2015-01-22 16:00:38 -05:00

1.4 KiB

0.12.0 - January 22, 2015

  • Add optional KeepAlive support

  • Try again on EINTR errors

  • Add libuv adapter

  • Add IPv6 support

  • Remove possiblity of multiple close on same fd

  • Add ability to bind source address on connect

  • Add redisConnectFd() and redisFreeKeepFd()

  • Fix getaddrinfo() memory leak

  • Free string if it is unused (fixes memory leak)

  • Improve redisAppendCommandArgv performance 2.5x

  • Add support for SO_REUSEADDR

  • Fix redisvFormatCommand format parsing

  • Add GLib 2.0 adapter

  • Refactor reading code into read.c

  • Fix errno error buffers to not clobber errors

  • Generate pkgconf during build

  • Silence _BSD_SOURCE warnings

  • Improve digit counting for multibulk creation


  • Increase the maximum multi-bulk reply depth to 7.

  • Increase the read buffer size from 2k to 16k.

  • Use poll(2) instead of select(2) to support large fds (>= 1024).


  • Makefile overhaul. Important to check out if you override one or more variables using environment variables or via arguments to the "make" tool.

  • Issue #45: Fix potential memory leak for a multi bulk reply with 0 elements being created by the default reply object functions.

  • Issue #43: Don't crash in an asynchronous context when Redis returns an error reply after the connection has been made (this happens when the maximum number of connections is reached).


  • See commit log.