#!/usr/bin/env tclsh # Load commits history as "sha1 unixtime". set commits [exec git log unstable {--pretty="%H %at"}] set raw_tags [exec git tag] # Load all the tags that are about stable releases. foreach tag $raw_tags { if {[string match v*-stable $tag]} { set tag [string range $tag 1 end-7] puts $tag } if {[regexp {^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+$} $tag]} { lappend tags $tag } } # For each tag, create a list of "name unixtime" foreach tag $tags { set taginfo [exec git log $tag -n 1 "--pretty=\"$tag %at\""] set taginfo [string trim $taginfo {"}] lappend labels $taginfo } # For each commit, check the amount of code changed and create an array # mapping the commit to the number of lines affected. foreach c $commits { set stat [exec git show --oneline --numstat [lindex $c 0]] set linenum 0 set affected 0 foreach line [split $stat "\n"] { incr linenum if {$linenum == 1 || [string match *deps/* $line]} continue if {[catch {llength $line} numfields]} continue if {$numfields == 0} continue catch { incr affected [lindex $line 0] incr affected [lindex $line 1] } } set commit_to_affected([lindex $c 0]) $affected } set base_time [lindex [lindex $commits end] 1] puts [clock format $base_time] # Generate a graph made of HTML DIVs. puts {