dfs.block.storage.policies HOT:12, WARM:8, COLD:4 A list of block storage policy names and IDs. The syntax is NAME_1:ID_1, NAME_2:ID_2, ..., NAME_n:ID_n where ID is an integer in the range [1,15] and NAME is case insensitive. dfs.block.storage.policy.12 DISK A list of storage types for storing the block replicas such as STORAGE_TYPE_1, STORAGE_TYPE_2, ..., STORAGE_TYPE_n When creating a block, the i-th replica is stored using i-th storage type for i less than or equal to n, and the j-th replica is stored using n-th storage type for j greater than n. The value cannot specified as an empty list. Examples: DISK : all replicas stored using DISK. DISK, ARCHIVE : the first replica is stored using DISK and all the remaining are stored using ARCHIVE. dfs.block.storage.policy.creation-fallback.12 A list of storage types for creation fallback storage. STORAGE_TYPE_1, STORAGE_TYPE_2, ..., STORAGE_TYPE_n When creating a block, if a particular storage type specified in the policy is unavailable, the fallback STORAGE_TYPE_1 is used. Further, if STORAGE_TYPE_i is also unavailable, the fallback STORAGE_TYPE_(i+1) is used. In case that all fallback storages are unavailabe, the block will be created with number of replicas less than the specified replication factor. An empty list indicates that there is no fallback storage. dfs.block.storage.policy.replication-fallback.12 ARCHIVE Similar to dfs.block.storage.policy.creation-fallback.x but for replication. dfs.block.storage.policy.8 DISK, ARCHIVE dfs.block.storage.policy.creation-fallback.8 DISK, ARCHIVE dfs.block.storage.policy.replication-fallback.8 DISK, ARCHIVE dfs.block.storage.policy.4 ARCHIVE dfs.block.storage.policy.creation-fallback.4 dfs.block.storage.policy.replication-fallback.4