# Acceptance test suite for Ozone/Hdds This project contains acceptance tests for ozone/hdds using docker-compose and [robot framework](http://robotframework.org/). ## Run To run the acceptance tests, please activate the `ozone-acceptance-test` profile and do a full build. Typically you need a `mvn install -Phdds,ozone-acceptance-test,dist -DskipTests` for a build without unit tests but with acceptance test. Notes: 1. You need a hadoop build in hadoop-dist/target directory. 2. The `ozone-acceptance-test` could be activated with profile even if the unit tests are disabled. ## Development You can run manually the robot tests with `robot` cli. (See robotframework docs to install it.) 1. Go to the `src/test/robotframework` 2. Execute `robot -v basedir:${PWD}/../../.. -v VERSION:3.2.0-SNAPSHOT .` You can also use select just one test with -t `"*testnamefragment*"`