354 lines
10 KiB
Protocol Buffer

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode";
option java_outer_classname = "FsImageProto";
package hadoop.hdfs.fsimage;
import "hdfs.proto";
import "acl.proto";
import "xattr.proto";
* This file defines the on-disk layout of the file system image. The
* layout is defined by the following EBNF grammar, in which angle
* brackets mark protobuf definitions. (e.g., <FileSummary>)
* FILE := MAGIC SECTION* <FileSummary> FileSummaryLength
* SECTION := <NameSystemSection> | ...
* FileSummaryLength := 4 byte int
* Some notes:
* The codec field in FileSummary describes the compression codec used
* for all sections. The fileheader is always uncompressed.
* All protobuf messages are serialized in delimited form, which means
* that there always will be an integer indicates the size of the
* protobuf message.
message FileSummary {
// The version of the above EBNF grammars.
required uint32 ondiskVersion = 1;
// layoutVersion describes which features are available in the
// FSImage.
required uint32 layoutVersion = 2;
optional string codec = 3;
// index for each section
message Section {
optional string name = 1;
optional uint64 length = 2;
optional uint64 offset = 3;
repeated Section sections = 4;
* Name: NS_INFO
message NameSystemSection {
optional uint32 namespaceId = 1;
optional uint64 genstampV1 = 2; // legacy generation stamp
optional uint64 genstampV2 = 3; // generation stamp of latest version
optional uint64 genstampV1Limit = 4;
optional uint64 lastAllocatedBlockId = 5;
optional uint64 transactionId = 6;
optional uint64 rollingUpgradeStartTime = 7;
optional uint64 lastAllocatedStripedBlockId = 8;
* Permission is serialized as a 64-bit long. [0:24):[25:48):[48:64) (in Big Endian).
* The first and the second parts are the string ids of the user and
* group name, and the last 16 bits are the permission bits.
* Name: INODE
message INodeSection {
* under-construction feature for INodeFile
message FileUnderConstructionFeature {
optional string clientName = 1;
optional string clientMachine = 2;
message AclFeatureProto {
* An ACL entry is represented by a 32-bit integer in Big Endian
* format. The bits can be divided in four segments:
* [0:2) || [2:26) || [26:27) || [27:29) || [29:32)
* [0:2) -- reserved for future uses.
* [2:26) -- the name of the entry, which is an ID that points to a
* string in the StringTableSection.
* [26:27) -- the scope of the entry (AclEntryScopeProto)
* [27:29) -- the type of the entry (AclEntryTypeProto)
* [29:32) -- the permission of the entry (FsActionProto)
repeated fixed32 entries = 2 [packed = true];
message XAttrCompactProto {
* [0:2) -- the namespace of XAttr (XAttrNamespaceProto)
* [2:26) -- the name of the entry, which is an ID that points to a
* string in the StringTableSection.
* [26:27) -- namespace extension. Originally there were only 4 namespaces
* so only 2 bits were needed. At that time, this bit was reserved. When a
* 5th namespace was created (raw) this bit became used as a 3rd namespace
* bit.
* [27:32) -- reserved for future uses.
required fixed32 name = 1;
optional bytes value = 2;
message XAttrFeatureProto {
repeated XAttrCompactProto xAttrs = 1;
message INodeFile {
optional uint32 replication = 1;
optional uint64 modificationTime = 2;
optional uint64 accessTime = 3;
optional uint64 preferredBlockSize = 4;
optional fixed64 permission = 5;
repeated BlockProto blocks = 6;
optional FileUnderConstructionFeature fileUC = 7;
optional AclFeatureProto acl = 8;
optional XAttrFeatureProto xAttrs = 9;
optional uint32 storagePolicyID = 10;
optional BlockTypeProto blockType = 11;
optional uint32 erasureCodingPolicyID = 12;
message QuotaByStorageTypeEntryProto {
required StorageTypeProto storageType = 1;
required uint64 quota = 2;
message QuotaByStorageTypeFeatureProto {
repeated QuotaByStorageTypeEntryProto quotas = 1;
message INodeDirectory {
optional uint64 modificationTime = 1;
// namespace quota
optional uint64 nsQuota = 2;
// diskspace quota
optional uint64 dsQuota = 3;
optional fixed64 permission = 4;
optional AclFeatureProto acl = 5;
optional XAttrFeatureProto xAttrs = 6;
optional QuotaByStorageTypeFeatureProto typeQuotas = 7;
message INodeSymlink {
optional fixed64 permission = 1;
optional bytes target = 2;
optional uint64 modificationTime = 3;
optional uint64 accessTime = 4;
message INode {
enum Type {
FILE = 1;
required Type type = 1;
required uint64 id = 2;
optional bytes name = 3;
optional INodeFile file = 4;
optional INodeDirectory directory = 5;
optional INodeSymlink symlink = 6;
optional uint64 lastInodeId = 1;
optional uint64 numInodes = 2;
// repeated INodes..
* This section records information about under-construction files for
* reconstructing the lease map.
message FilesUnderConstructionSection {
message FileUnderConstructionEntry {
optional uint64 inodeId = 1;
optional string fullPath = 2;
// repeated FileUnderConstructionEntry...
* This section records the children of each directories
message INodeDirectorySection {
* A single DirEntry needs to fit in the default PB max message size of
* 64MB. Please be careful when adding more fields to a DirEntry!
message DirEntry {
optional uint64 parent = 1;
// children that are not reference nodes
repeated uint64 children = 2 [packed = true];
// children that are reference nodes, each element is a reference node id
repeated uint32 refChildren = 3 [packed = true];
// repeated DirEntry, ended at the boundary of the section.
message INodeReferenceSection {
message INodeReference {
// id of the referred inode
optional uint64 referredId = 1;
// local name recorded in WithName
optional bytes name = 2;
// recorded in DstReference
optional uint32 dstSnapshotId = 3;
// recorded in WithName
optional uint32 lastSnapshotId = 4;
// repeated INodeReference...
* This section records the information about snapshot
message SnapshotSection {
message Snapshot {
optional uint32 snapshotId = 1;
// Snapshot root
optional INodeSection.INode root = 2;
optional uint32 snapshotCounter = 1;
repeated uint64 snapshottableDir = 2 [packed = true];
// total number of snapshots
optional uint32 numSnapshots = 3;
// repeated Snapshot...
* This section records information about snapshot diffs
message SnapshotDiffSection {
message CreatedListEntry {
optional bytes name = 1;
message DirectoryDiff {
optional uint32 snapshotId = 1;
optional uint32 childrenSize = 2;
optional bool isSnapshotRoot = 3;
optional bytes name = 4;
optional INodeSection.INodeDirectory snapshotCopy = 5;
optional uint32 createdListSize = 6;
repeated uint64 deletedINode = 7 [packed = true]; // id of deleted inodes
// id of reference nodes in the deleted list
repeated uint32 deletedINodeRef = 8 [packed = true];
// repeated CreatedListEntry (size is specified by createdListSize)
message FileDiff {
optional uint32 snapshotId = 1;
optional uint64 fileSize = 2;
optional bytes name = 3;
optional INodeSection.INodeFile snapshotCopy = 4;
repeated BlockProto blocks = 5;
message DiffEntry {
enum Type {
required Type type = 1;
optional uint64 inodeId = 2;
optional uint32 numOfDiff = 3;
// repeated DirectoryDiff or FileDiff
// repeated DiffEntry
* This section maps string to id
message StringTableSection {
message Entry {
optional uint32 id = 1;
optional string str = 2;
optional uint32 numEntry = 1;
optional uint32 maskBits = 2 [default = 0];
// repeated Entry
message SecretManagerSection {
message DelegationKey {
optional uint32 id = 1;
optional uint64 expiryDate = 2;
optional bytes key = 3;
message PersistToken {
optional uint32 version = 1;
optional string owner = 2;
optional string renewer = 3;
optional string realUser = 4;
optional uint64 issueDate = 5;
optional uint64 maxDate = 6;
optional uint32 sequenceNumber = 7;
optional uint32 masterKeyId = 8;
optional uint64 expiryDate = 9;
optional uint32 currentId = 1;
optional uint32 tokenSequenceNumber = 2;
optional uint32 numKeys = 3;
optional uint32 numTokens = 4;
// repeated DelegationKey keys
// repeated PersistToken tokens
message CacheManagerSection {
required uint64 nextDirectiveId = 1;
required uint32 numPools = 2;
required uint32 numDirectives = 3;
// repeated CachePoolInfoProto pools
// repeated CacheDirectiveInfoProto directives
message ErasureCodingSection {
repeated ErasureCodingPolicyProto policies = 1;