HDFS-8647. Abstract BlockManager's rack policy into BlockPlacementPolicy. (Brahma Reddy Battula via mingma)

This commit is contained in:
Ming Ma 2015-10-21 08:06:58 -07:00
parent b37c41fd6e
commit e27c2ae8ba
16 changed files with 317 additions and 246 deletions

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@ -379,6 +379,13 @@ int getNumOfLeaves() {
private int depthOfAllLeaves = -1;
/** rack counter */
protected int numOfRacks = 0;
* Whether or not this cluster has ever consisted of more than 1 rack,
* according to the NetworkTopology.
private boolean clusterEverBeenMultiRack = false;
/** the lock used to manage access */
protected ReadWriteLock netlock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
@ -417,7 +424,7 @@ public void add(Node node) {
if (clusterMap.add(node)) {
LOG.info("Adding a new node: "+NodeBase.getPath(node));
if (rack == null) {
if (!(node instanceof InnerNode)) {
if (depthOfAllLeaves == -1) {
@ -433,6 +440,13 @@ public void add(Node node) {
protected void incrementRacks() {
if (!clusterEverBeenMultiRack && numOfRacks > 1) {
clusterEverBeenMultiRack = true;
* Return a reference to the node given its string representation.
* Default implementation delegates to {@link #getNode(String)}.
@ -541,6 +555,14 @@ public Node getNode(String loc) {
* @return true if this cluster has ever consisted of multiple racks, even if
* it is not now a multi-rack cluster.
public boolean hasClusterEverBeenMultiRack() {
return clusterEverBeenMultiRack;
/** Given a string representation of a rack for a specific network
* location

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public void add(Node node) {
LOG.info("Adding a new node: " + NodeBase.getPath(node));
if (rack == null) {
// We only track rack number here
if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {

View File

@ -1543,6 +1543,9 @@ Release 2.8.0 - UNRELEASED
HDFS-9251. Refactor TestWriteToReplica and TestFsDatasetImpl to avoid
explicitly creating Files in the tests code. (lei)
HDFS-8647. Abstract BlockManager's rack policy into BlockPlacementPolicy.
(Brahma Reddy Battula via mingma)
HDFS-8026. Trace FSOutputSummer#writeChecksumChunks rather than

View File

@ -252,9 +252,6 @@ public int getPendingDataNodeMessageCount() {
final float blocksInvalidateWorkPct;
final int blocksReplWorkMultiplier;
/** variable to enable check for enough racks */
final boolean shouldCheckForEnoughRacks;
// whether or not to issue block encryption keys.
final boolean encryptDataTransfer;
@ -355,10 +352,6 @@ public BlockManager(final Namesystem namesystem, final Configuration conf)
this.shouldCheckForEnoughRacks =
? false : true;
this.blocksInvalidateWorkPct = DFSUtil.getInvalidateWorkPctPerIteration(conf);
this.blocksReplWorkMultiplier = DFSUtil.getReplWorkMultiplier(conf);
@ -382,7 +375,6 @@ public BlockManager(final Namesystem namesystem, final Configuration conf)
LOG.info("maxReplication = " + maxReplication);
LOG.info("minReplication = " + minReplication);
LOG.info("maxReplicationStreams = " + maxReplicationStreams);
LOG.info("shouldCheckForEnoughRacks = " + shouldCheckForEnoughRacks);
LOG.info("replicationRecheckInterval = " + replicationRecheckInterval);
LOG.info("encryptDataTransfer = " + encryptDataTransfer);
LOG.info("maxNumBlocksToLog = " + maxNumBlocksToLog);
@ -1531,7 +1523,7 @@ boolean hasEnoughEffectiveReplicas(BlockInfo block,
NumberReplicas numReplicas, int pendingReplicaNum, int required) {
int numEffectiveReplicas = numReplicas.liveReplicas() + pendingReplicaNum;
return (numEffectiveReplicas >= required) &&
(pendingReplicaNum > 0 || blockHasEnoughRacks(block, required));
(pendingReplicaNum > 0 || isPlacementPolicySatisfied(block));
private BlockRecoveryWork scheduleRecovery(BlockInfo block, int priority) {
@ -1627,7 +1619,7 @@ private boolean validateRecoveryWork(BlockRecoveryWork rw) {
DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets = rw.getTargets();
if ( (numReplicas.liveReplicas() >= requiredReplication) &&
(!blockHasEnoughRacks(block, requiredReplication)) ) {
(!isPlacementPolicySatisfied(block)) ) {
if (rw.getSrcNodes()[0].getNetworkLocation().equals(
targets[0].getDatanodeDescriptor().getNetworkLocation())) {
//No use continuing, unless a new rack in this case
@ -3145,8 +3137,8 @@ private void chooseExcessReplicates(
final List<StorageType> excessTypes = storagePolicy.chooseExcess(
replication, DatanodeStorageInfo.toStorageTypes(nonExcess));
chooseExcessReplicasContiguous(bc, nonExcess, storedBlock,
replication, addedNode, delNodeHint, excessTypes);
chooseExcessReplicasContiguous(nonExcess, storedBlock, replication,
addedNode, delNodeHint, excessTypes);
@ -3164,45 +3156,16 @@ private void chooseExcessReplicates(
* If no such a node is available,
* then pick a node with least free space
private void chooseExcessReplicasContiguous(BlockCollection bc,
final Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> nonExcess,
BlockInfo storedBlock, short replication,
DatanodeDescriptor addedNode,
DatanodeDescriptor delNodeHint,
List<StorageType> excessTypes) {
private void chooseExcessReplicasContiguous(
final Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> nonExcess, BlockInfo storedBlock,
short replication, DatanodeDescriptor addedNode,
DatanodeDescriptor delNodeHint, List<StorageType> excessTypes) {
BlockPlacementPolicy replicator = placementPolicies.getPolicy(false);
final Map<String, List<DatanodeStorageInfo>> rackMap = new HashMap<>();
final List<DatanodeStorageInfo> moreThanOne = new ArrayList<>();
final List<DatanodeStorageInfo> exactlyOne = new ArrayList<>();
// split nodes into two sets
// moreThanOne contains nodes on rack with more than one replica
// exactlyOne contains the remaining nodes
replicator.splitNodesWithRack(nonExcess, rackMap, moreThanOne, exactlyOne);
// pick one node to delete that favors the delete hint
// otherwise pick one with least space from priSet if it is not empty
// otherwise one node with least space from remains
boolean firstOne = true;
final DatanodeStorageInfo delNodeHintStorage
= DatanodeStorageInfo.getDatanodeStorageInfo(nonExcess, delNodeHint);
final DatanodeStorageInfo addedNodeStorage
= DatanodeStorageInfo.getDatanodeStorageInfo(nonExcess, addedNode);
while (nonExcess.size() - replication > 0) {
final DatanodeStorageInfo cur;
if (useDelHint(firstOne, delNodeHintStorage, addedNodeStorage,
moreThanOne, excessTypes)) {
cur = delNodeHintStorage;
} else { // regular excessive replica removal
cur = replicator.chooseReplicaToDelete(bc, storedBlock, replication,
moreThanOne, exactlyOne, excessTypes);
firstOne = false;
// adjust rackmap, moreThanOne, and exactlyOne
replicator.adjustSetsWithChosenReplica(rackMap, moreThanOne,
exactlyOne, cur);
processChosenExcessReplica(nonExcess, cur, storedBlock);
List<DatanodeStorageInfo> replicasToDelete = replicator
.chooseReplicasToDelete(nonExcess, replication, excessTypes,
addedNode, delNodeHint);
for (DatanodeStorageInfo choosenReplica : replicasToDelete) {
processChosenExcessReplica(nonExcess, choosenReplica, storedBlock);
@ -3223,7 +3186,6 @@ private void chooseExcessReplicasStriped(BlockCollection bc,
BlockInfoStriped sblk = (BlockInfoStriped) storedBlock;
short groupSize = sblk.getTotalBlockNum();
BlockPlacementPolicy placementPolicy = placementPolicies.getPolicy(true);
List<DatanodeStorageInfo> empty = new ArrayList<>(0);
// find all duplicated indices
BitSet found = new BitSet(groupSize); //indices found
@ -3270,10 +3232,13 @@ private void chooseExcessReplicasStriped(BlockCollection bc,
Block internalBlock = new Block(storedBlock);
internalBlock.setBlockId(storedBlock.getBlockId() + targetIndex);
while (candidates.size() > 1) {
DatanodeStorageInfo target = placementPolicy.chooseReplicaToDelete(bc,
internalBlock, (short)1, candidates, empty, excessTypes);
processChosenExcessReplica(nonExcess, target, storedBlock);
List<DatanodeStorageInfo> replicasToDelete = placementPolicy
.chooseReplicasToDelete(candidates, (short) 1, excessTypes, null,
for (DatanodeStorageInfo chosen : replicasToDelete) {
processChosenExcessReplica(nonExcess, chosen, storedBlock);
@ -3299,27 +3264,6 @@ private void processChosenExcessReplica(
+ "({}, {}) is added to invalidated blocks set", chosen, storedBlock);
/** Check if we can use delHint */
static boolean useDelHint(boolean isFirst, DatanodeStorageInfo delHint,
DatanodeStorageInfo added, List<DatanodeStorageInfo> moreThan1Racks,
List<StorageType> excessTypes) {
if (!isFirst) {
return false; // only consider delHint for the first case
} else if (delHint == null) {
return false; // no delHint
} else if (!excessTypes.contains(delHint.getStorageType())) {
return false; // delHint storage type is not an excess type
} else {
// check if removing delHint reduces the number of racks
if (moreThan1Racks.contains(delHint)) {
return true; // delHint and some other nodes are under the same rack
} else if (added != null && !moreThan1Racks.contains(added)) {
return true; // the added node adds a new rack
return false; // removing delHint reduces the number of racks;
private void addToExcessReplicate(DatanodeInfo dn, BlockInfo storedBlock) {
assert namesystem.hasWriteLock();
LightWeightHashSet<BlockInfo> excessBlocks = excessReplicateMap.get(
@ -3888,74 +3832,23 @@ public boolean containsInvalidateBlock(final DatanodeInfo dn,
return invalidateBlocks.contains(dn, block);
boolean blockHasEnoughRacks(BlockInfo storedBlock, int expectedStorageNum) {
if (!this.shouldCheckForEnoughRacks) {
return true;
Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> corruptNodes =
if (storedBlock.isStriped()) {
return blockHasEnoughRacksStriped(storedBlock, corruptNodes);
} else {
return blockHashEnoughRacksContiguous(storedBlock, expectedStorageNum,
* Verify whether given striped block is distributed through enough racks.
* As dicussed in HDFS-7613, ec file requires racks at least as many as
* the number of data block number.
boolean blockHasEnoughRacksStriped(BlockInfo storedBlock,
Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> corruptNodes) {
if (!datanodeManager.hasClusterEverBeenMultiRack()) {
return true;
boolean enoughRacks = false;
Set<String> rackNameSet = new HashSet<>();
int dataBlockNum = ((BlockInfoStriped)storedBlock).getRealDataBlockNum();
boolean isPlacementPolicySatisfied(BlockInfo storedBlock) {
List<DatanodeDescriptor> liveNodes = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> corruptNodes = corruptReplicas
for (DatanodeStorageInfo storage : blocksMap.getStorages(storedBlock)) {
final DatanodeDescriptor cur = storage.getDatanodeDescriptor();
if (!cur.isDecommissionInProgress() && !cur.isDecommissioned()) {
if ((corruptNodes == null) || !corruptNodes.contains(cur)) {
String rackNameNew = cur.getNetworkLocation();
if (rackNameSet.size() >= dataBlockNum) {
enoughRacks = true;
if (!cur.isDecommissionInProgress() && !cur.isDecommissioned()
&& ((corruptNodes == null) || !corruptNodes.contains(cur))) {
return enoughRacks;
boolean blockHashEnoughRacksContiguous(BlockInfo storedBlock,
int expectedStorageNum, Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> corruptNodes) {
boolean enoughRacks = false;
String rackName = null;
for(DatanodeStorageInfo storage : blocksMap.getStorages(storedBlock)) {
final DatanodeDescriptor cur = storage.getDatanodeDescriptor();
if (!cur.isDecommissionInProgress() && !cur.isDecommissioned()) {
if ((corruptNodes == null ) || !corruptNodes.contains(cur)) {
if (expectedStorageNum == 1 || (expectedStorageNum > 1 &&
!datanodeManager.hasClusterEverBeenMultiRack())) {
enoughRacks = true;
String rackNameNew = cur.getNetworkLocation();
if (rackName == null) {
rackName = rackNameNew;
} else if (!rackName.equals(rackNameNew)) {
enoughRacks = true;
return enoughRacks;
DatanodeInfo[] locs = liveNodes.toArray(new DatanodeInfo[liveNodes.size()]);
BlockPlacementPolicy placementPolicy = placementPolicies
int numReplicas = storedBlock.isStriped() ? ((BlockInfoStriped) storedBlock)
.getRealDataBlockNum() : storedBlock.getReplication();
return placementPolicy.verifyBlockPlacement(locs, numReplicas).isPlacementPolicySatisfied();
@ -3964,7 +3857,7 @@ boolean blockHashEnoughRacksContiguous(BlockInfo storedBlock,
boolean isNeededReplication(BlockInfo storedBlock, int current) {
int expected = getExpectedReplicaNum(storedBlock);
return current < expected || !blockHasEnoughRacks(storedBlock, expected);
return current < expected || !isPlacementPolicySatisfied(storedBlock);
public short getExpectedReplicaNum(BlockInfo block) {

View File

@ -29,13 +29,9 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockStoragePolicy;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetworkTopology;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.Node;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;
* This interface is used for choosing the desired number of targets
@ -103,37 +99,33 @@ DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTarget(String src,
* Verify if the block's placement meets requirement of placement policy,
* i.e. replicas are placed on no less than minRacks racks in the system.
* @param srcPath the full pathname of the file to be verified
* @param lBlk block with locations
* @param locs block with locations
* @param numOfReplicas replica number of file to be verified
* @return the result of verification
abstract public BlockPlacementStatus verifyBlockPlacement(String srcPath,
LocatedBlock lBlk,
int numOfReplicas);
* Decide whether deleting the specified replica of the block still makes
* the block conform to the configured block placement policy.
* @param srcBC block collection of file to which block-to-be-deleted belongs
* @param block The block to be deleted
* @param replicationFactor The required number of replicas for this block
* @param moreThanOne The replica locations of this block that are present
* on more than one unique racks.
* @param exactlyOne Replica locations of this block that are present
* on exactly one unique racks.
* @param excessTypes The excess {@link StorageType}s according to the
* {@link BlockStoragePolicy}.
* @return the replica that is the best candidate for deletion
abstract public DatanodeStorageInfo chooseReplicaToDelete(
BlockCollection srcBC,
Block block,
short replicationFactor,
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> moreThanOne,
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> exactlyOne,
List<StorageType> excessTypes);
abstract public BlockPlacementStatus verifyBlockPlacement(
DatanodeInfo[] locs, int numOfReplicas);
* Select the excess replica storages for deletion based on either
* delNodehint/Excess storage types.
* @param candidates
* available replicas
* @param expectedNumOfReplicas
* The required number of replicas for this block
* @param excessTypes
* type of the storagepolicy
* @param addedNode
* New replica reported
* @param delNodeHint
* Hint for excess storage selection
* @return Returns the list of excess replicas chosen for deletion
abstract public List<DatanodeStorageInfo> chooseReplicasToDelete(
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> candidates, int expectedNumOfReplicas,
List<StorageType> excessTypes, DatanodeDescriptor addedNode,
DatanodeDescriptor delNodeHint);
* Used to setup a BlockPlacementPolicy object. This should be defined by
* all implementations of a BlockPlacementPolicy.

View File

@ -26,9 +26,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockStoragePolicy;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetworkTopology;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.Node;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NodeBase;
@ -859,16 +857,16 @@ private DatanodeStorageInfo[] getPipeline(Node writer,
public BlockPlacementStatus verifyBlockPlacement(String srcPath,
LocatedBlock lBlk, int numberOfReplicas) {
DatanodeInfo[] locs = lBlk.getLocations();
public BlockPlacementStatus verifyBlockPlacement(DatanodeInfo[] locs,
int numberOfReplicas) {
if (locs == null)
locs = DatanodeDescriptor.EMPTY_ARRAY;
int numRacks = clusterMap.getNumOfRacks();
if(numRacks <= 1) // only one rack
return new BlockPlacementStatusDefault(
Math.min(numRacks, numberOfReplicas), numRacks);
int minRacks = Math.min(2, numberOfReplicas);
if (!clusterMap.hasClusterEverBeenMultiRack()) {
// only one rack
return new BlockPlacementStatusDefault(1, 1);
int minRacks = 2;
minRacks = Math.min(minRacks, numberOfReplicas);
// 1. Check that all locations are different.
// 2. Count locations on different racks.
Set<String> racks = new TreeSet<String>();
@ -876,12 +874,22 @@ public BlockPlacementStatus verifyBlockPlacement(String srcPath,
return new BlockPlacementStatusDefault(racks.size(), minRacks);
public DatanodeStorageInfo chooseReplicaToDelete(BlockCollection bc,
Block block, short replicationFactor,
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> first,
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> second,
* Decide whether deleting the specified replica of the block still makes
* the block conform to the configured block placement policy.
* @param replicationFactor The required number of replicas for this block
* @param moreThanone The replica locations of this block that are present
* on more than one unique racks.
* @param exactlyOne Replica locations of this block that are present
* on exactly one unique racks.
* @param excessTypes The excess {@link StorageType}s according to the
* {@link BlockStoragePolicy}.
* @return the replica that is the best candidate for deletion
public DatanodeStorageInfo chooseReplicaToDelete(short replicationFactor,
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> moreThanone, Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> exactlyOne,
final List<StorageType> excessTypes) {
long oldestHeartbeat =
monotonicNow() - heartbeatInterval * tolerateHeartbeatMultiplier;
@ -891,7 +899,7 @@ public DatanodeStorageInfo chooseReplicaToDelete(BlockCollection bc,
// Pick the node with the oldest heartbeat or with the least free space,
// if all hearbeats are within the tolerable heartbeat interval
for(DatanodeStorageInfo storage : pickupReplicaSet(first, second)) {
for(DatanodeStorageInfo storage : pickupReplicaSet(moreThanone, exactlyOne)) {
if (!excessTypes.contains(storage.getStorageType())) {
@ -921,6 +929,76 @@ public DatanodeStorageInfo chooseReplicaToDelete(BlockCollection bc,
return storage;
public List<DatanodeStorageInfo> chooseReplicasToDelete(
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> candidates,
int expectedNumOfReplicas,
List<StorageType> excessTypes,
DatanodeDescriptor addedNode,
DatanodeDescriptor delNodeHint) {
List<DatanodeStorageInfo> excessReplicas = new ArrayList<>();
final Map<String, List<DatanodeStorageInfo>> rackMap = new HashMap<>();
final List<DatanodeStorageInfo> moreThanOne = new ArrayList<>();
final List<DatanodeStorageInfo> exactlyOne = new ArrayList<>();
// split nodes into two sets
// moreThanOne contains nodes on rack with more than one replica
// exactlyOne contains the remaining nodes
splitNodesWithRack(candidates, rackMap, moreThanOne, exactlyOne);
// pick one node to delete that favors the delete hint
// otherwise pick one with least space from priSet if it is not empty
// otherwise one node with least space from remains
boolean firstOne = true;
final DatanodeStorageInfo delNodeHintStorage =
DatanodeStorageInfo.getDatanodeStorageInfo(candidates, delNodeHint);
final DatanodeStorageInfo addedNodeStorage =
DatanodeStorageInfo.getDatanodeStorageInfo(candidates, addedNode);
while (candidates.size() - expectedNumOfReplicas > excessReplicas.size()) {
final DatanodeStorageInfo cur;
if (useDelHint(firstOne, delNodeHintStorage, addedNodeStorage,
moreThanOne, excessTypes)) {
cur = delNodeHintStorage;
} else { // regular excessive replica removal
cur =
chooseReplicaToDelete((short) expectedNumOfReplicas, moreThanOne, exactlyOne,
firstOne = false;
// adjust rackmap, moreThanOne, and exactlyOne
adjustSetsWithChosenReplica(rackMap, moreThanOne, exactlyOne, cur);
return excessReplicas;
/** Check if we can use delHint. */
static boolean useDelHint(boolean isFirst, DatanodeStorageInfo delHint,
DatanodeStorageInfo added, List<DatanodeStorageInfo> moreThan1Racks,
List<StorageType> excessTypes) {
if (!isFirst) {
return false; // only consider delHint for the first case
} else if (delHint == null) {
return false; // no delHint
} else if (!excessTypes.contains(delHint.getStorageType())) {
return false; // delHint storage type is not an excess type
} else {
// check if removing delHint reduces the number of racks
if (moreThan1Racks.contains(delHint)) {
return true; // delHint and some other nodes are under the same rack
} else if (added != null && !moreThan1Racks.contains(added)) {
return true; // the added node adds a new rack
return false; // removing delHint reduces the number of racks;
* Pick up replica node set for deleting replica as over-replicated.
* First set contains replica nodes on rack with more than one

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.StorageType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.Node;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NodeBase;
@ -151,4 +152,21 @@ private Node chooseOnce(int numOfReplicas,
maxNodesPerRack, results, avoidStaleNodes, storageTypes);
return writer;
public BlockPlacementStatus verifyBlockPlacement(DatanodeInfo[] locs,
int numberOfReplicas) {
if (locs == null)
locs = DatanodeDescriptor.EMPTY_ARRAY;
if (!clusterMap.hasClusterEverBeenMultiRack()) {
// only one rack
return new BlockPlacementStatusDefault(1, 1);
// 1. Check that all locations are different.
// 2. Count locations on different racks.
Set<String> racks = new TreeSet<String>();
for (DatanodeInfo dn : locs)
return new BlockPlacementStatusDefault(racks.size(), numberOfReplicas);

View File

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.LocatedBlock;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetworkTopology;
@ -135,13 +134,13 @@ private Map<String, List<DatanodeStorageInfo>> getUpgradeDomainMap(
public BlockPlacementStatus verifyBlockPlacement(String srcPath,
LocatedBlock lBlk, int numberOfReplicas) {
BlockPlacementStatus defaultStatus = super.verifyBlockPlacement(srcPath,
lBlk, numberOfReplicas);
public BlockPlacementStatus verifyBlockPlacement(DatanodeInfo[] locs,
int numberOfReplicas) {
BlockPlacementStatus defaultStatus = super.verifyBlockPlacement(locs,
BlockPlacementStatusWithUpgradeDomain upgradeDomainStatus =
new BlockPlacementStatusWithUpgradeDomain(defaultStatus,
numberOfReplicas, upgradeDomainFactor);
return upgradeDomainStatus;

View File

@ -1156,14 +1156,6 @@ public void fetchDatanodes(final List<DatanodeDescriptor> live,
* @return true if this cluster has ever consisted of multiple racks, even if
* it is not now a multi-rack cluster.
boolean hasClusterEverBeenMultiRack() {
return hasClusterEverBeenMultiRack;
* Check if the cluster now consists of multiple racks. If it does, and this
* is the first time it's consisted of multiple racks, then process blocks

View File

@ -641,8 +641,9 @@ private void collectBlocksSummary(String parent, HdfsFileStatus file, Result res
// count mis replicated blocks
BlockPlacementStatus blockPlacementStatus = bpPolicies.getPolicy(false)
.verifyBlockPlacement(path, lBlk, targetFileReplication);
BlockPlacementStatus blockPlacementStatus = bpPolicies.getPolicy(
if (!blockPlacementStatus.isPlacementPolicySatisfied()) {

View File

@ -360,12 +360,12 @@ public void testBalancerWithPinnedBlocks() throws Exception {
long[] capacities = new long[] { CAPACITY, CAPACITY };
String[] hosts = {"host0", "host1"};
String[] racks = { RACK0, RACK1 };
int numOfDatanodes = capacities.length;
cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(capacities.length)
.hosts(new String[]{"localhost", "localhost"})
try {
@ -377,7 +377,10 @@ public void testBalancerWithPinnedBlocks() throws Exception {
long totalUsedSpace = totalCapacity * 8 / 10;
InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes = new InetSocketAddress[numOfDatanodes];
for (int i = 0; i < favoredNodes.length; i++) {
favoredNodes[i] = cluster.getDataNodes().get(i).getXferAddress();
// DFSClient will attempt reverse lookup. In case it resolves
// "" to "localhost", we manually specify the hostname.
int port = cluster.getDataNodes().get(i).getXferAddress().getPort();
favoredNodes[i] = new InetSocketAddress(hosts[i], port);
DFSTestUtil.createFile(cluster.getFileSystem(0), filePath, false, 1024,

View File

@ -824,11 +824,11 @@ public void testUseDelHint() {
List<StorageType> excessTypes = new ArrayList<StorageType>();
Assert.assertTrue(BlockManager.useDelHint(true, delHint, null,
moreThan1Racks, excessTypes));
Assert.assertTrue(BlockPlacementPolicyDefault.useDelHint(true, delHint,
null, moreThan1Racks, excessTypes));
Assert.assertFalse(BlockManager.useDelHint(true, delHint, null,
moreThan1Racks, excessTypes));
Assert.assertFalse(BlockPlacementPolicyDefault.useDelHint(true, delHint,
null, moreThan1Racks, excessTypes));

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.TestBlockStoragePolicy;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.BlockStoragePolicy;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockManager.StatefulBlockInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.HdfsServerConstants.BlockUCState;
@ -968,12 +970,12 @@ public void testChooseReplicaToDelete() throws Exception {
// test returning null
null, null, (short)3, first, second, excessTypes));
assertNull(((BlockPlacementPolicyDefault) replicator)
.chooseReplicaToDelete((short) 3, first, second, excessTypes));
DatanodeStorageInfo chosen = replicator.chooseReplicaToDelete(
null, null, (short)3, first, second, excessTypes);
DatanodeStorageInfo chosen = ((BlockPlacementPolicyDefault) replicator)
.chooseReplicaToDelete((short) 3, first, second, excessTypes);
// Within first set, storages[1] with less free space
assertEquals(chosen, storages[1]);
@ -982,11 +984,76 @@ public void testChooseReplicaToDelete() throws Exception {
assertEquals(3, second.size());
// Within second set, storages[5] with less free space
chosen = replicator.chooseReplicaToDelete(
null, null, (short)2, first, second, excessTypes);
chosen = ((BlockPlacementPolicyDefault) replicator).chooseReplicaToDelete(
(short)2, first, second, excessTypes);
assertEquals(chosen, storages[5]);
public void testChooseReplicasToDelete() throws Exception {
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> nonExcess = new ArrayList<DatanodeStorageInfo>();
List<DatanodeStorageInfo> excessReplicas = new ArrayList<>();
BlockStoragePolicySuite POLICY_SUITE = BlockStoragePolicySuite
BlockStoragePolicy storagePolicy = POLICY_SUITE.getDefaultPolicy();
// use delete hint case.
DatanodeDescriptor delHintNode = storages[0].getDatanodeDescriptor();
List<StorageType> excessTypes = storagePolicy.chooseExcess((short) 3,
excessReplicas = replicator.chooseReplicasToDelete(nonExcess, 3,
excessTypes, storages[3].getDatanodeDescriptor(), delHintNode);
assertTrue(excessReplicas.size() > 0);
// Excess type deletion
DatanodeStorageInfo excessStorage = DFSTestUtil.createDatanodeStorageInfo(
"Storage-excess-ID", "localhost", delHintNode.getNetworkLocation(),
"foo.com", StorageType.ARCHIVE);
excessTypes = storagePolicy.chooseExcess((short) 3,
excessReplicas = replicator.chooseReplicasToDelete(nonExcess, 3,
excessTypes, storages[3].getDatanodeDescriptor(), null);
public void testUseDelHint() throws Exception {
List<StorageType> excessTypes = new ArrayList<StorageType>();
// only consider delHint for the first case
assertFalse(BlockPlacementPolicyDefault.useDelHint(false, null, null, null,
// no delHint
assertFalse(BlockPlacementPolicyDefault.useDelHint(true, null, null, null,
// delHint storage type is not an excess type
assertFalse(BlockPlacementPolicyDefault.useDelHint(true, storages[0], null,
null, excessTypes));
// check if removing delHint reduces the number of racks
List<DatanodeStorageInfo> chosenNodes = new ArrayList<DatanodeStorageInfo>();
assertTrue(BlockPlacementPolicyDefault.useDelHint(true, storages[0], null,
chosenNodes, excessTypes));
// the added node adds a new rack
assertTrue(BlockPlacementPolicyDefault.useDelHint(true, storages[3],
storages[5], chosenNodes, excessTypes));
// removing delHint reduces the number of racks;
assertFalse(BlockPlacementPolicyDefault.useDelHint(true, storages[3],
storages[0], chosenNodes, excessTypes));
assertFalse(BlockPlacementPolicyDefault.useDelHint(true, storages[3], null,
chosenNodes, excessTypes));
* This testcase tests whether the default value returned by
* DFSUtil.getInvalidateWorkPctPerIteration() is positive,

View File

@ -533,8 +533,8 @@ public void testChooseReplicaToDelete() throws Exception {
assertEquals(1, second.size());
List<StorageType> excessTypes = new ArrayList<>();
DatanodeStorageInfo chosen = replicator.chooseReplicaToDelete(
null, null, (short)3, first, second, excessTypes);
DatanodeStorageInfo chosen = ((BlockPlacementPolicyDefault) replicator)
.chooseReplicaToDelete((short) 3, first, second, excessTypes);
// Within first set {dataNodes[0], dataNodes[1], dataNodes[2]},
// dataNodes[0] and dataNodes[1] are in the same nodegroup,
// but dataNodes[1] is chosen as less free space
@ -546,8 +546,8 @@ public void testChooseReplicaToDelete() throws Exception {
// Within first set {dataNodes[0], dataNodes[2]}, dataNodes[2] is chosen
// as less free space
chosen = replicator.chooseReplicaToDelete(
null, null, (short)2, first, second, excessTypes);
chosen = ((BlockPlacementPolicyDefault) replicator).chooseReplicaToDelete(
(short) 2, first, second, excessTypes);
assertEquals(chosen, storages[2]);
replicator.adjustSetsWithChosenReplica(rackMap, first, second, chosen);
@ -555,8 +555,8 @@ public void testChooseReplicaToDelete() throws Exception {
assertEquals(2, second.size());
// Within second set, dataNodes[5] with less free space
chosen = replicator.chooseReplicaToDelete(
null, null, (short)1, first, second, excessTypes);
chosen = ((BlockPlacementPolicyDefault) replicator).chooseReplicaToDelete(
(short) 1, first, second, excessTypes);
assertEquals(chosen, storages[5]);

View File

@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public void testChooseReplicaToDelete() throws Exception {
DatanodeStorageInfo chosenStorage =
null, null, (short)3, first, second, excessTypes);
(short)3, first, second, excessTypes);
assertEquals(chosenStorage, storages[1]);
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ public void testChooseReplicaToDelete() throws Exception {
chosenStorage = upgradeDomainPolicy.chooseReplicaToDelete(
null, null, (short)3, first, second, excessTypes);
(short)3, first, second, excessTypes);
assertTrue(chosenStorage.equals(storages[1]) ||
@ -265,7 +265,8 @@ public void testVerifyBlockPlacement() throws Exception {
locatedBlock = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(b,
set.toArray(new DatanodeStorageInfo[set.size()]), 0, false);
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement("", locatedBlock, set.size());
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement(locatedBlock.getLocations(),
// 3 upgrade domains (enough), 2 racks (enough)
@ -275,7 +276,8 @@ public void testVerifyBlockPlacement() throws Exception {
locatedBlock = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(b,
set.toArray(new DatanodeStorageInfo[set.size()]), 0, false);
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement("", locatedBlock, set.size());
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement(locatedBlock.getLocations(),
// 3 upgrade domains (enough), 1 rack (not enough)
@ -285,7 +287,8 @@ public void testVerifyBlockPlacement() throws Exception {
locatedBlock = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(b,
set.toArray(new DatanodeStorageInfo[set.size()]), 0, false);
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement("", locatedBlock, set.size());
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement(locatedBlock.getLocations(),
assertFalse(status.getErrorDescription().contains("upgrade domain"));
@ -296,7 +299,8 @@ public void testVerifyBlockPlacement() throws Exception {
locatedBlock = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(b,
set.toArray(new DatanodeStorageInfo[set.size()]), 0, false);
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement("", locatedBlock, set.size());
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement(locatedBlock.getLocations(),
assertTrue(status.getErrorDescription().contains("upgrade domain"));
@ -307,7 +311,8 @@ public void testVerifyBlockPlacement() throws Exception {
locatedBlock = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(b,
set.toArray(new DatanodeStorageInfo[set.size()]), 0, false);
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement("", locatedBlock, set.size());
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement(locatedBlock.getLocations(),
@ -319,7 +324,8 @@ public void testVerifyBlockPlacement() throws Exception {
locatedBlock = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(b,
set.toArray(new DatanodeStorageInfo[set.size()]), 0, false);
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement("", locatedBlock, set.size());
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement(locatedBlock.getLocations(),
// 2 upgrade domains (not enough), 3 racks (enough), 4 replicas
@ -330,7 +336,8 @@ public void testVerifyBlockPlacement() throws Exception {
locatedBlock = BlockManager.newLocatedBlock(b,
set.toArray(new DatanodeStorageInfo[set.size()]), 0, false);
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement("", locatedBlock, set.size());
status = replicator.verifyBlockPlacement(locatedBlock.getLocations(),

View File

@ -40,10 +40,8 @@
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSTestUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSNNTopology;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.ExtendedBlock;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocolPB.DatanodeProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockCollection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockManagerTestUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockPlacementPolicy;
@ -631,10 +629,8 @@ public RandomDeleterPolicy() {
public DatanodeStorageInfo chooseReplicaToDelete(BlockCollection inode,
Block block, short replicationFactor,
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> first,
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> second,
public DatanodeStorageInfo chooseReplicaToDelete(short replicationFactor,
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> first, Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> second,
List<StorageType> excessTypes) {
Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> chooseFrom = !first.isEmpty() ? first : second;