HDFS-12127. Ozone: Ozone shell: Add more testing for key shell commands. Contributed by Yiqun Lin.
This commit is contained in:
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ public final class KeySpaceManagerProtocolClientSideTranslatorPB
throw ProtobufHelper.getRemoteException(e);
if (resp.getStatus() != Status.OK) {
throw new IOException("Get key failed, error:" +
throw new IOException("Create key failed, error:" +
return KsmKeyInfo.getFromProtobuf(resp.getKeyInfo());
@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ public class KeyManagerImpl implements KeyManager {
LOG.debug("Key {} allocated in volume {} bucket {}",
keyName, volumeName, bucketName);
return keyBlock;
} catch (KSMException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Key allocation failed for volume:{} bucket:{} key:{}",
volumeName, bucketName, keyName, ex);
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public class DeleteKeyHandler extends Handler {
OzoneVolume vol = client.getVolume(volumeName);
OzoneBucket bucket = vol.createBucket(bucketName);
OzoneBucket bucket = vol.getBucket(bucketName);
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.exceptions.OzoneException;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.ozShell.Handler;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.ozShell.Shell;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.utils.JsonUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.utils.OzoneUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ public class ListKeyHandler extends Handler {
String length = null;
if (cmd.hasOption(Shell.LIST_LENGTH)) {
length = cmd.getOptionValue(Shell.LIST_LENGTH);
String startKey = null;
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.MiniOzoneCluster;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneAcl;
@ -44,8 +46,8 @@ import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneAcl.OzoneACLType;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneConfigKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.OzoneConsts;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.protocol.proto.KeySpaceManagerProtocolProtos.Status;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.client.OzoneBucket;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.client.OzoneKey;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.client.OzoneRestClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.client.OzoneVolume;
import org.apache.hadoop.ozone.web.exceptions.OzoneException;
@ -238,7 +240,7 @@ public class TestOzoneShell {
public void testListVolumes() throws Exception {
public void testListVolume() throws Exception {
final int volCount = 20;
final String user1 = "test-user-a";
final String user2 = "test-user-b";
@ -447,7 +449,7 @@ public class TestOzoneShell {
public void testListBuckets() throws Exception {
public void testListBucket() throws Exception {
int bucketCount = 11;
OzoneVolume vol = creatVolume();
@ -485,7 +487,8 @@ public class TestOzoneShell {
buckets = getValueLines("bucketName", out.toString());
assertEquals(3, buckets.size());
// return volume names should be [test-vol0, test-vol1, test-vol10]
// return bucket names should be [test-bucket0,
// test-bucket1, test-bucket10]
&& buckets.get(1).contains("test-bucket1")
&& buckets.get(2).contains("test-bucket10"));
@ -498,7 +501,7 @@ public class TestOzoneShell {
buckets = getValueLines("bucketName", out.toString());
assertEquals(2, buckets.size());
// return volume names should be [test-vol1, test-vol10]
// return bucket names should be [test-bucket1, test-bucket10]
&& buckets.get(1).contains("test-bucket10"));
@ -523,21 +526,220 @@ public class TestOzoneShell {
public void testGetKeyInfo() throws Exception {
// create a volume
String volume = "volume" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
String[] args = new String[] {"-createVolume", url + "/" + volume, "-user",
"bilbo", "-root"};
public void testPutKey() throws Exception {
OzoneBucket bucket = creatBucket();
String volumeName = bucket.getBucketInfo().getVolumeName();
String bucketName = bucket.getBucketName();
String keyName = "key" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
String[] args = new String[] {"-putKey",
url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName + "/" + keyName, "-file",
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
// create a bucket
String bucket = "bucket" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
args = new String[] {"-createBucket", url + "/" + volume + "/" + bucket};
OzoneKey keyInfo = bucket.getKeyInfo(keyName);
assertEquals(keyName, keyInfo.getObjectInfo().getKeyName());
// test put key in a non-exist bucket
args = new String[] {"-putKey",
url + "/" + volumeName + "/invalid-bucket/" + keyName, "-file",
assertEquals(1, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
"Create key failed, error:BUCKET_NOT_FOUND"));
public void testGetKey() throws Exception {
String keyName = "key" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
OzoneBucket bucket = creatBucket();
String volumeName = bucket.getBucketInfo().getVolumeName();
String bucketName = bucket.getBucketName();
String dataStr = "test-data";
bucket.putKey(keyName, dataStr);
String tmpPath = baseDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/testfile-"
+ UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String[] args = new String[] {"-getKey",
url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName + "/" + keyName, "-file",
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
byte[] dataBytes = new byte[dataStr.length()];
try (FileInputStream randFile = new FileInputStream(new File(tmpPath))) {
assertEquals(dataStr, DFSUtil.bytes2String(dataBytes));
public void testDeleteKey() throws Exception {
String keyName = "key" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
OzoneBucket bucket = creatBucket();
String volumeName = bucket.getBucketInfo().getVolumeName();
String bucketName = bucket.getBucketName();
bucket.putKey(keyName, "test-data");
OzoneKey keyInfo = bucket.getKeyInfo(keyName);
assertEquals(keyName, keyInfo.getObjectInfo().getKeyName());
String[] args = new String[] {"-deleteKey",
url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName + "/" + keyName};
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
// verify if key has been deleted in the bucket
try {
fail("Get key should have thrown.");
} catch (OzoneException e) {
"Lookup key failed, error:KEY_NOT_FOUND", e);
// test delete key in a non-exist bucket
args = new String[] {"-deleteKey",
url + "/" + volumeName + "/invalid-bucket/" + keyName};
assertEquals(1, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
"Info Bucket failed, error: BUCKET_NOT_FOUND"));
// test delete a non-exist key in bucket
args = new String[] {"-deleteKey",
url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName + "/invalid-key"};
assertEquals(1, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
"Delete key failed, error:KEY_NOT_FOUND"));
public void testInfoKey() throws Exception {
String keyName = "key" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
OzoneBucket bucket = creatBucket();
String volumeName = bucket.getBucketInfo().getVolumeName();
String bucketName = bucket.getBucketName();
bucket.putKey(keyName, "test-data");
String[] args = new String[] {"-infoKey",
url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName + "/" + keyName};
// verify the response output
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
// reset stream
// get the info of a non-exist key
args = new String[] {"-infoKey",
url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName + "/invalid-key"};
// verify the response output
// get the non-exist key info should be failed
assertEquals(1, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
"Lookup key failed, error:KEY_NOT_FOUND"));
public void testListKey() throws Exception {
int keyCount = 11;
OzoneBucket bucket = creatBucket();
String volumeName = bucket.getBucketInfo().getVolumeName();
String bucketName = bucket.getBucketName();
String keyName;
List<String> keyNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) {
keyName = "test-key" + i;
bucket.putKey(keyName, "test-data" + i);
// test -length option
String[] args = new String[] {"-listKey",
url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName, "-length", "100"};
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
List<String> keys = getValueLines("keyName", out.toString());
assertEquals(11, keys.size());
// sort key names since the return keys isn't in created order
// return key names should be [test-key0, test-key1,
// test-key10, test-key2, ,..., test-key9]
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
args = new String[] {"-listKey", url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName,
"-length", "3"};
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
keys = getValueLines("keyName", out.toString());
assertEquals(3, keys.size());
// return key names should be [test-key0, test-key1, test-key10]
&& keys.get(1).contains("test-key1")
&& keys.get(2).contains("test-key10"));
// test -prefix option
args = new String[] {"-listKey", url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName,
"-length", "100", "-prefix", "test-key1"};
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
keys = getValueLines("keyName", out.toString());
assertEquals(2, keys.size());
// return key names should be [test-key1, test-key10]
&& keys.get(1).contains("test-key10"));
// test -start option
args = new String[] {"-listKey", url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName,
"-length", "100", "-start", "test-key7"};
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
keys = getValueLines("keyName", out.toString());
&& keys.get(1).contains("test-key9"));
// test error conditions
args = new String[] {"-listKey", url + "/" + volumeName + "/" + bucketName,
"-length", "-1"};
assertEquals(1, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
"the vaule should be a positive number"));
private OzoneVolume creatVolume() throws OzoneException {
String volumeName = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "volume";
OzoneVolume vol = client.createVolume(volumeName, "bilbo", "100TB");
return vol;
private OzoneBucket creatBucket() throws OzoneException {
OzoneVolume vol = creatVolume();
String bucketName = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "bucket";
OzoneBucket bucketInfo = vol.createBucket(bucketName);
return bucketInfo;
* Create a temporary file used for putting key.
* @return the created file's path string
* @throws Exception
private String createTmpFile() throws Exception {
// write a new file that used for putting key
String key = "key" + RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5);
File tmpFile = new File(baseDir, "/testfile");
File tmpFile = new File(baseDir,
"/testfile-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString());
FileOutputStream randFile = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile);
Random r = new Random();
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
@ -546,38 +748,7 @@ public class TestOzoneShell {
// create the key in above bucket
args = new String[] {"-putKey",
url + "/" + volume + "/" + bucket + "/" + key, "-file",
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
args = new String[] {"-infoKey",
url + "/" + volume + "/" + bucket + "/" + key};
// verify the response output
assertEquals(0, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
// reset stream
// get the info of a non-exist key
args = new String[] {"-infoKey",
url + "/" + volume + "/" + bucket + "/invalid-key"};
// verify the response output
// get the non-exist key info should be failed
assertEquals(1, ToolRunner.run(shell, args));
private OzoneVolume creatVolume() throws OzoneException {
String volumeName = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "volume";
OzoneVolume vol = client.createVolume(volumeName, "bilbo", "100TB");
return vol;
return tmpFile.getAbsolutePath();
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public class TestKeys {
+ " when using invalid volume name.");
} catch(OzoneException e) {
Status.INTERNAL_ERROR.toString(), e);
Status.VOLUME_NOT_FOUND.toString(), e);
try {
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public class TestKeys {
+ "when using invalid bucket name.");
} catch (OzoneException e) {
Status.INTERNAL_ERROR.toString(), e);
Status.BUCKET_NOT_FOUND.toString(), e);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user