Apache httpclient 4.5.x is the new default implementation of http connections;
this supports a large configurable pool of connections along with
the ability to limit their lifespan.
The networking library can be chosen using the configuration
option fs.azure.networking.library
The supported values are
- APACHE_HTTP_CLIENT : Use Apache HttpClient [Default]
- JDK_HTTP_URL_CONNECTION : Use JDK networking library
Important: unless the networking library is switched back to
the JDK, the apache httpcore and httpclient must be on the classpath
Contributed by Pranav Saxena
Adds new ClientManager interface/implementation which provides on-demand
creation of synchronous and asynchronous s3 clients, s3 transfer manager,
and in close() terminates these.
S3A FS is modified to
* Create a ClientManagerImpl instance and pass down to its S3Store.
* Use the same ClientManager interface against S3Store to demand-create
the services.
* Only create the async client as part of the transfer manager creation,
which will take place during the first rename() operation.
* Statistics on client creation count and duration are recorded.
+ Statistics on the time to initialize and shutdown the S3A FS are collected
in IOStatistics for reporting.
Adds to hadoop common class
LazyAtomicReference<T> implements CallableRaisingIOE<T>, Supplier<T>
and subclass
LazyAutoCloseableReference<T extends AutoCloseable>
extends LazyAtomicReference<T> implements AutoCloseable
These evaluate the Supplier<T>/CallableRaisingIOE<T> they were
constructed with on the first (successful) read of the the value.
Any exception raised during this operation will be rethrown, and on future
evaluations the same operation retried.
These classes implement the Supplier and CallableRaisingIOE
interfaces so can actually be used for to implement lazy function evaluation
as Haskell and some other functional languages do.
LazyAutoCloseableReference is AutoCloseable; its close() method will
close the inner reference if it is set
This class is used in ClientManagerImpl for the lazy S3 Cliehnt creation
and closure.
Contributed by Steve Loughran.
Speed up slow tests
* TestS3AAWSCredentialsProvider: decrease thread pool shutdown time
* TestS3AInputStreamRetry: reduce retry limit and intervals
Contributed by Steve Loughran
The new test TestAWSV2SDK scans the aws sdk bundle.jar and prints out all classes
which are unshaded, so at risk of creating classpath problems
It does not fail the test if this holds, because the current SDKs
do ship with unshaded classes; the test would always fail.
The SDK upgrade process should include inspecting the output
of this test to see if it has got worse (do a before/after check).
Once the AWS SDK does shade everything, we can have this
test fail on any regression
Contributed by Harshit Gupta
* WrappedIO methods raise UncheckedIOExceptions
*New class org.apache.hadoop.util.functional.FunctionalIO
with wrap/unwrap and the ability to generate a
java.util.function.Supplier around a CallableRaisingIOE.
Contributed by Steve Loughran
- restore old outcome: no-op
- test this
- update spec
This is a critical fix for vector IO and MUST be cherrypicked to all branches with
that feature
Contributed by Steve Loughran
It is now possible to provide a job ID in the maven "job.id" property
hadoop-aws test runs to isolate paths under a the test bucket
under which all tests will be executed.
This will allow independent builds *in different source trees*
to test against the same bucket in parallel, and is designed for
CI testing.
mvn verify -Dparallel-tests -Droot.tests.enabled=false -Djob.id=1
mvn verify -Droot.tests.enabled=false -Djob.id=2
- Root tests must be be disabled to stop them cleaning up
the test paths of other test runs.
- Do still regularly run the root tests just to force cleanup
of the output of any interrupted test suites.
Contributed by Steve Loughran
Add support for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) workload identities which integrate with the Kubernetes's native capabilities to federate with any external identity provider.
Contributed By: Anuj Modi
Customer-provided-keys (CPK) configs are not allowed with non-hierarchal-namespace (non-HNS) accounts for ABFS. This patch aims to prevent ABFS initialization for non-HNS accounts if CPK configs are provided.
Contributed by: Pranav Saxena
* parameterize the test run rather than do it from within the test suite.
* log what the committer factory is up to (and improve its logging)
* close all filesystems, then create the test filesystem with cache enabled.
The cache is critical, we want the fs from cache to be used when querying
filesystem properties, rather than one created from the committer jobconf,
which will have the same options as the task committer, so not actually
validate the override logic.
Contributed by Steve Loughran
* CVE-2024-29857 - Importing an EC certificate with specially crafted F2m parameters can cause high CPU usage during parameter evaluation.
* CVE-2024-30171 - Possible timing based leakage in RSA based handshakes due to exception processing eliminated.
* CVE-2024-30172 - Crafted signature and public key can be used to trigger an infinite loop in the Ed25519 verification code.
* CVE-2024-301XX - When endpoint identification is enabled and an SSL socket is not created with an explicit hostname (as happens with HttpsURLConnection), hostname verification could be performed against a DNS-resolved IP address.
Contributed by PJ Fanning