title: Spark in Kubernetes with OzoneFS
linktitle: Spark
summary: How to use Apache Spark with Ozone on K8s?
This recipe shows how Ozone object store can be used from Spark using:
- OzoneFS (Hadoop compatible file system)
- Hadoop 2.7 (included in the Spark distribution)
- Kubernetes Spark scheduler
- Local spark client
## Requirements
Download latest Spark and Ozone distribution and extract them. This method is
tested with the `spark-2.4.0-bin-hadoop2.7` distribution.
You also need the following:
* A container repository to push and pull the spark+ozone images. (In this recipe we will use the dockerhub)
* A repo/name for the custom containers (in this recipe _myrepo/ozone-spark_)
* A dedicated namespace in kubernetes (we use _yournamespace_ in this recipe)
## Create the docker image for drivers
### Create the base Spark driver/executor image
First of all create a docker image with the Spark image creator.
Execute the following from the Spark distribution
./bin/docker-image-tool.sh -r myrepo -t 2.4.0 build
_Note_: if you use Minikube add the `-m` flag to use the docker daemon of the Minikube image:
./bin/docker-image-tool.sh -m -r myrepo -t 2.4.0 build
`./bin/docker-image-tool.sh` is an official Spark tool to create container images and this step will create multiple Spark container images with the name _myrepo/spark_. The first container will be used as a base container in the following steps.
### Customize the docker image
Create a new directory for customizing the created docker image.
Copy the `ozone-site.xml` from the cluster:
kubectl cp om-0:/opt/hadoop/etc/hadoop/ozone-site.xml .
And create a custom `core-site.xml`.
_Note_: You may also use `org.apache.hadoop.fs.ozone.OzoneFileSystem` without the `Basic` prefix. The `Basic` version doesn't support FS statistics and encryption zones but can work together with older hadoop versions.
Copy the `ozonefs.jar` file from an ozone distribution (__use the legacy version!__)
kubectl cp om-0:/opt/hadoop/share/ozone/lib/hadoop-ozone-filesystem-lib-legacy-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar .
Create a new Dockerfile and build the image:
FROM myrepo/spark:2.4.0
ADD core-site.xml /opt/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml
ADD ozone-site.xml /opt/hadoop/conf/ozone-site.xml
ENV HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/opt/hadoop/conf
ADD hadoop-ozone-filesystem-lib-legacy-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/hadoop-ozone-filesystem-lib-legacy.jar
docker build -t myrepo/spark-ozone
For remote kubernetes cluster you may need to push it:
docker push myrepo/spark-ozone
## Create a bucket and identify the ozonefs path
Download any text file and put it to the `/tmp/alice.txt` first.
kubectl port-forward s3g-0 9878:9878
aws s3api --endpoint http://localhost:9878 create-bucket --bucket=test
aws s3api --endpoint http://localhost:9878 put-object --bucket test --key alice.txt --body /tmp/alice.txt
kubectl exec -it scm-0 ozone s3 path test
The output of the last command is something like this:
Volume name for S3Bucket is : s3asdlkjqiskjdsks
Ozone FileSystem Uri is : o3fs://test.s3asdlkjqiskjdsks
Write down the ozone filesystem uri as it should be used with the spark-submit command.
## Create service account to use
kubectl create serviceaccount spark -n yournamespace
kubectl create clusterrolebinding spark-role --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=yournamespace:spark --namespace=yournamespace
## Execute the job
Execute the following spark-submit command, but change at least the following values:
* the kubernetes master url (you can check your _~/.kube/config_ to find the actual value)
* the kubernetes namespace (_yournamespace_ in this example)
* serviceAccountName (you can use the _spark_ value if you followed the previous steps)
* container.image (in this example this is _myrepo/spark-ozone_. This is pushed to the registry in the previous steps)
* location of the input file (o3fs://...), use the string which is identified earlier with the \
`ozone s3 path ` command
bin/spark-submit \
--master k8s://https://kubernetes:6443 \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--name spark-word-count \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.JavaWordCount \
--conf spark.executor.instances=1 \
--conf spark.kubernetes.namespace=yournamespace \
--conf spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName=spark \
--conf spark.kubernetes.container.image=myrepo/spark-ozone \
--conf spark.kubernetes.container.image.pullPolicy=Always \
--jars /opt/hadoop-ozone-filesystem-lib-legacy.jar \
local:///opt/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.0.jar \
Check the available `spark-word-count-...` pods with `kubectl get pod`
Check the output of the calculation with \
`kubectl logs spark-word-count-1549973913699-driver`
You should see the output of the wordcount job. For example:
name: 8
William: 3
this,': 1
SOUP!': 1
`Silence: 1
`Mine: 1
ordered.: 1
considering: 3
muttering: 3
candle: 2