
basic compilation:
> mvn clean compile test-compile

Compile, run tests and produce jar 
> mvn clean package

Unit tests
Most of the tests will run without additional configuration.
For complete testing, configuration in src/test/resources is required:
  src/test/resources/azure-test.xml -> Defines Azure storage dependencies, including account information 

The other files in src/test/resources do not normally need alteration:
  log4j.properties -> Test logging setup
  hadoop-metrics2-azure-file-system.properties -> used to wire up instrumentation for testing
From command-line
Basic execution:
> mvn test

 - The mvn pom.xml includes src/test/resources in the runtime classpath
 - detailed output (such as log4j) appears in target\surefire-reports\TEST-{testName}.xml
   including log4j messages.
Run the tests and generate report:
> mvn site (at least once to setup some basics including images for the report)
> mvn surefire-report:report  (run and produce report)
> mvn mvn surefire-report:report-only  (produce report from last run)
> mvn mvn surefire-report:report-only -DshowSuccess=false (produce report from last run, only show errors)
> .\target\site\surefire-report.html (view the report)

Via eclipse
Manually add src\test\resources to the classpath for test run configuration:
  - run menu|run configurations|{configuration}|classpath|User Entries|advanced|add folder

Then run via junit test runner.
 - if you change log4.properties, rebuild the project to refresh the eclipse cache.

Run Tests against Mocked storage.
These run automatically and make use of an in-memory emulation of azure storage.

Running tests against the Azure storage emulator  
A selection of tests can run against the Azure Storage Emulator which is 
a high-fidelity emulation of live Azure Storage.  The emulator is sufficient for high-confidence testing.
The emulator is a Windows executable that runs on a local machine. 

To use the emulator, install Azure SDK 2.3 and start the storage emulator
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh403989.aspx

Enable the Azure emulator tests by setting 
  fs.azure.test.emulator -> true 
in src\test\resources\azure-test.xml

Known issues:
  Symptom: When running tests for emulator, you see the following failure message
           com.microsoft.windowsazure.storage.StorageException: The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format.
  Issue:   The emulator can get into a confused state.  
  Fix:     Restart the Azure Emulator.  Ensure it is v3.2 or later.
Running tests against live Azure storage 
In order to run WASB unit tests against a live Azure Storage account, add credentials to 
src\test\resources\azure-test.xml. These settings augment the hadoop configuration object.

For live tests, set the following in azure-test.xml:
 1. "fs.azure.test.account.name -> {azureStorageAccountName} 
 2. "fs.azure.account.key.{AccountName} -> {fullStorageKey}"

Run findbugs and show interactive GUI for review of problems
> mvn findbugs:gui 

Run findbugs and fail build if errors are found:
> mvn findbugs:check

For help with findbugs plugin.
> mvn findbugs:help

Rules for checkstyle @ src\config\checkstyle.xml
 - these are based on a core set of standards, with exclusions for non-serious issues
 - as a general plan it would be good to turn on more rules over time.
 - Occasionally, run checkstyle with the default Sun rules by editing pom.xml.

> mvn checkstyle:check --> just test & fail build if violations found
> mvn site checkstyle:checkstyle --> produce html report
> . target\site\checkstyle.html  --> view report.

- add the checkstyle plugin: Help|Install, site=http://eclipse-cs.sf.net/update
- window|preferences|checkstyle. Add src/config/checkstyle.xml. Set as default.
- project|properties|create configurations as required, eg src/main/java -> src/config/checkstyle.xml

- After any change to the checkstyle rules xml, use window|preferences|checkstyle|{refresh}|OK

> mvn javadoc:javadoc