HDFS-3389. Document the BKJM usage in Namenode HA. Contributed by Uma Maheswara Rao G and Ivan Kelly.

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/trunk@1349466 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
This commit is contained in:
Uma Maheswara Rao G 2012-06-12 18:19:46 +00:00
parent 048c2f28fe
commit f9c938666b

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@ -712,4 +712,155 @@ digest:hdfs-zkfcs:vlUvLnd8MlacsE80rDuu6ONESbM=:rwcda
Even if automatic failover is configured, you may initiate a manual failover
using the same <<<hdfs haadmin>>> command. It will perform a coordinated
* BookKeeper as a Shared storage (EXPERIMENTAL)
One option for shared storage for the NameNode is BookKeeper.
BookKeeper achieves high availability and strong durability guarantees by replicating
edit log entries across multiple storage nodes. The edit log can be striped across
the storage nodes for high performance. Fencing is supported in the protocol, i.e,
BookKeeper will not allow two writers to write the single edit log.
The meta data for BookKeeper is stored in ZooKeeper.
In current HA architecture, a Zookeeper cluster is required for ZKFC. The same cluster can be
for BookKeeper metadata.
For more details on building a BookKeeper cluster, please refer to the
{{{http://zookeeper.apache.org/bookkeeper/docs/trunk/bookkeeperConfig.html }BookKeeper documentation}}
The BookKeeperJournalManager is an implementation of the HDFS JournalManager interface, which allows custom write ahead logging implementations to be plugged into the HDFS NameNode.
**<<BookKeeper Journal Manager>>
To use BookKeeperJournalManager, add the following to hdfs-site.xml.
The URI format for bookkeeper is <<<bookkeeper://[zkEnsemble]/[rootZnode]
[zookkeeper ensemble]>>> is a list of semi-colon separated, zookeeper host:port
pairs. In the example above there are 3 servers, in the ensemble,
zk1, zk2 & zk3, each one listening on port 2181.
<<<[root znode]>>> is the path of the zookeeper znode, under which the edit log
information will be stored.
The class specified for the journal-plugin must be available in the NameNode's
classpath. We explain how to generate a jar file with the journal manager and
its dependencies, and how to put it into the classpath below.
*** <<More configuration options>>
* <<dfs.namenode.bookkeeperjournal.output-buffer-size>> -
Number of bytes a bookkeeper journal stream will buffer before
forcing a flush. Default is 1024.
* <<dfs.namenode.bookkeeperjournal.ensemble-size>> -
Number of bookkeeper servers in edit log ensembles. This
is the number of bookkeeper servers which need to be available
for the edit log to be writable. Default is 3.
* <<dfs.namenode.bookkeeperjournal.quorum-size>> -
Number of bookkeeper servers in the write quorum. This is the
number of bookkeeper servers which must have acknowledged the
write of an entry before it is considered written. Default is 2.
* <<dfs.namenode.bookkeeperjournal.digestPw>> -
Password to use when creating edit log segments.
* <<dfs.namenode.bookkeeperjournal.zk.session.timeout>> -
Session timeout for Zookeeper client from BookKeeper Journal Manager.
Hadoop recommends that this value should be less than the ZKFC
session timeout value. Default value is 3000.
*** <<Building BookKeeper Journal Manager plugin jar>>
To generate the distribution packages for BK journal, do the
$ mvn clean package -Pdist
This will generate a jar with the BookKeeperJournalManager, all the dependencies
needed by the journal manager,
Note that the -Pdist part of the build command is important, as otherwise
the dependencies would not be packaged in the jar. The dependencies included in
the jar are {{{http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-shade-plugin/}shaded}} to
avoid conflicts with other dependencies of the NameNode.
*** <<Putting the BookKeeperJournalManager in the NameNode classpath>>
To run a HDFS namenode using BookKeeper as a backend, copy the bkjournal
jar, generated above, into the lib directory of hdfs. In the standard
distribution of HDFS, this is at $HADOOP_HDFS_HOME/share/hadoop/hdfs/lib/
cp hadoop-hdfs/src/contrib/bkjournal/target/hadoop-hdfs-bkjournal-<VERSION>.jar $HADOOP_HDFS_HOME/share/hadoop/hdfs/lib/
*** <<Current limitations>>
1) NameNode format command will not format the BookKeeper data automatically.
We have to clean the data manually from BookKeeper cluster
and create the /ledgers/available path in Zookeeper.
$ zkCli.sh create /ledgers 0
$ zkCli.sh create /ledgers/available 0
The final part /hdfsjournal specifies the znode in zookeeper where
ledger metadata will be stored. Administrators may set this to anything
they wish.
2) Security in BookKeeper. BookKeeper does not support SASL nor SSL for
connections between the NameNode and BookKeeper storage nodes.
3) Auto-Recovery of storage node failures. Work inprogress
{{{https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BOOKKEEPER-237 }BOOKKEEPER-237}}.
Currently we have the tools to manually recover the data from failed storage nodes.