
This commit is contained in:
zeek 2020-03-18 00:46:51 +08:00
parent 97a3b56d74
commit 33cbaa567d
13 changed files with 980 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -81,6 +81,36 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package com.qq.weixin.mp.aes;
public class AesException extends Exception {
public final static int OK = 0;
public final static int ValidateSignatureError = -40001;
public final static int ParseXmlError = -40002;
public final static int ComputeSignatureError = -40003;
public final static int IllegalAesKey = -40004;
public final static int ValidateAppidError = -40005;
public final static int EncryptAESError = -40006;
public final static int DecryptAESError = -40007;
public final static int IllegalBuffer = -40008;
//public final static int EncodeBase64Error = -40009;
//public final static int DecodeBase64Error = -40010;
//public final static int GenReturnXmlError = -40011;
private int code;
private static String getMessage(int code) {
switch (code) {
case ValidateSignatureError:
return "签名验证错误";
case ParseXmlError:
return "xml解析失败";
case ComputeSignatureError:
return "sha加密生成签名失败";
case IllegalAesKey:
return "SymmetricKey非法";
case ValidateAppidError:
return "appid校验失败";
case EncryptAESError:
return "aes加密失败";
case DecryptAESError:
return "aes解密失败";
case IllegalBuffer:
return "解密后得到的buffer非法";
// case EncodeBase64Error:
// return "base64加密错误";
// case DecodeBase64Error:
// return "base64解密错误";
// case GenReturnXmlError:
// return "xml生成失败";
return null; // cannot be
public int getCode() {
return code;
AesException(int code) {
this.code = code;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package com.qq.weixin.mp.aes;
import java.util.ArrayList;
class ByteGroup {
ArrayList<Byte> byteContainer = new ArrayList<Byte>();
public byte[] toBytes() {
byte[] bytes = new byte[byteContainer.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < byteContainer.size(); i++) {
bytes[i] = byteContainer.get(i);
return bytes;
public ByteGroup addBytes(byte[] bytes) {
for (byte b : bytes) {
return this;
public int size() {
return byteContainer.size();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* 对公众平台发送给公众账号的消息加解密示例代码.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Tencent Inc.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
package com.qq.weixin.mp.aes;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
* 提供基于PKCS7算法的加解密接口.
class PKCS7Encoder {
static Charset CHARSET = Charset.forName("utf-8");
static int BLOCK_SIZE = 32;
* 获得对明文进行补位填充的字节.
* @param count 需要进行填充补位操作的明文字节个数
* @return 补齐用的字节数组
static byte[] encode(int count) {
// 计算需要填充的位数
int amountToPad = BLOCK_SIZE - (count % BLOCK_SIZE);
if (amountToPad == 0) {
amountToPad = BLOCK_SIZE;
// 获得补位所用的字符
char padChr = chr(amountToPad);
String tmp = new String();
for (int index = 0; index < amountToPad; index++) {
tmp += padChr;
return tmp.getBytes(CHARSET);
* 删除解密后明文的补位字符
* @param decrypted 解密后的明文
* @return 删除补位字符后的明文
static byte[] decode(byte[] decrypted) {
int pad = (int) decrypted[decrypted.length - 1];
if (pad < 1 || pad > 32) {
pad = 0;
return Arrays.copyOfRange(decrypted, 0, decrypted.length - pad);
* 将数字转化成ASCII码对应的字符用于对明文进行补码
* @param a 需要转化的数字
* @return 转化得到的字符
static char chr(int a) {
byte target = (byte) (a & 0xFF);
return (char) target;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* 对公众平台发送给公众账号的消息加解密示例代码.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Tencent Inc.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
package com.qq.weixin.mp.aes;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.util.Arrays;
* SHA1 class
* 计算公众平台的消息签名接口.
class SHA1 {
* 用SHA1算法生成安全签名
* @param token 票据
* @param timestamp 时间戳
* @param nonce 随机字符串
* @param encrypt 密文
* @return 安全签名
* @throws AesException
public static String getSHA1(String token, String timestamp, String nonce, String encrypt) throws AesException
try {
String[] array = new String[] { token, timestamp, nonce, encrypt };
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// 字符串排序
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
String str = sb.toString();
// SHA1签名生成
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
byte[] digest = md.digest();
StringBuffer hexstr = new StringBuffer();
String shaHex = "";
for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++) {
shaHex = Integer.toHexString(digest[i] & 0xFF);
if (shaHex.length() < 2) {
return hexstr.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AesException(AesException.ComputeSignatureError);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
* 对公众平台发送给公众账号的消息加解密示例代码.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Tencent Inc.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 针对org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
* 需要导入架包commons-codec-1.9或commons-codec-1.8等其他版本
* 官方下载地址http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/download_codec.cgi
package com.qq.weixin.mp.aes;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
* 提供接收和推送给公众平台消息的加解密接口(UTF8编码的字符串).
* <ol>
* <li>第三方回复加密消息给公众平台</li>
* <li>第三方收到公众平台发送的消息验证消息的安全性并对消息进行解密</li>
* </ol>
* 说明异常java.security.InvalidKeyException:illegal Key Size的解决方案
* <ol>
* <li>在官方网站下载JCE无限制权限策略文件JDK7的下载地址
* http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce-7-download-432124.html</li>
* <li>下载后解压可以看到local_policy.jar和US_export_policy.jar以及readme.txt</li>
* <li>如果安装了JRE将两个jar文件放到%JRE_HOME%\lib\security目录下覆盖原来的文件</li>
* <li>如果安装了JDK将两个jar文件放到%JDK_HOME%\jre\lib\security目录下覆盖原来文件</li>
* </ol>
public class WXBizMsgCrypt {
static Charset CHARSET = Charset.forName("utf-8");
Base64 base64 = new Base64();
byte[] aesKey;
String token;
String appId;
* 构造函数
* @param token 公众平台上开发者设置的token
* @param encodingAesKey 公众平台上开发者设置的EncodingAESKey
* @param appId 公众平台appid
* @throws AesException 执行失败请查看该异常的错误码和具体的错误信息
public WXBizMsgCrypt(String token, String encodingAesKey, String appId) throws AesException {
if (encodingAesKey.length() != 43) {
throw new AesException(AesException.IllegalAesKey);
this.token = token;
this.appId = appId;
aesKey = Base64.decodeBase64(encodingAesKey + "=");
// 生成4个字节的网络字节序
byte[] getNetworkBytesOrder(int sourceNumber) {
byte[] orderBytes = new byte[4];
orderBytes[3] = (byte) (sourceNumber & 0xFF);
orderBytes[2] = (byte) (sourceNumber >> 8 & 0xFF);
orderBytes[1] = (byte) (sourceNumber >> 16 & 0xFF);
orderBytes[0] = (byte) (sourceNumber >> 24 & 0xFF);
return orderBytes;
// 还原4个字节的网络字节序
int recoverNetworkBytesOrder(byte[] orderBytes) {
int sourceNumber = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
sourceNumber <<= 8;
sourceNumber |= orderBytes[i] & 0xff;
return sourceNumber;
// 随机生成16位字符串
String getRandomStr() {
String base = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
Random random = new Random();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int number = random.nextInt(base.length());
return sb.toString();
* 对明文进行加密.
* @param text 需要加密的明文
* @return 加密后base64编码的字符串
* @throws AesException aes加密失败
String encrypt(String randomStr, String text) throws AesException {
ByteGroup byteCollector = new ByteGroup();
byte[] randomStrBytes = randomStr.getBytes(CHARSET);
byte[] textBytes = text.getBytes(CHARSET);
byte[] networkBytesOrder = getNetworkBytesOrder(textBytes.length);
byte[] appidBytes = appId.getBytes(CHARSET);
// randomStr + networkBytesOrder + text + appid
// ... + pad: 使用自定义的填充方式对明文进行补位填充
byte[] padBytes = PKCS7Encoder.encode(byteCollector.size());
// 获得最终的字节流, 未加密
byte[] unencrypted = byteCollector.toBytes();
try {
// 设置加密模式为AES的CBC模式
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/NoPadding");
SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(aesKey, "AES");
IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(aesKey, 0, 16);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec, iv);
// 加密
byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(unencrypted);
// 使用BASE64对加密后的字符串进行编码
String base64Encrypted = base64.encodeToString(encrypted);
return base64Encrypted;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AesException(AesException.EncryptAESError);
* 对密文进行解密.
* @param text 需要解密的密文
* @return 解密得到的明文
* @throws AesException aes解密失败
String decrypt(String text) throws AesException {
byte[] original;
try {
// 设置解密模式为AES的CBC模式
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/NoPadding");
SecretKeySpec key_spec = new SecretKeySpec(aesKey, "AES");
IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(Arrays.copyOfRange(aesKey, 0, 16));
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key_spec, iv);
// 使用BASE64对密文进行解码
byte[] encrypted = Base64.decodeBase64(text);
// 解密
original = cipher.doFinal(encrypted);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AesException(AesException.DecryptAESError);
String xmlContent, from_appid;
try {
// 去除补位字符
byte[] bytes = PKCS7Encoder.decode(original);
// 分离16位随机字符串,网络字节序和AppId
byte[] networkOrder = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, 16, 20);
int xmlLength = recoverNetworkBytesOrder(networkOrder);
xmlContent = new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, 20, 20 + xmlLength), CHARSET);
from_appid = new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, 20 + xmlLength, bytes.length),
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AesException(AesException.IllegalBuffer);
// appid不相同的情况
if (!from_appid.equals(appId)) {
throw new AesException(AesException.ValidateAppidError);
return xmlContent;
* 将公众平台回复用户的消息加密打包.
* <ol>
* <li>对要发送的消息进行AES-CBC加密</li>
* <li>生成安全签名</li>
* <li>将消息密文和安全签名打包成xml格式</li>
* </ol>
* @param replyMsg 公众平台待回复用户的消息xml格式的字符串
* @param timeStamp 时间戳可以自己生成也可以用URL参数的timestamp
* @param nonce 随机串可以自己生成也可以用URL参数的nonce
* @return 加密后的可以直接回复用户的密文包括msg_signature, timestamp, nonce, encrypt的xml格式的字符串
* @throws AesException 执行失败请查看该异常的错误码和具体的错误信息
public String encryptMsg(String replyMsg, String timeStamp, String nonce) throws AesException {
// 加密
String encrypt = encrypt(getRandomStr(), replyMsg);
// 生成安全签名
if (timeStamp.equals("")) {
timeStamp = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());
String signature = SHA1.getSHA1(token, timeStamp, nonce, encrypt);
// System.out.println("发送给平台的签名是: " + signature[1].toString());
// 生成发送的xml
String result = XMLParse.generate(encrypt, signature, timeStamp, nonce);
return result;
* 检验消息的真实性并且获取解密后的明文.
* <ol>
* <li>利用收到的密文生成安全签名进行签名验证</li>
* <li>若验证通过则提取xml中的加密消息</li>
* <li>对消息进行解密</li>
* </ol>
* @param msgSignature 签名串对应URL参数的msg_signature
* @param timeStamp 时间戳对应URL参数的timestamp
* @param nonce 随机串对应URL参数的nonce
* @param postData 密文对应POST请求的数据
* @return 解密后的原文
* @throws AesException 执行失败请查看该异常的错误码和具体的错误信息
public String decryptMsg(String msgSignature, String timeStamp, String nonce, String postData)
throws AesException {
// 密钥公众账号的app secret
// 提取密文
Object[] encrypt = XMLParse.extract(postData);
// 验证安全签名
String signature = SHA1.getSHA1(token, timeStamp, nonce, encrypt[1].toString());
// 和URL中的签名比较是否相等
// System.out.println("第三方收到URL中的签名" + msg_sign);
// System.out.println("第三方校验签名:" + signature);
if (!signature.equals(msgSignature)) {
throw new AesException(AesException.ValidateSignatureError);
// 解密
String result = decrypt(encrypt[1].toString());
return result;
* 验证URL
* @param msgSignature 签名串对应URL参数的msg_signature
* @param timeStamp 时间戳对应URL参数的timestamp
* @param nonce 随机串对应URL参数的nonce
* @param echoStr 随机串对应URL参数的echostr
* @return 解密之后的echostr
* @throws AesException 执行失败请查看该异常的错误码和具体的错误信息
public String verifyUrl(String msgSignature, String timeStamp, String nonce, String echoStr)
throws AesException {
String signature = SHA1.getSHA1(token, timeStamp, nonce, echoStr);
if (!signature.equals(msgSignature)) {
throw new AesException(AesException.ValidateSignatureError);
String result = decrypt(echoStr);
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* 对公众平台发送给公众账号的消息加解密示例代码.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Tencent Inc.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
package com.qq.weixin.mp.aes;
import java.io.StringReader;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
* XMLParse class
* 提供提取消息格式中的密文及生成回复消息格式的接口.
class XMLParse {
* 提取出xml数据包中的加密消息
* @param xmltext 待提取的xml字符串
* @return 提取出的加密消息字符串
* @throws AesException
public static Object[] extract(String xmltext) throws AesException {
Object[] result = new Object[3];
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
dbf.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl", true);
dbf.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities", false);
dbf.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities", false);
dbf.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/nonvalidating/load-external-dtd", false);
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
StringReader sr = new StringReader(xmltext);
InputSource is = new InputSource(sr);
Document document = db.parse(is);
Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
NodeList nodelist1 = root.getElementsByTagName("Encrypt");
NodeList nodelist2 = root.getElementsByTagName("ToUserName");
result[0] = 0;
result[1] = nodelist1.item(0).getTextContent();
result[2] = nodelist2.item(0).getTextContent();
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AesException(AesException.ParseXmlError);
* 生成xml消息
* @param encrypt 加密后的消息密文
* @param signature 安全签名
* @param timestamp 时间戳
* @param nonce 随机字符串
* @return 生成的xml字符串
public static String generate(String encrypt, String signature, String timestamp, String nonce) {
String format = "<xml>\n" + "<Encrypt><![CDATA[%1$s]]></Encrypt>\n"
+ "<MsgSignature><![CDATA[%2$s]]></MsgSignature>\n"
+ "<TimeStamp>%3$s</TimeStamp>\n" + "<Nonce><![CDATA[%4$s]]></Nonce>\n" + "</xml>";
return String.format(format, encrypt, signature, timestamp, nonce);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package com.zeekling.solo.weixin.conf;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.validation.Valid;
* @author zeekling [lingzhaohui@zeekling.cn]
* @version 1.0
* @apiNote
* @since 2020-03-18
public class WeXinConfigure {
private String appId;
private String secret;
private String token;
private String aesKey;
public String getAppId() {
return appId;
public void setAppId(String appId) {
this.appId = appId;
public String getSecret() {
return secret;
public void setSecret(String secret) {
this.secret = secret;
public String getToken() {
return token;
public void setToken(String token) {
this.token = token;
public String getAesKey() {
return aesKey;
public void setAesKey(String aesKey) {
this.aesKey = aesKey;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package com.zeekling.solo.weixin.controller;
import com.qq.weixin.mp.aes.WXBizMsgCrypt;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import java.io.StringReader;
* @author zeekling [lingzhaohui@zeekling.cn]
* @version 1.0
* @apiNote
* @since 2020-03-18
public class Program {
public static void test(String[] args) throws Exception {
// 第三方回复公众平台
// 需要加密的明文
String encodingAesKey = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFG";
String token = "pamtest";
String timestamp = "1409304348";
String nonce = "xxxxxx";
String appId = "wxb11529c136998cb6";
String replyMsg = " 中文<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[oia2TjjewbmiOUlr6X-1crbLOvLw]]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[gh_7f083739789a]]></FromUserName><CreateTime>1407743423</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[video]]></MsgType><Video><MediaId><![CDATA[eYJ1MbwPRJtOvIEabaxHs7TX2D-HV71s79GUxqdUkjm6Gs2Ed1KF3ulAOA9H1xG0]]></MediaId><Title><![CDATA[testCallBackReplyVideo]]></Title><Description><![CDATA[testCallBackReplyVideo]]></Description></Video></xml>";
WXBizMsgCrypt pc = new WXBizMsgCrypt(token, encodingAesKey, appId);
String mingwen = pc.encryptMsg(replyMsg, timestamp, nonce);
System.out.println("加密后: " + mingwen);
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
dbf.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl", true);
dbf.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities", false);
dbf.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities", false);
dbf.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/nonvalidating/load-external-dtd", false);
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
StringReader sr = new StringReader(mingwen);
InputSource is = new InputSource(sr);
Document document = db.parse(is);
Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
NodeList nodelist1 = root.getElementsByTagName("Encrypt");
NodeList nodelist2 = root.getElementsByTagName("MsgSignature");
String encrypt = nodelist1.item(0).getTextContent();
String msgSignature = nodelist2.item(0).getTextContent();
String format = "<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[toUser]]></ToUserName><Encrypt><![CDATA[%1$s]]></Encrypt></xml>";
String fromXML = String.format(format, encrypt);
// 公众平台发送消息给第三方第三方处理
// 第三方收到公众号平台发送的消息
String result2 = pc.decryptMsg(msgSignature, timestamp, nonce, fromXML);
System.out.println("解密后明文: " + result2);
//pc.verifyUrl(null, null, null, null);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
package com.zeekling.solo.weixin.controller;
import com.qq.weixin.mp.aes.AesException;
import com.qq.weixin.mp.aes.WXBizMsgCrypt;
import com.zeekling.solo.weixin.conf.WeXinConfigure;
import com.zeekling.solo.weixin.entity.Validate;
import me.chanjar.weixin.mp.api.WxMpService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.Arrays;
* @author zeekling [lingzhaohui@zeekling.cn]
@ -8,9 +21,26 @@ import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
* @apiNote
* @since 2020-03-17
public class WeXinController {
private WeXinConfigure wechatConfig;
@RequestMapping(value = "/validate")
public String validate(Validate validate) throws AesException {
String token = wechatConfig.getToken();
WXBizMsgCrypt pc = new WXBizMsgCrypt(token, wechatConfig.getAesKey(), wechatConfig.getAppId());
String signature = pc.encryptMsg(validate.getEchostr(), validate.getTimestamp(), validate.getNonce());
if(!"".equals(signature) && !"".equals(validate.getSignature()) && signature.equals(validate.getSignature())){
return validate.getEchostr();
}else {
return "";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package com.zeekling.solo.weixin.entity;
* @author zeekling [lingzhaohui@zeekling.cn]
* @version 1.0
* @apiNote
* @since 2020-03-17
public class Validate {
private String signature;
private String timestamp;
private String nonce;
private String echostr;
public String getSignature() {
return signature;
public void setSignature(String signature) {
this.signature = signature;
public String getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
public void setTimestamp(String timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public String getNonce() {
return nonce;
public void setNonce(String nonce) {
this.nonce = nonce;
public String getEchostr() {
return echostr;
public void setEchostr(String echostr) {
this.echostr = echostr;

View File

@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
# 公众号配置(必填)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
package com.qq.weixin.mp.aes;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class WXBizMsgCryptTest {
String encodingAesKey = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFG";
String token = "pamtest";
String timestamp = "1409304348";
String nonce = "xxxxxx";
String appId = "wxb11529c136998cb6";
String replyMsg = "我是中文abcd123";
String xmlFormat = "<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[toUser]]></ToUserName><Encrypt><![CDATA[%1$s]]></Encrypt></xml>";
String afterAesEncrypt = "jn1L23DB+6ELqJ+6bruv21Y6MD7KeIfP82D6gU39rmkgczbWwt5+3bnyg5K55bgVtVzd832WzZGMhkP72vVOfg==";
String randomStr = "aaaabbbbccccdddd";
String replyMsg2 = "<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[oia2Tj我是中文jewbmiOUlr6X-1crbLOvLw]]></ToUserName><FromUserName><![CDATA[gh_7f083739789a]]></FromUserName><CreateTime>1407743423</CreateTime><MsgType><![CDATA[video]]></MsgType><Video><MediaId><![CDATA[eYJ1MbwPRJtOvIEabaxHs7TX2D-HV71s79GUxqdUkjm6Gs2Ed1KF3ulAOA9H1xG0]]></MediaId><Title><![CDATA[testCallBackReplyVideo]]></Title><Description><![CDATA[testCallBackReplyVideo]]></Description></Video></xml>";
String afterAesEncrypt2 = "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";
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testNormal() throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
try {
WXBizMsgCrypt pc = new WXBizMsgCrypt(token, encodingAesKey, appId);
String afterEncrpt = pc.encryptMsg(replyMsg, timestamp, nonce);
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
StringReader sr = new StringReader(afterEncrpt);
InputSource is = new InputSource(sr);
Document document = db.parse(is);
Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
NodeList nodelist1 = root.getElementsByTagName("Encrypt");
NodeList nodelist2 = root.getElementsByTagName("MsgSignature");
String encrypt = nodelist1.item(0).getTextContent();
String msgSignature = nodelist2.item(0).getTextContent();
String fromXML = String.format(xmlFormat, encrypt);
// 第三方收到公众号平台发送的消息
String afterDecrpt = pc.decryptMsg(msgSignature, timestamp, nonce, fromXML);
assertEquals(replyMsg, afterDecrpt);
} catch (AesException e) {
public void testAesEncrypt() {
try {
WXBizMsgCrypt pc = new WXBizMsgCrypt(token, encodingAesKey, appId);
assertEquals(afterAesEncrypt, pc.encrypt(randomStr, replyMsg));
} catch (AesException e) {
public void testAesEncrypt2() {
try {
WXBizMsgCrypt pc = new WXBizMsgCrypt(token, encodingAesKey, appId);
assertEquals(afterAesEncrypt2, pc.encrypt(randomStr, replyMsg2));
} catch (AesException e) {
public void testIllegalAesKey() {
try {
new WXBizMsgCrypt(token, "abcde", appId);
} catch (AesException e) {
assertEquals(AesException.IllegalAesKey, e.getCode());
public void testValidateSignatureError() throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException,
IOException {
try {
WXBizMsgCrypt pc = new WXBizMsgCrypt(token, encodingAesKey, appId);
String afterEncrpt = pc.encryptMsg(replyMsg, timestamp, nonce);
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
StringReader sr = new StringReader(afterEncrpt);
InputSource is = new InputSource(sr);
Document document = db.parse(is);
Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
NodeList nodelist1 = root.getElementsByTagName("Encrypt");
String encrypt = nodelist1.item(0).getTextContent();
String fromXML = String.format(xmlFormat, encrypt);
pc.decryptMsg("12345", timestamp, nonce, fromXML); // 这里签名错误
} catch (AesException e) {
assertEquals(AesException.ValidateSignatureError, e.getCode());
public void testVerifyUrl() throws AesException {
WXBizMsgCrypt wxcpt = new WXBizMsgCrypt("QDG6eK",
"jWmYm7qr5nMoAUwZRjGtBxmz3KA1tkAj3ykkR6q2B2C", "wx5823bf96d3bd56c7");
String verifyMsgSig = "5c45ff5e21c57e6ad56bac8758b79b1d9ac89fd3";
String timeStamp = "1409659589";
String nonce = "263014780";
String echoStr = "P9nAzCzyDtyTWESHep1vC5X9xho/qYX3Zpb4yKa9SKld1DsH3Iyt3tP3zNdtp+4RPcs8TgAE7OaBO+FZXvnaqQ==";
wxcpt.verifyUrl(verifyMsgSig, timeStamp, nonce, echoStr);
// 只要不抛出异常就好