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2020-09-05 12:01:22 +08:00
start_server {tags {"acl"}} {
test {Connections start with the default user} {
} {default}
test {It is possible to create new users} {
r ACL setuser newuser
test {New users start disabled} {
r ACL setuser newuser >passwd1
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd1} err
set err
test {Enabling the user allows the login} {
r ACL setuser newuser on +acl
r AUTH newuser passwd1
} {newuser}
test {Only the set of correct passwords work} {
r ACL setuser newuser >passwd2
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd1} e
assert {$e eq "OK"}
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd2} e
assert {$e eq "OK"}
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd3} e
set e
test {It is possible to remove passwords from the set of valid ones} {
r ACL setuser newuser <passwd1
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd1} e
set e
test {Test password hashes can be added} {
r ACL setuser newuser #34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e6
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd4} e
assert {$e eq "OK"}
test {Test password hashes validate input} {
# Validate Length
catch {r ACL setuser newuser #34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e} e
# Validate character outside set
catch {r ACL setuser newuser #34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4eq} e
set e
} {*Error in ACL SETUSER modifier*}
test {ACL GETUSER returns the password hash instead of the actual password} {
set passstr [dict get [r ACL getuser newuser] passwords]
assert_match {*34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e6*} $passstr
assert_no_match {*passwd4*} $passstr
test {Test hashed passwords removal} {
r ACL setuser newuser !34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e6
set passstr [dict get [r ACL getuser newuser] passwords]
assert_no_match {*34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e6*} $passstr
test {By default users are not able to access any command} {
catch {r SET foo bar} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
test {By default users are not able to access any key} {
r ACL setuser newuser +set
catch {r SET foo bar} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*key*}
test {It's possible to allow the access of a subset of keys} {
r ACL setuser newuser allcommands ~foo:* ~bar:*
r SET foo:1 a
r SET bar:2 b
catch {r SET zap:3 c} e
r ACL setuser newuser allkeys; # Undo keys ACL
set e
} {*NOPERM*key*}
test {Users can be configured to authenticate with any password} {
r ACL setuser newuser nopass
r AUTH newuser zipzapblabla
} {OK}
test {ACLs can exclude single commands} {
r ACL setuser newuser -ping
r INCR mycounter ; # Should not raise an error
catch {r PING} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
test {ACLs can include or exclude whole classes of commands} {
r ACL setuser newuser -@all +@set +acl
r SADD myset a b c; # Should not raise an error
r ACL setuser newuser +@all -@string
r SADD myset a b c; # Again should not raise an error
# String commands instead should raise an error
catch {r SET foo bar} e
r ACL setuser newuser allcommands; # Undo commands ACL
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
test {ACLs can include single subcommands} {
r ACL setuser newuser +@all -client
r ACL setuser newuser +client|id +client|setname
r CLIENT ID; # Should not fail
r CLIENT SETNAME foo ; # Should not fail
catch {r CLIENT KILL type master} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
# Note that the order of the generated ACL rules is not stable in Redis
# so we need to match the different parts and not as a whole string.
test {ACL GETUSER is able to translate back command permissions} {
# Subtractive
r ACL setuser newuser reset +@all ~* -@string +incr -debug +debug|digest
set cmdstr [dict get [r ACL getuser newuser] commands]
assert_match {*+@all*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*-@string*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+incr*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*-debug +debug|digest**} $cmdstr
# Additive
r ACL setuser newuser reset +@string -incr +acl +debug|digest +debug|segfault
set cmdstr [dict get [r ACL getuser newuser] commands]
assert_match {*-@all*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+@string*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*-incr*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+debug|digest*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+debug|segfault*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+acl*} $cmdstr
test {ACL #5998 regression: memory leaks adding / removing subcommands} {
r AUTH default ""
r ACL setuser newuser reset -debug +debug|a +debug|b +debug|c
r ACL setuser newuser -debug
# The test framework will detect a leak if any.
test {ACL LOG shows failed command executions at toplevel} {
r ACL setuser antirez >foo on +set ~object:1234
r ACL setuser antirez +eval +multi +exec
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r GET foo}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {antirez}}
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {toplevel}}
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {command}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {get}}
test {ACL LOG is able to test similar events} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r GET foo}
catch {r GET foo}
catch {r GET foo}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry count] == 4}
test {ACL LOG is able to log keys access violations and key name} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r SET somekeynotallowed 1234}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {key}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {somekeynotallowed}}
test {ACL LOG RESET is able to flush the entries in the log} {
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG]] == 0}
test {ACL LOG can distinguish the transaction context (1)} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r INCR foo}
catch {r EXEC}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {multi}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {incr}}
test {ACL LOG can distinguish the transaction context (2)} {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
r ACL SETUSER antirez +incr
r AUTH antirez foo
r INCR object:1234
$rd1 ACL SETUSER antirez -incr
$rd1 read
catch {r EXEC}
$rd1 close
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {multi}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {incr}}
r ACL SETUSER antirez -incr
test {ACL can log errors in the context of Lua scripting} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r EVAL {redis.call('incr','foo')} 0}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {lua}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {incr}}
test {ACL LOG can accept a numerical argument to show less entries} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r INCR foo}
catch {r INCR foo}
catch {r INCR foo}
catch {r INCR foo}
r AUTH default ""
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG]] > 1}
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG 2]] == 2}
test {ACL LOG can log failed auth attempts} {
catch {r AUTH antirez wrong-password}
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {toplevel}}
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {auth}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {AUTH}}
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {antirez}}
test {ACL LOG entries are limited to a maximum amount} {
r CONFIG SET acllog-max-len 5
r AUTH antirez foo
for {set j 0} {$j < 10} {incr j} {
catch {r SET obj:$j 123}
r AUTH default ""
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG]] == 5}
test {When default user is off, new connections are not authenticated} {
r ACL setuser default off
catch {set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]} e
r ACL setuser default on
set e
} {*NOAUTH*}