(.keyName=="key1") | .keyName'
Should Be Equal ${result} key1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteKey http://ksm/hive/bb1/key1 -v
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteBucket http://ksm/hive/bb1
Execute on datanode ozone oz -deleteVolume http://ksm/hive -user bilbo
Check webui static resources
${result} = Execute on scm curl -s -I http://localhost:9876/static/bootstrap-3.0.2/js/bootstrap.min.js
Should contain ${result} 200
Reference in New Issue
Block a user