Enabling Dapper-like Tracing in Hadoop ====================================== * [Enabling Dapper-like Tracing in Hadoop](#Enabling_Dapper-like_Tracing_in_Hadoop) * [Dapper-like Tracing in Hadoop](#Dapper-like_Tracing_in_Hadoop) * [HTrace](#HTrace) * [SpanReceivers](#SpanReceivers) * [Dynamic update of tracing configuration](#Dynamic_update_of_tracing_configuration) * [Starting tracing spans by HTrace API](#Starting_tracing_spans_by_HTrace_API) * [Sample code for tracing](#Sample_code_for_tracing) * [Starting tracing spans by configuration for HDFS client](#Starting_tracing_spans_by_configuration_for_HDFS_client) Dapper-like Tracing in Hadoop ----------------------------- ### HTrace [HDFS-5274](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HDFS-5274) added support for tracing requests through HDFS, using the open source tracing library, [Apache HTrace](http://htrace.incubator.apache.org/). Setting up tracing is quite simple, however it requires some very minor changes to your client code. ### SpanReceivers The tracing system works by collecting information in structs called 'Spans'. It is up to you to choose how you want to receive this information by using implementation of [SpanReceiver](http://htrace.incubator.apache.org/#Span_Receivers) interface bundled with HTrace or implementing it by yourself. [HTrace](http://htrace.incubator.apache.org/) provides options such as * FlumeSpanReceiver * HBaseSpanReceiver * HTracedRESTReceiver * ZipkinSpanReceiver In order to set up SpanReceivers for HDFS servers, configure what SpanReceivers you'd like to use by putting a comma separated list of the fully-qualified class name of classes implementing SpanReceiver in `hdfs-site.xml` property: `dfs.htrace.spanreceiver.classes`. ```xml dfs.htrace.spanreceiver.classes org.apache.htrace.impl.LocalFileSpanReceiver dfs.htrace.local-file-span-receiver.path /var/log/hadoop/htrace.out ``` You can omit package name prefix if you use span receiver bundled with HTrace. ```xml dfs.htrace.spanreceiver.classes LocalFileSpanReceiver ``` You also need to add the jar bundling SpanReceiver to the classpath of Hadoop on each node. (LocalFileSpanReceiver in the example above is included in the jar of htrace-core which is bundled with Hadoop.) ``` $ cp htrace-htraced/target/htrace-htraced-3.2.0-incubating.jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/common/lib/ ``` ### Dynamic update of tracing configuration You can use `hadoop trace` command to see and update the tracing configuration of each servers. You must specify IPC server address of namenode or datanode by `-host` option. You need to run the command against all servers if you want to update the configuration of all servers. `hadoop trace -list` shows list of loaded span receivers associated with the id. $ hadoop trace -list -host ID CLASS 1 org.apache.htrace.impl.LocalFileSpanReceiver $ hadoop trace -list -host ID CLASS 1 org.apache.htrace.impl.LocalFileSpanReceiver `hadoop trace -remove` removes span receiver from server. `-remove` options takes id of span receiver as argument. $ hadoop trace -remove 1 -host Removed trace span receiver 1 `hadoop trace -add` adds span receiver to server. You need to specify the class name of span receiver as argument of `-class` option. You can specify the configuration associated with span receiver by `-Ckey=value` options. $ hadoop trace -add -class LocalFileSpanReceiver -Cdfs.htrace.local-file-span-receiver.path=/tmp/htrace.out -host Added trace span receiver 2 with configuration dfs.htrace.local-file-span-receiver.path = /tmp/htrace.out $ hadoop trace -list -host ID CLASS 2 org.apache.htrace.impl.LocalFileSpanReceiver ### Starting tracing spans by HTrace API In order to trace, you will need to wrap the traced logic with **tracing span** as shown below. When there is running tracing spans, the tracing information is propagated to servers along with RPC requests. In addition, you need to initialize `SpanReceiverHost` once per process. ```java import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.tracing.SpanReceiverHost; import org.apache.htrace.Sampler; import org.apache.htrace.Trace; import org.apache.htrace.TraceScope; ... SpanReceiverHost.getInstance(new HdfsConfiguration()); ... TraceScope ts = Trace.startSpan("Gets", Sampler.ALWAYS); try { ... // traced logic } finally { if (ts != null) ts.close(); } ``` ### Sample code for tracing by HTrace API The `TracingFsShell.java` shown below is the wrapper of FsShell which start tracing span before invoking HDFS shell command. ```java import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FsShell; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSConfigKeys; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.tracing.SpanReceiverHost; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.htrace.Sampler; import org.apache.htrace.Trace; import org.apache.htrace.TraceScope; public class TracingFsShell { public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception { Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); FsShell shell = new FsShell(); conf.setQuietMode(false); shell.setConf(conf); SpanReceiverHost.get(conf, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_SERVER_HTRACE_PREFIX); int res = 0; try (TraceScope ts = Trace.startSpan("FsShell", Sampler.ALWAYS)) { res = ToolRunner.run(shell, argv); } finally { shell.close(); } System.exit(res); } } ``` You can compile and execute this code as shown below. $ javac -cp `hadoop classpath` TracingFsShell.java $ java -cp .:`hadoop classpath` TracingFsShell -ls / ### Starting tracing spans by configuration for HDFS client The DFSClient can enable tracing internally. This allows you to use HTrace with your client without modifying the client source code. Configure the span receivers and samplers in `hdfs-site.xml` by properties `dfs.client.htrace.sampler` and `dfs.client.htrace.sampler`. The value of `dfs.client.htrace.sampler` can be NeverSampler, AlwaysSampler or ProbabilitySampler. * NeverSampler: HTrace is OFF for all requests to namenodes and datanodes; * AlwaysSampler: HTrace is ON for all requests to namenodes and datanodes; * ProbabilitySampler: HTrace is ON for some percentage% of requests to namenodes and datanodes You do not need to enable this if your client program has been modified to use HTrace. ```xml dfs.client.htrace.spanreceiver.classes LocalFileSpanReceiver dfs.client.htrace.sampler ProbabilitySampler dfs.client.htrace.sampler.fraction 0.5 ```