Hadoop: YARN-UI V2 ================= Prerequisites ------------- Please make sure Hadoop is built by passing -Pyarn-ui to Maven (reference to BUILDING.txt for more details) Configurations ------------- *In `yarn-site.xml`* | Configuration Property | Description | |:---- |:---- | | `yarn.webapp.ui2.enable` | *(Required)* In the server side it indicates whether the new YARN-UI v2 is enabled or not. Defaults to `false`. | | `yarn.webapp.ui2.war-file-path` | *(Optional)* WAR file path for launching yarn UI2 web application. By default this is empty and YARN will lookup required war file from classpath | Please note that, If you run YARN daemons locally in your machine for test purpose, you need the following configurations added to `yarn-site.xml` to enable cross origin (CORS) support. | Configuration Property | Value | Description | |:---- |:---- |:---- | | `yarn.timeline-service.http-cross-origin.enabled` | true | Enable CORS support for Timeline Server | | `yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.cross-origin.enabled` | true | Enable CORS support for Resource Manager | | `yarn.nodemanager.webapp.cross-origin.enabled` | true | Enable CORS support for Node Manager | Also please ensure that CORS related configurations are enabled in `core-site.xml`. Kindly refer [here](https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/HttpAuthentication.html) Use it ------------- Open your browser, go to `rm-address:8088/ui2` and try it! Notes ------------- This UI framework is verified under security environment as well.