YARN-2308. Changed CapacityScheduler to explicitly throw exception if the queue

to which the apps were submitted is changed across RM restart. Contributed by Craig Welch & Chang Li
This commit is contained in:
Jian He 2014-10-13 14:08:38 -07:00
parent a56ea01002
commit f9680d9a16
3 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -648,6 +648,19 @@ private synchronized void addApplication(ApplicationId applicationId,
// sanity checks.
CSQueue queue = getQueue(queueName);
if (queue == null) {
//During a restart, this indicates a queue was removed, which is
//not presently supported
if (isAppRecovering) {
//throwing RuntimeException because some other exceptions are caught
//(including YarnRuntimeException) and we want this to force an exit
String queueErrorMsg = "Queue named " + queueName
+ " missing during application recovery."
+ " Queue removal during recovery is not presently supported by the"
+ " capacity scheduler, please restart with all queues configured"
+ " which were present before shutdown/restart.";
throw new RuntimeException(queueErrorMsg);
String message = "Application " + applicationId +
" submitted by user " + user + " to unknown queue: " + queueName;

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@ -249,6 +249,15 @@ public RMApp submitApp(int masterMemory, String name, String user,
YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS), null);
public RMApp submitApp(int masterMemory, String name, String user,
Map<ApplicationAccessType, String> acls, String queue,
boolean waitForAccepted) throws Exception {
return submitApp(masterMemory, name, user, acls, false, queue,
YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_AM_MAX_ATTEMPTS), null, null,
public RMApp submitApp(int masterMemory, String name, String user,
Map<ApplicationAccessType, String> acls, boolean unmanaged, String queue,

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@ -336,6 +336,8 @@ private void checkFifoQueue(SchedulerApplication schedulerApp,
private static final String R = "Default";
private static final String A = "QueueA";
private static final String B = "QueueB";
//don't ever create the below queue ;-)
private static final String QUEUE_DOESNT_EXIST = "NoSuchQueue";
private static final String USER_1 = "user1";
private static final String USER_2 = "user2";
@ -351,6 +353,18 @@ private void setupQueueConfiguration(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration conf) {
private void setupQueueConfigurationOnlyA(
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration conf) {
conf.setQueues(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT, new String[] { R });
final String Q_R = CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ROOT + "." + R;
conf.setCapacity(Q_R, 100);
final String Q_A = Q_R + "." + A;
conf.setQueues(Q_R, new String[] {A});
conf.setCapacity(Q_A, 100);
// Test CS recovery with multi-level queues and multi-users:
// 1. setup 2 NMs each with 8GB memory;
@ -470,6 +484,70 @@ public void testCapacitySchedulerRecovery() throws Exception {
totalAvailableResource.getVirtualCores(), totalUsedResource.getMemory(),
//Test that we receive a meaningful exit-causing exception if a queue
//is removed during recovery
//1. Add some apps to two queues, attempt to add an app to a non-existant
// queue to verify that the new logic is not in effect during normal app
// submission
//2. Remove one of the queues, restart the RM
//3. Verify that the expected exception was thrown
@Test (timeout = 30000)
public void testCapacitySchedulerQueueRemovedRecovery() throws Exception {
if (!schedulerClass.equals(CapacityScheduler.class)) {
conf.setBoolean(CapacitySchedulerConfiguration.ENABLE_USER_METRICS, true);
CapacitySchedulerConfiguration csConf =
new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration(conf);
MemoryRMStateStore memStore = new MemoryRMStateStore();
rm1 = new MockRM(csConf, memStore);
MockNM nm1 =
new MockNM("", 8192, rm1.getResourceTrackerService());
MockNM nm2 =
new MockNM("", 8192, rm1.getResourceTrackerService());
RMApp app1_1 = rm1.submitApp(1024, "app1_1", USER_1, null, A);
MockAM am1_1 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1_1, rm1, nm1);
RMApp app1_2 = rm1.submitApp(1024, "app1_2", USER_1, null, A);
MockAM am1_2 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app1_2, rm1, nm2);
RMApp app2 = rm1.submitApp(1024, "app2", USER_2, null, B);
MockAM am2 = MockRM.launchAndRegisterAM(app2, rm1, nm2);
//Submit an app with a non existant queue to make sure it does not
//cause a fatal failure in the non-recovery case
RMApp appNA = rm1.submitApp(1024, "app1_2", USER_1, null,
// clear queue metrics
// Re-start RM
csConf =
new CapacitySchedulerConfiguration(conf);
rm2 = new MockRM(csConf, memStore);
boolean runtimeThrown = false;
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
//we're catching it because we want to verify the message
//and we don't want to set it as an expected exception for the
//test because we only want it to happen here
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains(B + " missing"));
runtimeThrown = true;
private void checkParentQueue(ParentQueue parentQueue, int numContainers,
Resource usedResource, float UsedCapacity, float absoluteUsedCapacity) {