This commit is contained in:
LingZhaoHui 2021-11-28 20:18:39 +08:00
parent 051c19b4e6
commit b763d31324
5 changed files with 75 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -454,6 +454,7 @@ call s:HL('GruvboxYellowSign', s:yellow, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
call s:HL('GruvboxBlueSign', s:blue, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
call s:HL('GruvboxPurpleSign', s:purple, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
call s:HL('GruvboxAquaSign', s:aqua, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
call s:HL('GruvboxOrangeSign', s:orange, s:sign_column, s:invert_signs)
" }}}
@ -688,8 +689,8 @@ hi! link EasyMotionShade Comment
" }}}
" Sneak: {{{
autocmd ColorScheme gruvbox hi! link Sneak Search
autocmd ColorScheme gruvbox hi! link SneakLabel Search
hi! link Sneak Search
hi! link SneakLabel Search
" }}}
" Indent Guides: {{{
@ -888,6 +889,30 @@ hi! link NERDTreeToggleOff GruvboxRed
call s:HL('multiple_cursors_cursor', s:none, s:none, s:inverse)
call s:HL('multiple_cursors_visual', s:none, s:bg2)
" }}}
" coc.nvim: {{{
hi! link CocErrorSign GruvboxRedSign
hi! link CocWarningSign GruvboxOrangeSign
hi! link CocInfoSign GruvboxYellowSign
hi! link CocHintSign GruvboxBlueSign
hi! link CocErrorFloat GruvboxRed
hi! link CocWarningFloat GruvboxOrange
hi! link CocInfoFloat GruvboxYellow
hi! link CocHintFloat GruvboxBlue
hi! link CocDiagnosticsError GruvboxRed
hi! link CocDiagnosticsWarning GruvboxOrange
hi! link CocDiagnosticsInfo GruvboxYellow
hi! link CocDiagnosticsHint GruvboxBlue
hi! link CocSelectedText GruvboxRed
hi! link CocCodeLens GruvboxGray
call s:HL('CocErrorHighlight', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:red)
call s:HL('CocWarningHighlight', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:orange)
call s:HL('CocInfoHighlight', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:yellow)
call s:HL('CocHintHighlight', s:none, s:none, s:undercurl, s:blue)
" }}}
" Filetype specific -----------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -79,10 +79,11 @@ let s:colors = {
\ 59: '#FF73B9', 68: '#4f97d7', 75: '#FF62B0', 76: '#86dc2f', 81: '#f9bb00', 88: '#330033',
\ 104: '#df90ff', 114: '#67b11d', 128: '#e76a49', 135: '#B7B7FF', 136: '#dc752f', 139: '#d698fe',
\ 140: '#b888e2', 141: '#9a9aba', 151: '#74BAAC', 160: '#e0211d', 161: '#E469FE', 167: '#ce537a',
\ 168: '#ce537a', 169: '#bc6ec5', 171: '#6094DB', 173: '#e18254', 176: '#E697E6', 177: '#D881ED',
\ 178: '#d1951d', 179: '#d4b261', 196: '#e0211d', 204: '#ce537a', 207: '#FF68DD', 214: '#FF4848',
\ 218: '#d19a66', 225: '#FFC8C8', 229: '#fff06a', 233: '#303030', 234: '#212026', 235: '#292b2e',
\ 236: '#34323e', 238: '#544a65', 241: '#534b5d', 244: '#b4d1b6',
\ 168: '#ce537a', 169: '#bc6ec5', 170: '#bc6ec5', 171: '#6094DB', 173: '#e18254', 176: '#E697E6',
\ 177: '#D881ED', 178: '#d1951d', 179: '#d4b261', 196: '#e0211d', 204: '#ce537a', 207: '#FF68DD',
\ 214: '#FF4848', 218: '#d19a66', 225: '#FFC8C8', 229: '#fff06a', 233: '#303030', 234: '#212026',
\ 235: '#292b2e', 236: '#34323e', 238: '#544a65', 239: '#44505c', 241: '#534b5d', 243: '#65737e',
\ 244: '#b4d1b6',
\ }
function! s:hi(item, fg, bg, cterm, gui)
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ endfunction
let s:fg = 249
let s:bg = get(g:, 'space_vim_dark_background', 235)
let s:bg = max([s:bg, 233])
let s:bias = s:bg - 235
let s:bg0 = s:bg - 1
@ -107,12 +109,12 @@ let s:bg4 = s:bg + 4
call s:hi('Normal' , 249 , s:bg , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('Cursor' , 235 , 178 , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('LineNr' , 238+s:bias , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('LineNr' , 239+s:bias , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('CursorLine' , '' , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('CursorLineNr' , 134 , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('CursorColumn' , '' , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('ColorColumn' , '' , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('CursorLine' , '' , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('CursorLineNr' , 170 , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('CursorColumn' , '' , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('ColorColumn' , '' , s:bg0 , 'None' , 'None')
" bug. opposite here.
call s:hi('StatusLine' , 140 , s:bg2 , 'None' , 'None')
@ -138,10 +140,10 @@ call s:hi('Debug' , 225 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('Define' , 177 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('Delimiter' , 151 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('DiffAdd' , '' , 24 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('DiffChange' , 181 , 239 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('DiffDelete' , 162 , 53 , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('DiffText' , '' , 102 , 'None' , 'None')
hi DiffAdd term=bold cterm=reverse ctermfg=142 ctermbg=235 gui=reverse guifg=#b8bb26 guibg=#29422d
hi DiffChange term=bold cterm=reverse ctermfg=107 ctermbg=235 gui=reverse guifg=#8ec07c guibg=#32322c
hi DiffDelete term=bold cterm=reverse ctermfg=160 ctermbg=235 gui=reverse guifg=#e0211d guibg=#282828
hi DiffText term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=214 ctermbg=235 gui=reverse guifg=#fabd2f guibg=#282828
call s:hi('Exception' , 204 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('Function' , 169 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ call s:hi('Typedef' , 68 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('Underlined' , '' , '' , 'underline' , 'underline')
call s:hi('Search' , 16 , 76 , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('IncSearch' , 16 , 76 , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('IncSearch' , 16 , 167 , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('MatchParen', 40 , s:bg0 , 'bold,underline', 'bold,underline')
call s:hi('ModeMsg' , 229 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
@ -196,10 +198,10 @@ call s:hi('ErrorMsg' , 196 , s:bg , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('Special' , 169 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('SpecialKey' , 59 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('SpecialChar' , 171 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('SpecialComment' , 24 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('SpecialComment' , 243 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('SpellBad' , 168 , '' , 'underline' , 'undercurl')
call s:hi('SpellCap' , 110 , '' , 'underline' , 'undercurl')
call s:hi('SpellBad' , 168 , 52 , 'underline' , 'undercurl')
call s:hi('SpellCap' , 110 , 25 , 'underline' , 'undercurl')
call s:hi('SpellLocal' , 253 , '' , 'underline' , 'undercurl')
call s:hi('SpellRare' , 218 , '' , 'underline' , 'undercurl')
@ -214,6 +216,11 @@ call s:hi('VisualNOS' , '' , s:bg3 , 'None' , 'None')
" tilde group
call s:hi('NonText' , 241 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('Terminal' , 249 , s:bg , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('diffAdded' , 36 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('diffRemoved' , 167 , '' , 'None' , 'None')
hi MatchParen guibg=NONE
hi SignColumn guibg=NONE
@ -255,12 +262,15 @@ call s:hi('shFunctionKey' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('shTestOpr' , 178 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
" solidity
call s:hi('solContract' , 178 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('solContract' , 178 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('solContractName' , 168 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('solBuiltinType' , 176 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
" vimL
call s:hi('vimLet' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('vimFuncKey' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('vimCommand' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('vimMap' , 68 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
call s:hi('vimGroup' , 67 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('vimHiGroup' , 67 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
@ -269,6 +279,11 @@ call s:hi('rustKeyword' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('rustModPath' , 68 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
call s:hi('rustTrait' , 168 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
" toml
call s:hi('tomlTable' , 169 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('tomlKey' , 68 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
call s:hi('tomlComment' , 30 , '' , 'none' , 'italic')
" json
call s:hi('jsonStringSQError', 160, '', 'none', 'none')
@ -277,6 +292,12 @@ call s:hi('xmlTag' , 167 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
call s:hi('xmlEndTag' , 167 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
call s:hi('xmlTagName' , 167 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
" js
call s:hi('jsReturn' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
hi link jsObjectKey Type
hi link jsFuncBlock Identifier
hi link jsVariableDef Title
" go
call s:hi('goType' , 176 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
call s:hi('goFloat' , 135 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
@ -310,6 +331,7 @@ call s:hi('rubyInterpolationDelimiter' , 176 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
" html
hi link htmlSpecialTagName Tag
call s:hi('htmlItalic' , 36 , '' , 'None' , 'italic')
hi htmlBold cterm=bold gui=bold
" python-mode
call s:hi('pythonLambdaExpr' , 105 , '' , 'none' , 'none')
@ -390,6 +412,8 @@ call s:hi('NERDTreeDir' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('NERDTreeDirSlash' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('NERDTreeOpenable' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('NERDTreeClosable' , 68 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
call s:hi('NERDTreeExecFile' , 167 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
hi link NERDTreeLinkTarget Macro
" Tagbar
call s:hi('TagbarKind' , 169 , '' , 'bold' , 'bold')
@ -405,6 +429,10 @@ call s:hi('SignatureMarkText', 178, '', 'bold', 'bold')
call s:hi('CurrentWord' , '' , s:bg1 , 'underline' , 'underline')
call s:hi('CurrentWordTwins' , '' , s:bg1 , 'none' , 'none')
" quick-scope
call s:hi('QuickScopePrimary' , 155 , '' , 'underline' , 'underline')
call s:hi('QuickScopeSecondary' , 81 , '' , 'underline' , 'underline')
delf s:hi
unlet s:color256 s:colors s:bg

View File

@ -16,18 +16,6 @@ autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTreeType") &&b:NERDTreeT
"map <leader>n :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
map <leader><F9> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
" Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin
let g:NERDTreeIndicatorMapCustom = {
\ "Modified" : "✹",
\ "Staged" : "✚",
\ "Untracked" : "✭",
\ "Renamed" : "➜",
\ "Unmerged" : "═",
\ "Deleted" : "✖",
\ "Dirty" : "✗",
\ "Clean" : "✔︎",
\ "Unknown" : "?"
\ }
" majutsushi/tagbar
let g:tagbar_width=35

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- utf-8 -*-
import os
curr_dir = os.getcwd()
def git_exits(dir_name: object = None):
if dir_name is None:
dir_name = curr_dir
git_fold = ""
if dir_name.endswith('/'):
git_fold = dir_name + '.git'
git_fold = dir_name + '/.git'
print("git fold :", git_fold)
if os.path.exists(git_fold):
return True
parent_path = os.path.dirname(dir_name)
if parent_path == "/":
return False
return git_exits(parent_path)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if git_exits("/home/zeek/project/ml/basic"):

View File

@ -32,20 +32,8 @@ sudo apt remove vim --purge
git clone
cd vim
./configure \
--enable-perlinterp \
--enable-python3interp \
--enable-rubyinterp \
--enable-cscope \
--enable-gui=auto \
--enable-gtk2-check \
--enable-gnome-check \
--with-features=huge \
--enable-multibyte \
--with-x \
--with-compiledby="xorpd" \
--with-python3-config-dir=/usr/lib/python3.9/config-3.9m-x86_64-linux-gnu \
--with-features=huge --enable-multibyte --enable-pythoninterp=dynamic --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config-x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-python3interp=dynamic --with-python3-config-dir=/usr/lib/python3.9/config-3.9-x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-cscope --enable-gui=auto --enable-gtk2-check --enable-fontset --enable-largefile --disable-netbeans --with-compiledby="" --enable-fail-if-missing --prefix=/home/zeekling/software/vim8.2
sudo make install