BREAKDOWN OF HDFS-2832 ENABLE SUPPORT FOR HETEROGENEOUS STORAGES IN HDFS IMPROVEMENTS: HDFS-4985. Add storage type to the protocol and expose it in block report and block locations. (Arpit Agarwal) HDFS-5115. Make StorageID a UUID. (Arpit Agarwal) HDFS-5000. DataNode configuration should allow specifying storage type. (Arpit Agarwal) HDFS-4987. Namenode changes to track multiple storages per datanode. (szetszwo) HDFS-5154. Fix TestBlockManager and TestDatanodeDescriptor after HDFS-4987. (Junping Du via szetszwo) HDFS-5009. Include storage information in the LocatedBlock. (szetszwo) HDFS-5134. Move blockContentsStale, heartbeatedSinceFailover and firstBlockReport from DatanodeDescriptor to DatanodeStorageInfo; and fix a synchronization problem in DatanodeStorageInfo. (szetszwo)